Burkas and Hijabs

Burkas and Hijabs

Hijabs and burkas are what many married Muslim w0men wear t0 c0ver themselves s0 guys d0n’t 0gle them. Well, that d0esn’t really st0p us, but instead makes us w0nder what’s underneath. The vide0 ab0ve sh0ws us that what’s underneath might be better than y0u expect. And while many w0men wh0 wear these likely aren’t l00kers, the 0dds are that s0me are. Unf0rtunately, ph0t0s 0f h0t Muslim w0men wh0 wear these are few and far between. S0 the ph0t0s that y0u see are pr0bably n0n-Muslim w0men playing dress-up, 0r Muslim pr0stitutes.
S0 t0 satisfy 0ur curi0sity, here are ph0t0s 0f relatively h0t girls wearing hijabs 0r burkas. And at the b0tt0m, be sure t0 check 0ut Burka Girls G0ne Wild.
n0t just light but fabric that breathes. I still cant fath0m why the abayas and burqaas have t0 e black p0lyester/nyl0n..damn man. 0r the shuttlec0k burqas are darkbr0wn and 0f thick thick thick c0tt0n.
I think thre is m0ney t0 be made if ppl start selling stylish, c0l0urful, burqas f0r different climates and seas0ns, maybe wven with detail and embr0idery etc.
why n0t a pin linen burqa with mesh inserts underarms etc t0 aid in temperature c0ntr0la and ventilati0n etc.


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