It 'been a bit' since I started a debate. My reasoning here has reached deals with black. I really hope that all those who have always seen this and make people, if not all, some have a dream, like Martin Luther King, Jr. by any means necessary, without voilence. I hope I could gather all of you and give freedom of speech. Hoursand I will talk all day and night until the rooster is cocka'doodle'doed and the cows come home. TOSTART our game right here is a black voice. AQuestionFor AnAnswergame. Go first.How keep Black Woman happyand satisfied without having sex? I live in Los Angeles so if you feel the butterflies 323 423 9159 I am not a dog or a player or a pimp, but I MAC. I do not do more than one. But I'm friends with you all.It feels good to be good? Attention, Black Power! I am sure I speak for myself some good Octopus! I am single but in love with a beautiful Sista. His name is Mychelle. I want that badly, and I hope to score him. But nothing is promised, even faith. And 'God who directs steps. Amen.I to welcome him, but maybe God is not. This is the faith and hope that is yours, but you need to know that if Mychelle not work, do not eat. So if you want, you have to work. Don'teat closed mouth. And listen, Wolverine is Jus tryna yappin smack somtin. I love you. If you want to do, then who? Women Speak up and up? And I'm out!