Chances are g00d that y0u are n0t using 0ne 0f the best t00ls in y0ur sexual arsenal t0 its full p0tential. This secret weap0n is y0ur m0uth. We’re n0t just talking ab0ut 0ral sex here, alth0ugh y0u sh0uld be giving her 0ral pleasure 0n a regular basis if y0u want t0 be a g00d l0ver, and we’re g0ing t0 g0 bey0nd kissing 0n the m0uth in this article, which y0u sh0uld have mastered by n0w if y0u want t0 kiss her anywhere else.
Y0ur m0uth can be applied t0 vari0us 0ther parts 0f her b0dy by kissing, licking, nibbling, biting, and sucking. Anywhere y0u t0uch her with y0ur hands will m0st likely feel even better when stimulated by a warm, wet m0uth. When it c0mes t0 kissing w0men, s0me 0f their fav0rite places are 0bvi0us, while 0thers are frequently 0verl00ked.
The ears are an 0ften-neglected area 0f the b0dy that can be the site 0f intense pleasure f0r her and using y0ur m0uth is the best way t0 stimulate them. Gentle nibbling 0n the earl0be is a reliable way t0 send shivers d0wn her spine, but y0u sh0uld als0 try lightly brushing y0ur lips against her ear, which will r0use the s0ft, fine hairs there creating waves 0f tingly pleasure.
Back 0f the neck
0ne 0f the easiest and m0st dependable ways t0 get her in the m00d is t0 place y0ur m0uth 0n the back 0f her neck. This w0rks especially well if y0u take her by surprise. When she’s at the sink d0ing dishes 0r w0rking 0n the c0mputer, appr0ach her quietly fr0m behind, sweep her hair 0ff the back 0f her neck and kiss her there. She will s00n f0rget her task and want m0re.
There are few things m0re pers0nal than kissing a w0man 0n the face. Y0ur warm, fuzzy feelings f0r her can be expressed by placing sweet, light kisses 0n her cheeks, f0rehead, jaw line, even her n0se and cl0sed eyelids. But d0n’t lick her face. Just d0n’t. It’s icky, n0t sexy. N0 biting either. Her face sh0uld be treated with tenderness and reverence.
While her cl0thes are still 0n, 0ne 0f the m0st intimate places y0u can lay s0me kisses is al0ng her c0llarb0ne. A w0man’s exp0sed c0llarb0ne is sexy and y0ur m0uth 0n it makes her think 0f y0ur m0uth 0n m0re private parts 0f her b0dy. S0 start 0ff with kisses there bef0re y0u m0ve 0n t0 places y0u can’t reach while she’s fully cl0thed.
Her hips are m0re sensitive than y0u w0uld guess. It c0uld be because they are s0 cl0se t0 the center 0f her physical pleasure. Whatever the reas0n, kissing, licking and nibbling at her hips will send currents 0f delight d0wn t0 her t0es and up t0 the t0p 0f her head. D0n’t neglect this place she wants y0ur m0uth t0 be.
Putting y0ur m0uth 0n her breasts can be intensely sexy, but d0ing it wr0ng can turn her right 0ff. Kissing, licking and sucking are all rec0mmended and even s0me gentle biting can be acceptable as l0ng as y0u take it easy. Her breasts are delicate, s0 d0n’t f0rget that y0u have t0 treat them appr0priately. Unless she’s int0 hardc0re S&M, hard sucking and biting are n0-n0s. Her breasts sh0uld n0t have bruises when y0u are d0ne with them. Als0, remember that her nipples are n0t the 0nly parts that need s0me attenti0n. Use y0ur m0uth all 0ver her breasts f0r maximum effect.