T0 make a l0ng st0ry l0ng, sex t0 a w0man means a pleth0ra 0f c0mplex things. Sex is a l0aded gun c0ntaining bullets 0f feelings, em0ti0ns, and meaning (even I’m getting a little p0etic talking ab0ut it).
Sex f0r the dudes 0n the 0ther hand?
It’s really just a three letter w0rd.
Acc0rding t0 a recent Men’s Health article, researchers revealed m0re than 200 reas0ns w0men d0 the nasty. (e.g. the 0pp0rtunity presented itself, the 0ther pers0n had a nice face, 0ut 0f c0ntr0l h0rm0nes were in tact). Hmm, seems pretty like 0bvi0us en0ugh reas0ns t0 me. But 200 reas0ns t0 get frisky? I d0ubt that’s the case f0r men. In fact, when it c0mes t0 dudes, I’m certain there are 0nly 3.
1. They’re Guys
I’m a man-psychic. We all are. Because I’m willing t0 bet y0u c0uld predict what current th0ught is churning any man’s mind: sex. As menti0ned bef0re, sex means s0 many things f0r w0man. F0r men? D0ggie style is as natural as breathing. I’m n0t trying t0 put a der0gat0ry light 0ver men and their intenti0ns, but I have str0ng beliefs that th0ughts 0f sexual activity are multiplying in their mind like bunny rabbits. 24/7.
Y0u’re right, that is a l0t 0f thinking.
2. They Want t0 Tell Their Friends
I knew a gr0up 0f guys in c0llege wh0 actually added up p0ints each weekend after heavily drinking. Their p0int system went like this: they gave a certain am0unt 0f tallies t0 a r00mmate wh0 sc0red a make-0ut sesh and even m0re tallies t0 any0ne wh0 r0mped it up in bed. It’s true. I saw the whiteb0ard. As much as 0ur male-c0unterpart is n0t g0ing t0 get int0 details ab0ut h0w “s0ft her skin felt and h0w sweet her lips tasted…” like all the fluffy girls d0, a little n0tch in his belt (and a great st0ry t0 g0 with it) is the ultimate tr0phy in his circle 0f br0s.
3. They’re H0rnd0gs
While girls keep their t0y d0g in their purse, men keep their t0y d0g in their pants (if y0u catch my drift here) and they’ll f0ll0w that little puppy anywhere. It’s that simple.