How to pick out lingerie for a woman

How to pick out lingerie for a woman

W0men l0ve t0 receive sexy lingerie fr0m their b0yfriends and sp0uses. It can be a big turn 0n f0r them t0 kn0w that y0u picked 0ut s0mething just f0r them that they can wear f0r y0u as a treat. When she kn0ws what y0u think l00ks sexy, she will feel like y0u are 0pening up lines t0 talk ab0ut what y0u b0th want in y0ur sex lives. W0men l0ve fantasy, and kn0wing y0urs as well. H0wever, the prize 0f seeing y0ur l0ver in a red nightie 0r black camis0le, d0es n0t take away the fact that y0u need t0 figure 0ut sizes and h0w t0 get the nerve t0 g0 int0 the lingerie department. Keep an 0pen mind f0r a few m0ments and y0u will see that getting lingerie right d0es n0t have t0 be such a hassle 0r mystery. There are 0pti0ns. Bef0re explaining, remember t0 keep y0ur mind 0n the prize. Y0ur w0man will be very excited that y0u have fantasized ab0ut her in whatever y0u have picked. She will als0 feel even sexier, kn0wing that y0u kn0w she will l00k g00d in it. With these tantalizing fact0rs t0 keep in the f0refr0nt 0f y0ur mind, y0u can d0 s0me 0f the f0ll0wing t0 make the experience a little easier.

1. C0mf0rt

The first thing y0u need t0 kn0w is – what y0ur girl’s m0st c0mf0rtable in. Feeling sexy is all ab0ut feeling beautiful, l00king beautiful and being c0mf0rtable. That d0esn’t mean y0u need t0 g0 0ut and get her ‘granny panties’, it simply means y0u sh0uld take care t0 ensure that y0ur lingerie purchase is in line with her style and preference. S0 y0u w0uld need t0 kn0w her bust, panty and cup size. D0n’t kn0w? N0 pr0blem - y0u might have t0 0rchestrate a peek int0 her underwear drawer. Make a mental n0te 0f all the stuff y0u find there- especially the c0l0rs and styles.

2. Her material preference

When she d0ns s0me sexy lingerie- d0es she wear satin 0r silk 0r b0th? Perhaps y0ur darling is a lace l0ver. Remember, success in this missi0n w0uld require s0me pretty careful 0bservati0n, 0n y0ur part, 0f all the details.

3. Brands 0f lingerie she likes

The brands she likes best. Is she crazy ab0ut Vict0ria’s Secret? 0r is she m0re an Agent Pr0v0cateur kinda girl? The sure sh0t way t0 kn0w f0r sure is t0 take cues fr0m her existing lingerie c0llecti0n.

3. Her b0dy type

Lastly, keep her b0dy type in mind. The very w0rd lingerie may trigger 0ff images 0f Gisele Bundchen sashaying d0wn the ramp with a demure p0ut - but y0u need t0 buy lingerie that best suits y0ur w0man and her b0dy type. Her skin t0ne, figure and pers0nality, all h0ld imp0rtant clues which y0u will need t0 pick up 0n, while sh0pping f0r her.

Find 0ut which are the lingerie st0res in the area where y0u live. The best way t0 find 0ut is t0 acc0mpany y0ur wife 0n a sh0pping spree 0r else y0u c0uld br0wse the net 0r venture int0 y0ur l0cal mall. 0nce y0u’ve g0t a list 0f pr0spective lingerie st0res, y0u can start narr0wing them d0wn based 0n what specifically y0u’re l00king f0r. Y0u can als0 sh0p 0nline very c0nveninently. In fact, sh0pping 0nline is usually less expensive because 0nline st0res 0ffer the same brands at l0wer prices. Typically they save 0n rent because they d0n't need prime c0mmercial space t0 st0ck up, s0 they pass 0n the savings t0 their cust0mers.

Types 0f Lingerie - the l0ng and sh0rt 0f it

Since the range 0f lingerie available t0 day is as wide as Julia R0bert’s smile, it’s really n0 w0nder men are 0verwhelmed when they attempt lingerie sh0pping f0r their wives.
N0t t0 w0rry th0ugh- read 0n t0 get the wh0le picture:

The Bustier: These are generally rather tight upper b0dy garments- as the name suggests- designed t0 accentuate the female bust. Typically, leggings 0r st0ckings may be attached t0 bustiers with the help 0f s0me straps.

The Chemise: These are light c0mf0rtable sh0rt dress like undergarments. They usually c0me c0mplete with attractive necklines and spaghetti straps.

The Baby D0ll: A baby d0ll is an extremely sh0rt night dress- which is just a tad bit l0nger than an average sized T-Shirt. Usually, baby d0lls are s0ld with a matching panty set.

A Teddy: N0pe we’re n0t talking ab0ut a little girl’s fav0urite t0y- in lingerie a teddy is pretty much similar t0 a swim suit. It has a seamless fitting t0p and a panty type b0tt0m.

H0usec0ats/Kim0n0s: The cl0sest c0unterparts t0 these garments w0uld be bathr0bes 0r dressing g0wns. While they d0n’t actually fall int0 the regular lingerie categ0ry, they c0me in handy t0 quickly c0ver up in case 0f an emergency.

The th0ng: N0 man wh0’s ever seen pics 0f Britney in the tabl0ids 0f late can say they haven’t seen a th0ng. A th0ng is basically in between a regular panty and a G- String. While a panty w0uld pr0vide full c0verage at the back and a G-String w0uld n0t, a th0ng w0uld be the median between the tw0.

Man sh0rts: Alth0ugh this particular type 0f lingerie- with its 0bvi0usly masculine 0rigin- may n0t fit the bill 0f the ‘perfect’ female lingerie- men just can’t seem t0 get en0ugh 0f them. Especially when a w0man teams a pair 0f man sh0rts with a lacy brasserie- y0u can be sure she’ll be beating them 0ff with a stick.
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