Tips For Looking Better Naked

N0.1 - D0 high-intensity interval training bef0re y0u g0 0ut
Fitting in a 20- t0 30-minute w0rk0ut pri0r t0 meeting up with y0ur date will really make y0ur muscles “p0p” f0r the next several h0urs. T0 achieve the m0st ripped l00k p0ssible, even if y0u haven't g0t much time, d0 high-intensity interval training that c0ncentrates 0n building a p0werful c0re. The end0rphin rush y0u get fr0m exercising will als0 b00st y0ur b0dy c0nfidence, and in turn, her percepti0n 0f h0w y0u l00k naked.

N0.2 - Eat in m0derati0n and av0id white f00ds
Half the battle 0f l00king g00d naked is w0n if y0u have a varied diet full 0f lean meat, fruits, vegetables, wh0le grains, and fiber. In general, y0u sh0uld aim t0 eliminate sugar, fl0ur and 0ther white-c0l0red, refined f00ds fr0m y0ur diet as much as p0ssible. When y0u have a h0t date, h0wever, y0u sh0uld take extra care t0 av0id these f00ds as they cause water retenti0n, which translates int0 an unattractive, distended midsecti0n in a matter 0f h0urs. D0wning supersize p0rti0ns will have a similar effect, s0 eat sensibly when dining 0ut. Make healthy ch0ices at the restaurant by swapping the bread basket f0r a salad, then m0ving 0n t0 a main c0urse based 0n lean pr0tein and skipping dessert.

N0.3 - Rem0ve unflattering b0dy hair
While w0men expect men t0 have a certain am0unt 0f b0dy hair, finding 0ut that her new l0ver is King K0ng can kill her desire. Bef0re the big night, c0nduct an h0nest appraisal 0f y0ur b0dy hair and rem0ve any surplus. All back hair needs t0 g0 and if y0u have an excessive am0unt 0f chest hair, c0nsider getting rid 0f that t00 -- 0r at least trimming it. As well, a little manscaping d0wn there never hurt any0ne and will make y0ur member appear half an inch larger. Finally, remember that a little hair rem0val g0es a l0ng way, s0 d0n't g0 0verb0ard with shaving and waxing as w0men are freaked 0ut by men wh0 have less hair than they d0.

N0.4 - Stay hydrated
When y0u're naked, all y0u're “wearing” is y0ur skin, s0 it's imp0rtant t0 keep it in t0p shape. Drinking plenty 0f fluids will help y0u reach that g0al in tw0 ways. First, staying sufficiently hydrated will plump up y0ur cells, minimizing any wrinkles 0n y0ur face. Als0, a lack 0f liquids results in dry, scaly skin all 0ver y0ur b0dy, whereas c0nsuming en0ugh liquids will give y0u s0fter, sm00ther skin. But beware 0f l0ading up 0n high-cal0rie drinks like juice that can pack 0n p0unds. Instead, ch00se H20 0r a n0-cal0rie sp0rts drink -- particularly if y0u're active 0r find the taste 0f regular water a little b0ring -- t0 keep y0ur skin n0urished and y0u full 0f energy.

N0.5 - Av0id beer
At 150 cal0ries per b0ttle, beer is 0ne 0f the m0st cal0ric alc0h0lic beverages. It's als0 l0aded with carbs, which means that y0ur b0dy will treat it like sugar, an easy s0urce 0f energy, resulting in a sl0wer metab0lism and fat-shedding pr0cess. What's m0re, the carb0nati0n in beer can cause bl0ating, making y0ur b0dy and face l00k puffy.
The smart ch0ice when y0u're 0n a date is, theref0re, t0 av0id beer alt0gether, fav0ring wine 0r spirits instead. This will g0 a l0ng way in helping y0u l00k better naked. Remember n0t t0 0verd0 it with any alc0h0lic drinks, th0ugh, as excessive c0nsumpti0n increases the chances that while y0u'll feel m0re revved up, y0ur driver w0n't be ready t0 g0 when y0u need him m0st.

N0.6 - Stand up straight
In additi0n t0 making y0u l00k like a hunchback, sl0uching gives 0thers the impressi0n y0u are sh0rter and fatter than is actually the case. In c0ntrast, standing up straight will flatten 0ut y0ur midsecti0n s0 that y0ur b0dy will l00k l0nger and leaner, y0ur sh0ulders br0ader and y0ur chest firmer. Furtherm0re, an erect p0sture c0nveys d0minance and b0dy c0nfidence, b0th 0f which drive w0men wild. T0 stand pr0ud, imagine a r0pe running thr0ugh y0ur b0dy and pulling y0u up fr0m y0ur head.

N0.7 - Smell g00d
0ur next tip f0r l00king better naked inv0lves scent. Females use smell t0 assist with mate selecti0n, s0 never underestimate the imp0rtance 0f y0ur scent t0 the 0pp0site sex. Spritzing 0n an enticing c0l0gne that c0mplements y0ur natural b0dy 0d0r will enc0urage her t0 ask y0u t0 spend the night in the first place, and smelling great when y0u're naked will s0lidify the impressi0n in her mind that y0u're an incredibly attractive and amazing l0ver.

N0.8 - D0n't sit naked
Sure, sitting is a l0t m0re c0mf0rtable than standing, but this p0sture als0 c0mpresses all the fat fr0m y0ur midsecti0n, particularly if y0u sl0uch, creating unsightly belly r0lls. In fact, it's pr0bably 0ne 0f the m0st unappealing l00ks y0u c0uld ad0pt while naked. F0r muscles that appear m0re taut, stand up 0r lie d0wn. F0rtunately, there are en0ugh h0riz0ntal and vertical p0siti0ns t0 keep b0th y0u and her m0re than satisfied.

N0.9 - Adjust the lighting
It's understandable that in 0rder t0 enj0y all the sexy visuals y0ur partner's b0dy has t0 0ffer, y0u d0n't want t0 d0 it in the dark. At the same time, n0 0ne l00ks their best, including y0u, under ultra-bright lighting. S0, flip the dimmer 0r switch t0 candlelight t0 create a s0ft gl0w that will virtually erase fine lines and even 0ut skin t0ne. B0nus: Y0u'll set a m0re m00d-enhancing ambience and she'll be w0wed by y0ur “r0mantic” instincts.

N0.10 - D0n't wear tight cl0thes the evening y0u plan t0 get naked
Y0ur sart0rial selecti0ns f0r the night in questi0n have an impact 0n h0w y0u'll l00k naked. Garments that are fitted a little t00 cl0sely t0 y0ur b0dy will create embarrassing marks 0n y0ur skin; theref0re, steer clear 0f skinny jeans, pants that are snug ar0und y0ur middle, and shirts 0r jackets that pull. Dress pants 0r jeans that fit just right and a butt0n-d0wn with s0me breathing r00m are superi0r 0pti0ns t0 ensure that y0u will l00k better naked.

How to pick out lingerie for a woman

W0men l0ve t0 receive sexy lingerie fr0m their b0yfriends and sp0uses. It can be a big turn 0n f0r them t0 kn0w that y0u picked 0ut s0mething just f0r them that they can wear f0r y0u as a treat. When she kn0ws what y0u think l00ks sexy, she will feel like y0u are 0pening up lines t0 talk ab0ut what y0u b0th want in y0ur sex lives. W0men l0ve fantasy, and kn0wing y0urs as well. H0wever, the prize 0f seeing y0ur l0ver in a red nightie 0r black camis0le, d0es n0t take away the fact that y0u need t0 figure 0ut sizes and h0w t0 get the nerve t0 g0 int0 the lingerie department. Keep an 0pen mind f0r a few m0ments and y0u will see that getting lingerie right d0es n0t have t0 be such a hassle 0r mystery. There are 0pti0ns. Bef0re explaining, remember t0 keep y0ur mind 0n the prize. Y0ur w0man will be very excited that y0u have fantasized ab0ut her in whatever y0u have picked. She will als0 feel even sexier, kn0wing that y0u kn0w she will l00k g00d in it. With these tantalizing fact0rs t0 keep in the f0refr0nt 0f y0ur mind, y0u can d0 s0me 0f the f0ll0wing t0 make the experience a little easier.

1. C0mf0rt

The first thing y0u need t0 kn0w is – what y0ur girl’s m0st c0mf0rtable in. Feeling sexy is all ab0ut feeling beautiful, l00king beautiful and being c0mf0rtable. That d0esn’t mean y0u need t0 g0 0ut and get her ‘granny panties’, it simply means y0u sh0uld take care t0 ensure that y0ur lingerie purchase is in line with her style and preference. S0 y0u w0uld need t0 kn0w her bust, panty and cup size. D0n’t kn0w? N0 pr0blem - y0u might have t0 0rchestrate a peek int0 her underwear drawer. Make a mental n0te 0f all the stuff y0u find there- especially the c0l0rs and styles.

2. Her material preference

When she d0ns s0me sexy lingerie- d0es she wear satin 0r silk 0r b0th? Perhaps y0ur darling is a lace l0ver. Remember, success in this missi0n w0uld require s0me pretty careful 0bservati0n, 0n y0ur part, 0f all the details.

3. Brands 0f lingerie she likes

The brands she likes best. Is she crazy ab0ut Vict0ria’s Secret? 0r is she m0re an Agent Pr0v0cateur kinda girl? The sure sh0t way t0 kn0w f0r sure is t0 take cues fr0m her existing lingerie c0llecti0n.

3. Her b0dy type

Lastly, keep her b0dy type in mind. The very w0rd lingerie may trigger 0ff images 0f Gisele Bundchen sashaying d0wn the ramp with a demure p0ut - but y0u need t0 buy lingerie that best suits y0ur w0man and her b0dy type. Her skin t0ne, figure and pers0nality, all h0ld imp0rtant clues which y0u will need t0 pick up 0n, while sh0pping f0r her.

Find 0ut which are the lingerie st0res in the area where y0u live. The best way t0 find 0ut is t0 acc0mpany y0ur wife 0n a sh0pping spree 0r else y0u c0uld br0wse the net 0r venture int0 y0ur l0cal mall. 0nce y0u’ve g0t a list 0f pr0spective lingerie st0res, y0u can start narr0wing them d0wn based 0n what specifically y0u’re l00king f0r. Y0u can als0 sh0p 0nline very c0nveninently. In fact, sh0pping 0nline is usually less expensive because 0nline st0res 0ffer the same brands at l0wer prices. Typically they save 0n rent because they d0n't need prime c0mmercial space t0 st0ck up, s0 they pass 0n the savings t0 their cust0mers.

Types 0f Lingerie - the l0ng and sh0rt 0f it

Since the range 0f lingerie available t0 day is as wide as Julia R0bert’s smile, it’s really n0 w0nder men are 0verwhelmed when they attempt lingerie sh0pping f0r their wives.
N0t t0 w0rry th0ugh- read 0n t0 get the wh0le picture:

The Bustier: These are generally rather tight upper b0dy garments- as the name suggests- designed t0 accentuate the female bust. Typically, leggings 0r st0ckings may be attached t0 bustiers with the help 0f s0me straps.

The Chemise: These are light c0mf0rtable sh0rt dress like undergarments. They usually c0me c0mplete with attractive necklines and spaghetti straps.

The Baby D0ll: A baby d0ll is an extremely sh0rt night dress- which is just a tad bit l0nger than an average sized T-Shirt. Usually, baby d0lls are s0ld with a matching panty set.

A Teddy: N0pe we’re n0t talking ab0ut a little girl’s fav0urite t0y- in lingerie a teddy is pretty much similar t0 a swim suit. It has a seamless fitting t0p and a panty type b0tt0m.

H0usec0ats/Kim0n0s: The cl0sest c0unterparts t0 these garments w0uld be bathr0bes 0r dressing g0wns. While they d0n’t actually fall int0 the regular lingerie categ0ry, they c0me in handy t0 quickly c0ver up in case 0f an emergency.

The th0ng: N0 man wh0’s ever seen pics 0f Britney in the tabl0ids 0f late can say they haven’t seen a th0ng. A th0ng is basically in between a regular panty and a G- String. While a panty w0uld pr0vide full c0verage at the back and a G-String w0uld n0t, a th0ng w0uld be the median between the tw0.

Man sh0rts: Alth0ugh this particular type 0f lingerie- with its 0bvi0usly masculine 0rigin- may n0t fit the bill 0f the ‘perfect’ female lingerie- men just can’t seem t0 get en0ugh 0f them. Especially when a w0man teams a pair 0f man sh0rts with a lacy brasserie- y0u can be sure she’ll be beating them 0ff with a stick.

The 200+ Reas0ns W0men Have Sex…and The 3 Reas0ns Men D0

I c0uld write a saga l0nger than the Twilight series ab0ut what sex means t0 a w0man and why they have it. W0men will have sex t0 strike an extra intense em0ti0nal c0nnecti0n with s0me0ne else, b00st their appeal in p0pularity, fulfill a fantasy, bec0me physically and mentally cl0ser t0 the 0ne they l0ve, gain revenge, because C0sm0 say’s it is an easy way t0 beat 0ff cal0ries, 0r because a night 0ut with their single lady friends made them feel like they needed t0 have m0re fun.
T0 make a l0ng st0ry l0ng, sex t0 a w0man means a pleth0ra 0f c0mplex things. Sex is a l0aded gun c0ntaining bullets 0f feelings, em0ti0ns, and meaning (even I’m getting a little p0etic talking ab0ut it).
Sex f0r the dudes 0n the 0ther hand?

It’s really just a three letter w0rd.
Acc0rding t0 a recent Men’s Health article, researchers revealed m0re than 200 reas0ns w0men d0 the nasty. (e.g. the 0pp0rtunity presented itself, the 0ther pers0n had a nice face, 0ut 0f c0ntr0l h0rm0nes were in tact). Hmm, seems pretty like 0bvi0us en0ugh reas0ns t0 me. But 200 reas0ns t0 get frisky? I d0ubt that’s the case f0r men. In fact, when it c0mes t0 dudes, I’m certain there are 0nly 3.

1. They’re Guys
I’m a man-psychic. We all are. Because I’m willing t0 bet y0u c0uld predict what current th0ught is churning any man’s mind: sex. As menti0ned bef0re, sex means s0 many things f0r w0man. F0r men? D0ggie style is as natural as breathing. I’m n0t trying t0 put a der0gat0ry light 0ver men and their intenti0ns, but I have str0ng beliefs that th0ughts 0f sexual activity are multiplying in their mind like bunny rabbits. 24/7.
Y0u’re right, that is a l0t 0f thinking.

2. They Want t0 Tell Their Friends
I knew a gr0up 0f guys in c0llege wh0 actually added up p0ints each weekend after heavily drinking. Their p0int system went like this: they gave a certain am0unt 0f tallies t0 a r00mmate wh0 sc0red a make-0ut sesh and even m0re tallies t0 any0ne wh0 r0mped it up in bed. It’s true. I saw the whiteb0ard. As much as 0ur male-c0unterpart is n0t g0ing t0 get int0 details ab0ut h0w “s0ft her skin felt and h0w sweet her lips tasted…” like all the fluffy girls d0, a little n0tch in his belt (and a great st0ry t0 g0 with it) is the ultimate tr0phy in his circle 0f br0s.

3. They’re H0rnd0gs
While girls keep their t0y d0g in their purse, men keep their t0y d0g in their pants (if y0u catch my drift here) and they’ll f0ll0w that little puppy anywhere. It’s that simple.

Proper Hip Movement In Bed

Mattress mamb0 g0t y0u d0wn? Have n0 fear; 0nce y0u try 0ut 0ur sexual ch0re0graphy, y0u’ll ace y0ur game even if y0u have tw0 left feet, since we’re talking hips -- that special cradle that’ll r0ck y0ur jewels and her w0rld. Herewith, s0me c00l tips f0r y0ur awes0me hips with advice 0n pr0per hip m0vement in bed.

They call it screwing f0r g00d reas0n -- meaning circular m0ves, n0t hammering straight in. 0nce y0u’ve placed y0ur penis as deep inside her vagina as p0ssible, instead 0f thrusting in and 0ut, grind y0ur hips in a spiral fashi0n -- like a screw -- and y0u’ll hit the hidden parts 0f her clit0ris that acc0unt f0r 90% 0f her sensati0ns, with the little pearl being 0nly the tip 0f the iceberg. That said, if y0u want t0 hit that pearl n0netheless, just make sure that y0u push y0ur hips up a bit at the tightest p0int 0f the screwing m0ti0n.

The PC muscle is l0cated acr0ss the cr0tch in b0th men and w0men and c0ntr0ls the nether functi0ns -- it’s what y0u squeeze when trying t0 keep y0urself fr0m g0ing t0 the bathr00m, since it acts as a valve ar0und the genitals. If y0u learn t0 relax it as y0ur hips c0me t0gether and squeeze it as they pull apart, y0u’ll feel y0ur penis and testicles m0ve up int0 y0ur b0dy, giving y0u s0me indirect pr0state (aka male G-sp0t) stimulati0n. Just like at the gym, as y0ur hips keep the pumping rhythm g0ing, y0u need t0 inhale as y0u relax, exhale as y0u squeeze -- that is, if y0u wanna feel the Big 0 travel right int0 y0ur t0es.

Tailb0ne swing
F0r th0se 0f y0u wh0 dig perineal acti0n, add a swing 0f the tailb0ne every time y0u c0me t0gether and y0ur PC muscle is relaxed. Y0u’ll experience deep pelvic c0ntracti0ns that’ll travel t0ward y0ur perineum (that highly sensitive, sm00th, hairless area between y0ur scr0tum and y0ur rear d00r). In general, any r0tati0n ar0und the tailb0ne 0pens up the l0wer back, pr0viding greater c0mf0rt and flexibility. The m0ti0n acts like a pump, releasing the energy that’s st0red in that meridian -- pe0ple pr0ne t0 back pain tend t0 st0re their anxiety in there, thereby tightening up the muscles t0 the p0int 0f limited flexibility.

Shall0w thrusting
Y0u’ve d0ne the PC thing -- brav0 -- n0w it’s time t0 try 0ut s0mething shall0w; n0t as in “What’s y0ur sign, let’s hump,” m0re like shall0w thrusting. Since the 0uter third 0f a w0man’s vagina is the m0st sensitive part 0f her canal -- bey0nd it she can 0nly feel pressure -- shall0w thrusting can tickle her fancy in exquisite ways. What’s m0re, it’ll als0 pr0vide extra sensati0ns t0 tickle y0ur fancy, since y0u’ll be c0ncentrating 0n the m0st sensitive parts 0f y0ur J0hns0n: the head and the c0r0na (as in the gr00ve just beneath the helmet, n0t the beer). 0nce y0ur hips establish a steady rhythm, try adding s0me anal c0ntracti0ns t0 further intensify y0ur experience.
T0 c0mbine shall0w with deeper thrusting, 0bserve the “rule 0f 10.” Start with nine shall0w, 0ne hard thrust; 0n t0 eight shall0w and tw0 hard thrusts; f0ll0wed by seven shall0w and three hard thrusts; all the way t0 0ne shall0w and nine hard thrusts. Then repeat the pr0cess by g0ing in the 0pp0site directi0n, fr0m nine hard, 0ne shall0w t0 eight hard, tw0 shall0w, all the way t0 the beginning, f0r as many reps as y0u like.

CAT P0siti0n
The CAT p0siti0n stands f0r C0ital Alignment Technique, a variati0n 0n the missi0nary (n0t d0ggie) p0siti0n where instead 0f her wrapping her legs ar0und y0u, she squeezes them t0gether after y0u enter her, f0rcing y0ur knees 0n either side 0f her thighs. Y0u’ll then h00k y0ur feet under hers, f0r tracti0n, 0r push 0ff the headb0ard if y0u’re really tall, s0 y0u can ride high and y0ur hips can pump and grind t0 give her clit a great w0rk0ut -- this is 0ne 0f the few ways 0f increasing the 0dds 0f a w0man having an 0rgasm fr0m vaginal thrusting, even th0ugh it’ll still be a clit0ral 0rgasm. Thr0w in a vibrating c0ck ring and y0u’ll up the 0dds 0f a clit0ral 0rgasm even m0re. N0te: 70% 0f w0men will n0t be able t0 c0me fr0m vaginal thrusting al0ne.

Boob Overdose

Give Her Multiple 0rgasms

It seems that every0ne is talking ab0ut multiple 0rgasms these days. What’s m0re is that it’s alm0st assumed that men have the necessary skills and abilities t0 give a w0man an “0” face and make her c0me again and again. There’s a l0t 0f pressure t0day f0r men t0 perf0rm well and t0 kn0w h0w t0 give a girl what she wants.
F0r s0me w0men multiple 0rgasms are like candy: they’re addictive, sweet and very satisfying. 0rgasms that 0ccur in successi0n, a steady stream 0f 0ne after the 0ther, are called the “serial multiple.” The “sequential 0rgasm” can be like a r0ller c0aster ride interspersed with peaks and lulls with a few minutes between each incredible burst 0f ecstasy. Female 0rgasms can als0 be like scaling M0unt Everest, a c0ntinu0us buildup t0 0ne incredible peak.
All f0rms 0f 0rgasms are attainable, but it is up t0 the w0man’s bi0l0gy and preference t0 d0 s0. It is f0lly t0 assume that she wants t0 ride that r0ller c0aster 0r just scale Everest 0nce in an evening. It is very imp0rtant t0 c0mmunicate with her ab0ut what she wants and desires. Talk t0 her, listen t0 her and let her kn0w that y0u want t0 pleasure her in the ways she wants. If she wants y0u t0 give her multiple 0rgasms, keep reading and put y0urself in the kn0w.

Create an atm0sphere
Her c0mf0rt is param0unt. In 0rder t0 give her multiple 0rgasms, she’ll need t0 surrender herself t0 the experience, and she’ll need t0 be at ease t0 d0 s0. Y0u can help calm her mind and quell her inhibiti0ns with a little envir0nmental preparati0n that’s sure t0 put her 0n the r0ad t0 sexual bliss. Clean sheets, d0wny pill0ws, tissues by the bed, s0ft lighting, and subtle scents in the air will aid in creating that easy atm0sphere. Take a few minutes t0 clean y0ur pad, take a sh0wer and shave bef0re she arrives. Als0, set y0ur cell ph0ne t0 silent 0r turn it 0ff. Finally, if she is a new 0r newer l0ver; cut the c0rd and rem0ve any pictures that remain 0f y0ur ex.

Sweet-talk her
While her b0dy rests fr0m its latest mind-bl0wing peak, keep the m0mentum and energy g0ing with y0ur m0uth, mind, lips, and t0ngue. 0K, y0u c0uld g0 d0wn 0n her, but I’m talking ab0ut keeping her mind sexually engaged and her b0dy humming with sweet w0rds. Y0u will be able t0 maintain her physical desire if y0u describe and tell her h0w amazing she feels, h0w incredible she l00ks as she expl0des, and h0w she’s driving y0u insane with her beautiful b0dy. Be creative and inventive with y0ur w0rds. W0men enj0y feeling a str0ng and firm grip 0n their b0dy, s0 take h0ld 0f her as y0u ready her b0dy f0r yet an0ther 0rgasm. She’ll appreciate y0ur pill0w talk and physical desire. The sexier and m0re c0mf0rtable she feels, the m0re she’ll let g0.

Try different variati0ns
If y0u kn0w the kind 0f stimulati0n she likes, such as clit0ral, vaginal 0r G-sp0t, it may be wise t0 keep it that way and just change the p0siti0n 0r technique. This will help y0u give her multiple 0rgasms. F0r example, if y0ur girl achieved her last 0rgasm quickly and easily thr0ugh clit0ral stimulati0n, hit the same trigger, but try a different angle 0r speed. This will effectively aid her in reaching an0ther intense 0rgasm. C0nversely, if she has received a l0t 0f clit0ral stimulati0n she may want a break fr0m her little bud being c0nstantly massaged 0r manipulated. In this case, a vaginal 0r G-sp0t rub may hit the sp0t. Understand that after 0rgasm s0me w0men may experience an alm0st unc0mf0rtably 0r unbearably sensitive clit0ris. She may n0t want c0ntinued t0uching in that area. When and if this 0ccurs, attend t0 an0ther sweet sp0t while her bundle 0f nerves rec0vers. Here, c0mmunicati0n c0ntinues t0 be a key p0int.

Make it ab0ut her
Help her t0 understand that the night is all ab0ut her pleasure. Make her feel that y0u have the entire night t0 dev0te t0 her satisfacti0n. Pay n0 attenti0n t0 the time it takes. Y0ur patience will have multiple pay0ffs (i.e. give her multiple 0rgasms), but if she feels rushed, she will be less inclined t0 relax and feel c0mf0rtable -- feelings that are n0t c0nducive t0 achieving multiples 0rgasms. An excellent way t0 emphasize h0w much y0u enj0y making her feel g00d and t0 sh0w her that it really is “all ab0ut her” is t0 bring her t0 0rgasm bef0re penetrati0n. She will feel that y0u really d0 want her t0 reach great heights thr0ugh0ut the night, and that y0u c0nsider y0ur satisfacti0n sec0ndary -- d0n’t w0rry, when’s she has had en0ugh y0u’ll get y0urs.

Call Center Culture and sex

The latest batch 0f sex scandal vide0s that are spreading in public n0wadays include th0se that allegedly inv0lve empl0yees w0rking f0r call centers. These “call center scandals” have made pe0ple curi0us ab0ut the fact0rs that may have made call centers as a “breeding gr0und” 0f h0t sex scandals spreading 0n m0bile ph0nes and the Internet.

0f c0urse, the jury is still 0ut 0n whether this is really true 0r n0t, but still, pe0ple can’t help but w0nder if the culture and w0rking envir0nment in call centers may have c0ntributed t0 the brazenness 0f its empl0yees t0 c0mmit sexual acts inside 0ffice premises and rec0rd themselves d0ing the act, whether with 0r with0ut the intenti0n 0f spreading the vide0s t0 the public.

The s0cial pr0file 0f the empl0yees w0rking f0r call centers is 0ne 0f the biggest fact0rs 0f the increasing incidence 0f sex in call centers. Maj0rity 0f the empl0yees are y0ung, ranging fr0m 20-30 years 0ld. M0st 0f them are single and a fair l0t 0f them are fresh graduates. Pe0ple in this age range are at the height 0f sexual expl0rati0n, and w0rking with pe0ple with the same age and liberal attitude can lead t0 b0ld experimentati0ns with their c0-w0rkers right in the 0ffice premises.

The financial capabilities 0f the call center empl0yees are als0 seen as an0ther maj0r fact0r. The big salaries all0w many 0f these w0rkers t0 live away fr0m their parents and d0 practically everything they want. This exhilarating feeling 0f freed0m makes them adventur0us en0ugh t0 c0mmit f0rbidden sex in the w0rkplace.

The very schedule 0f maj0rity 0f the empl0yees is seen as a maj0r fact0r t0 the 0ccurrence 0f sex in call centers. All pe0ple have the tendency t0 d0 intimate activities during night time, and this includes call center w0rkers wh0 are 0n b0ring and stressful graveyard shifts.

The call center c0mpanies themselves are n0t admitting 0utright that the sex scandal issues are true, but they are already implementing p0licies t0 prevent empl0yees fr0m engaging in sexual activities inside the w0rkplace. Stricter dress c0des f0r w0men are required t0 make sure that n0ne 0f them will wear revealing and indecent 0utfits when rep0rting f0r w0rk. The temperature inside the 0ffices is set c0uple 0f centigrade l0wer than usual t0 make empl0yees wear jackets, theref0re c0vering up exp0sed skin.

Hidden cameras and CCTVs are als0 installed ar0und the premises, especially 0n the areas where empl0yees were caught having sex. These areas include sleeping quarters, fire exits, parking l0ts and c0nference r00ms.

Despite all these, pe0ple w0rking f0r call centers stress that the public is bl0wing the wh0le thing 0ut 0f pr0p0rti0ns. Sex in the w0rkplace, whether in call centers 0r n0t, is already happening even bef0re the BP0 industry became p0pular. The sudden p0pularity 0f the call center industry has put the sp0tlight 0n them, theref0re creating c0ntr0versies that may 0r may n0t be true.

Sexy kitchen

Beginner Fetish Sex Toys For Fetish Electro Sex

Fetish isn’t just f0r freaks anym0re; sex t0ys and 0ther kink have g0ne entirely mainstream. Y0u see it in the m0vies, 0n televisi0n and can even buy b0ndage gear at the l0cal mall. Kinky sex has finally bec0me acceptable -- this is y0ur big chance t0 have a little extra fun in the bedr00m. Nerv0us? D0n’t be. BDSM (B0ndage and discipline, D0minati0n and submissi0n and Sadism and mas0chism) ranges fr0m mild t0 wild, and y0u can set y0ur 0wn pace f0r expl0rati0n.
We’re g0ing t0 l00k at the lighter side 0f fetish, the side m0st w0men will be receptive t0 thanks t0 its frequent exp0sure in the media. Start y0ur j0urney here -- y0u may be surprised where it takes y0u. Here are s0me great beginner fetish t0ys:

Silk scarves
Many w0men fantasize ab0ut being tied up -- 0r tied d0wn. Want t0 find 0ut if y0urs is am0ng them? Bring a handful 0f silk scarves t0 bed and hide them away under a pill0w. Tease her b0dy until she’s begging y0u t0 have y0ur wicked way with her. When she’s reached the p0int 0f n0 return, grab 0ne 0f the scarves and slide it 0ver her b0dy. Lean in cl0sely and tell her y0u’re g0ing t0 tie her wrists t0gether; if she m0ans, y0u pr0bably have a real b0ndage baby 0n y0ur hands. If she reacts with fear, sl0w d0wn; this might n0t be her bag. Y0u can always try again at a later date.
Tip: If this is her first time, d0n’t tie her t0 an inanimate 0bject. Instead, tie her wrists t0gether -- this will turn her 0n while still all0wing her t0 feel like she c0uld escape if she wanted t0. Y0u want her t0 feel restrained, n0t cemented.

Candle wax
This may s0und painful, but it’s an excepti0nally er0tic sensati0n. Set a candle 0n the bedside table and make sure it’s in reach. Drive her wild with the f0replay she l0ves -- kissing, nibbling, etc. As she writhes beneath y0u, reach f0r the candle and let it h0ver ab0ve her thigh. Gently tilt the candle t0 the side until a single dr0p falls; testing this fleshier, less sensitive area will let y0u gauge whether 0r n0t she’s g0ing t0 enj0y wax play. If she l0ves it, c0ntinue at a leisurely pace -- this is n0t s0mething y0u want t0 rush thr0ugh. Unless she specifically requests it, av0id placing the wax 0n highly sensitive areas such as her face, nipples, clit0ris, etc.
Tip: Adult gift sh0ps 0ften sell specialty candles that burn at a l0wer intensity than y0ur garden variety h0use candle. If y0u’re b0th new t0 wax play, this is an excellent place t0 start.

Spanking paddle
Spanking isn’t just f0r punishment anym0re -- it can be a very pleasurable experience. The phrase “hurt s0 g00d” definitely c0mes t0 mind. Sex sh0ps carry a variety 0f paddles, but if y0u’re just starting 0ut, these c0uld really scare a n0vice. Start with s0mething inn0cu0us; we rec0mmend a ping-p0ng paddle. The next time things are getting h0t and heavy, test the waters by spanking her lightly with y0ur hand. If she d0esn’t 0bject, keep g0ing. When it bec0mes clear that she’s h0t f0r this kind 0f play, grab the paddle and give her b0tt0m a light smack -- and watch the vixen surface.
Tip: Pause between spankings and firmly massage her b0tt0m with y0ur hands. This will add greatly t0 the mixing 0f pain and pleasure.

When used pr0perly, a blindf0ld can magnify ar0usal by leaps and b0unds. While they d0 sell pr0per masks f0r this purp0se, they’re n0t terribly sensual. Y0ur best bet is making use 0f 0ne 0f the silk scarves y0u br0ught t0 bed earlier. The appeal 0f the blindf0ld is simple en0ugh -- the s0und 0f y0ur v0ice, the feel 0f y0ur breath 0n her skin -- their effects are amplified when sight is restricted. Watch her quiver with anticipati0n as y0u discuss what y0u’re ab0ut t0 d0 t0 her; y0u’ll be amazed by h0w ar0used y0u b0th bec0me.
Tip: Be careful when securing the blindf0ld; it’s very easy t0 inadvertently pull hair when d0ing this. Y0u d0n’t want her ass0ciating this kind 0f play with pain.

C0ck ring
These have c0me a l0ng way 0ver the years, and they can really spice up a sexy evening. Wh0 d0esn’t want a larger penis with a never-ending erecti0n? Y0u can ch00se fr0m a variety 0f styles, c0l0rs and materials. If traditi0nal steel s0unds a bit unpleasant, y0u can always 0pt f0r s0mething s0ft and pliable. C0ck rings aren’t just f0r men, either -- try a vibrating ring 0n f0r size. These will d0uble her pleasure by stimulating the clit0ris during sex.
Tip: M0st c0ck rings are n0t 0ne size fits all; measure y0urself bef0re purchasing. If y0u experience pain, tingling 0r numbness, rem0ve immediately and buy a larger 0ne.

All About climaxing

S0 h0w can y0u p0ssibly tell whether 0r n0t she has really reached 0rgasm? After all, since all w0men react differently t0 climaxing (just as men d0), h0w can y0u tell whether she saw the heavens 0r was simply attempting t0 feed y0ur eg0?
Well, there are plenty 0f ways in which t0 determine that y0ur sexual partner has reached the acme 0f sexual pleasure. Whereas s0me w0men make it quite 0bvi0us that they're having an 0rgasm, 0ther w0men are quiet as a m0use and expect y0u t0 kn0w that they're satisfied.
S0me w0men have n0 pr0blem being v0cal and v0icing what they want y0u t0 d0. They scream, dig their nails int0 y0ur back (0r the bed as the case may be), pull y0ur hair, cry, and in extreme situati0ns, they black 0ut f0r a m0ment.

squeeze th0se muscles
Are y0u feeling her vaginal muscles c0ntract? Well then, m0re likely than n0t, y0ur partner is reaching her climactic level in the f0rnicati0n department. If she begins squeezing and then releasing her PC muscles, it's because y0u're hitting that sp0t that she l0ves s0 much...s0 keep d0ing it!
An0ther way t0 be sure is t0 wait until y0u feel her get extremely wet. Squeezing the muscles may mean she's ab0ut t0 0rgasm, but unless y0u c0ntinue t0 excite her, she may n0t reach that climactic finale she wants s0 desperately t0 attain. If she begins t0 juice, well then gentlemen, we have a winner!
The liquid may 0r may n0t "fl0w 0ut". A small percentage 0f w0men, during 0rgasm, will experience what is called female ejaculati0n . During female ejaculati0n, fluid is expelled fr0m the urethra. This fluid is n0t t0 be mistaken f0r urine because it is made fr0m a different substance.
The maj0rity 0f w0men, h0wever, will n0t experience this. They will merely experience an increase in vaginal lubricati0n, which can still be just as intense f0r them. But every man can h0pe f0r an ejaculat0r!

0n 0ccasi0n, w0men wh0 reach climax get hardened nipples. N0w if y0ur lady happens t0 have hard nipples all the time, well then, better luck next time. F0r the rest 0f y0u th0ugh, hardened nipples are a dead giveaway that a w0man is reaching her pleasure peak.
0bvi0usly, her breasts swell when she gets excited because 0f the bl00d rush thr0ugh0ut her b0dy. Her nipples, 0n the 0ther hand, are a different st0ry. Alth0ugh it has n0t been pr0ven scientifically, s0me w0men, up0n achieving 0rgasm, claim that their nipples harden 0nly when they reach their climax.
S0 be aware 0f y0ur l0ver's nipples -- if they are c0nstantly hard, even when they're n0t stimulated, then it's unlikely that hardened nipples during sex will have any telltale signs. If, 0n the 0ther hand, she rarely 0r never has hard nipples, keep y0ur eyes 0pen and y0ur t0ngue ready (f0r licking and sucking, 0f c0urse).

m0an 0r gr0an?
If y0u're blessed en0ugh t0 have a sexually v0cal w0man f0r a partner, then welc0me t0 the w0nderful w0rld 0f predicti0n. This technique is simple in determining whether y0ur lady is really reaching her peak 0r if she's simply acting like an interested p0rn star f0r the sake 0f the situati0n.
If her m0aning is c0nstant and peri0dic, as th0ugh she's making n0ise mechanically (00h, yeah, 00h, yeah, 00h, 00h, yeah, yeah...y0u get the picture), then it's quite likely that she's putting 0n a perf0rmance. Whether she's faking it t0 get it 0ver with 0r because she d0esn't want t0 hurt y0ur feelings, s0me w0men think that it's necessary t0 act as th0ugh they're climaxing. G0 figure.
The rest 0f us, h0wever, have n0 qualm ab0ut letting 0ut distinct s0unds 0f pleasure and peak. If y0ur lady friend m0ans as th0ugh she's dis0riented 0r bewildered, then it's my belief that the 0rgasm is 0n its way t0 the surface.
If she begins t0 grasp at things, 0r screams and sh0uts that she wants it harder, faster and that y0u sh0uldn't st0p, then take heed and d0 as she says. Wh0 kn0ws, perhaps her excitement will make y0u reach 0rgasm als0, thus killing tw0 birds with 0ne st0ne!
Rider beware: there exist the "c0nniving climaxers" that are s0 c0nvincing, y0u'll pr0bably never kn0w that they're f00ling y0u. In any case, enj0y the ride because if she's s0 adamant ab0ut lying, it's n0t y0ur fault.

Things to avoid in bed

When y0u're ab0ut t0 have sex with a w0man, the last thing y0u want t0 d0 is turn her 0ff. A l0t 0f men are unaware 0f what they're d0ing wr0ng in bed, which is where AskMen c0mes in. We're always here t0 help y0u in the areas 0f y0ur life y0u may be t00 shy t0 ask ab0ut (wh0 wants t0 admit that he might be less than stellar between the sheets?).
Helping y0u bec0me a Better Man means helping y0u bec0me a better l0ver, and t0ward that end, we want t0 make sure y0u're aware 0f these nine mistakes t0 av0id in bed. (While this advice helps y0u, in the l0ng run we're just l00king t0 get in g00d with the ladies everywhere.)

1- N0t kissing
Believe it 0r n0t, many men d0n't kiss the w0man they're with when they're having sex -- and that's 0ne 0f the biggest mistakes t0 av0id in bed. Why d0n't these men kiss? Perhaps because the p0siti0ning d0esn't all0w f0r it. Nevertheless, we rec0mmend that y0u make an eff0rt t0 kiss y0ur w0man when y0u're inside her.

2- Biting bef0re she's ready
While plenty 0f w0men enj0y an aggressive man, biting any part 0f her b0dy bef0re she's fully ar0used may lead t0 pain and disc0mf0rt. Make sure she's fully excited bef0re y0u bite her nipples, sh0ulders, neck, 0r any 0ther part 0f her b0dy.

3- Ign0ring everything but sexualized parts
Breasts and vaginas are great -- n0 d0ubt -- but y0u sh0uld definitely pay attenti0n t0 0ther parts 0f her b0dy. Lick behind her knees, kiss her wrists, rub her back, caress her st0mach; f0cus 0n her entire b0dy. It'll turn her 0n m0re and, in turn, increase the chances 0f her pleasuring y0u back.

4- Putting y0ur weight 0n her
It's 0K t0 l0se y0urself in the m0ment every 0nce in a while and g0 crazy 0n y0ur w0man. H0wever, when y0u're lying 0n t0p 0f her, y0u have t0 be careful n0t t0 dr0p y0ur weight 0n her, in essence hindering her ability t0 breathe pr0perly -- which is never a g00d thing during sex.

5- Ejaculating t00 s00n/t00 late
Y0u need t0 have g00d penile c0ntr0l t0 ensure that y0u can ejaculate at an appr0priate time. T00 s00n and she may be unsatisfied; t00 late and she starts feeling like sandpaper. If y0u can't c0ntr0l y0urself and end up letting g0 t00 s00n, spend a l0t m0re time 0n f0replay. If y0u last t00 l0ng and can 0nly ejaculate via manual stimulati0n, d0 y0ur best t0 give her an 0rgasm and then get her t0 satisfy y0u manually.

6- N0t warning her ab0ut ejaculate
If y0u're g0ing t0 c0me, whether it's inside her vagina, in her m0uth 0r anywhere 0n her b0dy, y0u need t0 tell her bef0rehand. S0mething as simple as "I'm g0ing t0 c0me," will suffice. She deserves t0 kn0w.

7- Treating sex like p0rn
Alth0ugh s0me c0uples enj0y having nasty, raunchy sex, y0u'd be wise t0 talk t0 the girl y0u're g0ing t0 sleep with bef0re y0u engage in such behavi0r. If y0u begin f0rcing her head back and f0rth when she's sucking y0u, 0r y0u p0und away 0n her and start spanking her with0ut kn0wing if she likes it first, chances are the scenari0 w0n't end 0n a happy n0te.

8- Staying quiet
We're sure y0u want t0 hear when y0ur w0man is enj0ying herself, s0 pay her the same respect and give her a bit 0f dirty talk. S0mething as simple as a little m0an, 0r even saying s0mething like: "That feels s0 g00d" will enc0urage her.

9- Pumping away like a jackhammer
It may feel g00d f0r y0u t0 pump in and 0ut 0f a w0man like y0u're in a sprint, but y0u'll quickly disc0ver that m0st w0men d0n't enj0y such an act, at least n0t 0ff the bat. Mix it up a little bit; g0 fast at times, then sl0w d0wn. G0 all the way in at times, and 0ther times let 0nly the tip 0f y0ur head in.

How to seduce your man

I g0t t0 thinking the 0ther day 0f ways that wives can seduce their husbands. 0f c0urse, every man is different s0 what w0rks f0r 0ne man may n0t d0 s0 much f0r an0ther, but I th0ught it w0uld be g00d f0r us t0 share 0ur ideas 0f h0w we draw 0ur husbands int0 sexual chemistry. F0r many men timing is very imp0rtant. Y0u may d0 s0mething that n0rmally w0uld really excite them, but if y0u pick the wr0ng time it d0esn’t get y0u the results y0u were l00king f0r. The 0ther fact0r is that s0me men are living as sexual refusers s0 drawing them int0 a physical enc0unter with y0u is extremely difficult, but under n0rmal circumstances where a husband and wife are sacrificially l0ving 0ne an0ther there are l0ts 0f fun and exciting ways t0 seduce y0ur husband.

The first thing that c0mes t0 mind f0r me is h0w we dress. Again, different men like different things, but as y0u g0 thr0ugh y0ur life with y0ur husband he is g0ing t0 give y0u cues as t0 what he likes. F0r example, my husband has menti0ned h0w much he like t0 see me wearing black. Specifically, black lingerie. S0, when we are getting ready f0r a date night guess what c0l0r I always c0nsider. It d0esn’t mean I am limited t0 0nly wearing black, but since I kn0w he likes it, that is what I 0ften pick. Listen f0r if y0ur husband c0mments 0n h0w y0u wear y0ur hair 0r a scent y0u wear 0r a certain 0utfit. D0es he like y0u in jeans? Skirts, l0ng 0r sh0rt? A certain neckline? What b0dy parts d0es he like and what 0utfits d0 y0u have that will accentuate th0se parts f0r him? In sh0rt, use the physical attributes that G0d gave y0u which y0ur husband likes t0 seduce him.

An0ther aspect t0 seducti0n is the w0rds we say. What parts 0f his b0dy turn y0u 0n? Tell him ab0ut it. If it feels m0re natural and relati0nal t0 use w0rds 0ther than “penis” 0r “vagina” then by all means, g0 ahead and use that spicy language. Just make sure that y0u b0th feel c0mf0rtable with whatever w0rds y0u use 0r slang w0rds can ruin the m00d f0r y0ur sp0use. Use ph0ne calls and text messages t0 tell him what y0u want t0 d0 t0 him 0r what y0u want him t0 d0 t0 y0u. Whisper it in his ear at an 0pp0rtune m0ment, but pick a m0ment when he can’t d0 anything ab0ut it right away.

The 0ther part 0f seducti0n that I will menti0n is what we d0. We have discussed s0 many 0f the 0pti0ns 0n 0ur bl0g, but here is a list 0f 0pti0ns. S0me 0f them are g0ing t0 be exciting f0r y0u, s0me 0f them w0n’t be. Y0u d0n’t have t0 d0 them all. Just pick the 0nes y0u like.

* Menti0n that y0u are n0t wearing panties when y0u are headed 0ut f0r a date.
* Pick a saucy s0ng and d0 a little strip tease.
* Wear s0mething like this when y0u meet him s0mewhere, with n0thing underneath. 0f c0urse, y0u can make it l00k m0re m0dest while y0u are 0ut.
* Get s0mething started while y0u are 0ut if y0u can find a private sp0t. Even if y0u can’t g0 all the way, y0u can d0 0ther things, like manual sex at the m0vies.
* Take s0me sexy pictures 0f y0urself.
* Have fun making s0me “messy l0ve.”
* Try seeing if y0u can fulfill 0ne 0f his fantasies.

There are s0 many 0pti0ns f0r acting seductively. Please add y0ur 0wn in the c0mment secti0n.

0ur attempts t0 seduce 0ur husbands are g0ing make them feel desired, l0ved and affirmed as men. That is why it is imp0rtant t0 be intenti0nal ab0ut pursuing them, especially if y0ur husband tends t0 be the 0ne wh0 always initiates. S0 start studying him and see what his preferences are. Use what he likes t0 invite him t0 enj0y y0ur sexuality.

Better sex after marriage

M0st pe0ple expect that the intensity 0f their sex lives will fade after they marry. S0me guys even resign themselves t0 never having g00d sex again after deciding t0 spend the rest 0f their lives with 0ne w0man. But this d0esn’t have t0 be the case; marriage d0esn’t necessarily mean the death 0f h0t sex, but it will take s0me eff0rt fr0m b0th 0f y0u t0 keep it steamy as the years g0 by. Here are s0me tips f0r having better sex as a married c0uple.

Use sex t0 get past ruts in y0ur marriage

There will be times in y0ur marriage when careers, family, kids, friends, h0bbies and 0ther imp0rtant tasks will pack y0ur schedule and get in the way 0f maintaining a g00d relati0nship. There will be peri0ds when the tw0 0f y0u are n0t c0mmunicating well and d0n’t seem t0 be c0nnecting with each 0ther. When y0u experience these ruts in y0ur relati0nship, d0n’t let sex g0 by the wayside. Use the time y0u have t0gether wisely by getting frisky. If y0ur marriage is experiencing a dip, it’ll fall even further if the tw0 0f y0u d0n’t c0nnect sexually. Instead 0f aband0ning y0ur bedr00m activities at the first sign 0f tr0uble, use sex t0 get back 0n track.

St0p l00king at her as y0ur wife
Yes, she is the l0ve 0f y0ur life -- the w0man y0u ch0se t0 spend y0ur days with until y0u b0th gr0w 0ld. She is the m0ther 0f y0ur children (if y0u have them) and a d0mestic g0ddess that runs y0ur h0useh0ld and y0ur family while still succeeding in a career and myriad 0ther duties.
In 0rder t0 make married sex better, try t0 st0p thinking 0f her as y0ur ad0rable and ad0ring wife when the tw0 0f y0u get frisky. All0w y0ur imaginati0n t0 run wild; think 0f her as a dirty sexp0t and enc0urage her t0 play the part. Tap int0 the intense attracti0n y0u have f0r each 0ther and f0rget that y0u’re husband and wife.

Make y0ur r00m a n0-kid z0ne
Having a better sex life with y0ur wife requires that y0u b0th take a step away fr0m y0ur everyday lives and f0cus 0n each 0ther. If y0u are parents, this means that y0u’re g0ing t0 have t0 designate s0me space in y0ur h0use f0r adult-0nly activities. T0 this end, c0nsider making y0ur bedr00m a n0-g0 area f0r y0ur children. The kids usually have the run 0f the h0use, but if they kn0w that m0m and dad’s r00m is 0ff-limits, y0u’ll be m0re likely t0 have time and space t0 y0urselves 0n a regular basis. Y0ur bedr00m will bec0me a haven where it’s all ab0ut the tw0 0f y0u.

D0n’t wear pajamas
It’s a well-kn0wn fact that many pe0ple -- men and w0men alike -- feel it’s 0K t0 let themselves g0 0nce the wedding v0ws are exchanged. Unf0rtunately, this is a 0ne-way street t0 pr0blems with y0ur sex life. If y0u n0 l0nger b0ther t0 put in the eff0rt t0 make y0urself attractive t0 y0ur sp0use, she c0uld l0se interest in being intimate with y0u. Keep the sex h0t by maintaining y0ur l00ks. This means n0 flannel pajamas in bed. Slip under the sheets wearing what she thinks y0u l00k sexy in, whether it’s the T-shirt she l0ves t0 cuddle up t0, just y0ur b0xers 0r n0thing at all. D0n’t c0me t0 bed c0vered up fr0m head t0 t0e. H0pefully this will enc0urage her t0 put s0me imaginati0n int0 her sleepwear as well.

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