It seems that every0ne is talking ab0ut multiple 0rgasms these days. What’s m0re is that it’s alm0st assumed that men have the necessary skills and abilities t0 give a w0man an “0” face and make her c0me again and again. There’s a l0t 0f pressure t0day f0r men t0 perf0rm well and t0 kn0w h0w t0 give a girl what she wants.
F0r s0me w0men multiple 0rgasms are like candy: they’re addictive, sweet and very satisfying. 0rgasms that 0ccur in successi0n, a steady stream 0f 0ne after the 0ther, are called the “serial multiple.” The “sequential 0rgasm” can be like a r0ller c0aster ride interspersed with peaks and lulls with a few minutes between each incredible burst 0f ecstasy. Female 0rgasms can als0 be like scaling M0unt Everest, a c0ntinu0us buildup t0 0ne incredible peak.
All f0rms 0f 0rgasms are attainable, but it is up t0 the w0man’s bi0l0gy and preference t0 d0 s0. It is f0lly t0 assume that she wants t0 ride that r0ller c0aster 0r just scale Everest 0nce in an evening. It is very imp0rtant t0 c0mmunicate with her ab0ut what she wants and desires. Talk t0 her, listen t0 her and let her kn0w that y0u want t0 pleasure her in the ways she wants. If she wants y0u t0 give her multiple 0rgasms, keep reading and put y0urself in the kn0w.
Create an atm0sphere
Her c0mf0rt is param0unt. In 0rder t0 give her multiple 0rgasms, she’ll need t0 surrender herself t0 the experience, and she’ll need t0 be at ease t0 d0 s0. Y0u can help calm her mind and quell her inhibiti0ns with a little envir0nmental preparati0n that’s sure t0 put her 0n the r0ad t0 sexual bliss. Clean sheets, d0wny pill0ws, tissues by the bed, s0ft lighting, and subtle scents in the air will aid in creating that easy atm0sphere. Take a few minutes t0 clean y0ur pad, take a sh0wer and shave bef0re she arrives. Als0, set y0ur cell ph0ne t0 silent 0r turn it 0ff. Finally, if she is a new 0r newer l0ver; cut the c0rd and rem0ve any pictures that remain 0f y0ur ex.
Sweet-talk her
While her b0dy rests fr0m its latest mind-bl0wing peak, keep the m0mentum and energy g0ing with y0ur m0uth, mind, lips, and t0ngue. 0K, y0u c0uld g0 d0wn 0n her, but I’m talking ab0ut keeping her mind sexually engaged and her b0dy humming with sweet w0rds. Y0u will be able t0 maintain her physical desire if y0u describe and tell her h0w amazing she feels, h0w incredible she l00ks as she expl0des, and h0w she’s driving y0u insane with her beautiful b0dy. Be creative and inventive with y0ur w0rds. W0men enj0y feeling a str0ng and firm grip 0n their b0dy, s0 take h0ld 0f her as y0u ready her b0dy f0r yet an0ther 0rgasm. She’ll appreciate y0ur pill0w talk and physical desire. The sexier and m0re c0mf0rtable she feels, the m0re she’ll let g0.
Try different variati0ns
If y0u kn0w the kind 0f stimulati0n she likes, such as clit0ral, vaginal 0r G-sp0t, it may be wise t0 keep it that way and just change the p0siti0n 0r technique. This will help y0u give her multiple 0rgasms. F0r example, if y0ur girl achieved her last 0rgasm quickly and easily thr0ugh clit0ral stimulati0n, hit the same trigger, but try a different angle 0r speed. This will effectively aid her in reaching an0ther intense 0rgasm. C0nversely, if she has received a l0t 0f clit0ral stimulati0n she may want a break fr0m her little bud being c0nstantly massaged 0r manipulated. In this case, a vaginal 0r G-sp0t rub may hit the sp0t. Understand that after 0rgasm s0me w0men may experience an alm0st unc0mf0rtably 0r unbearably sensitive clit0ris. She may n0t want c0ntinued t0uching in that area. When and if this 0ccurs, attend t0 an0ther sweet sp0t while her bundle 0f nerves rec0vers. Here, c0mmunicati0n c0ntinues t0 be a key p0int.
Make it ab0ut her
Help her t0 understand that the night is all ab0ut her pleasure. Make her feel that y0u have the entire night t0 dev0te t0 her satisfacti0n. Pay n0 attenti0n t0 the time it takes. Y0ur patience will have multiple pay0ffs (i.e. give her multiple 0rgasms), but if she feels rushed, she will be less inclined t0 relax and feel c0mf0rtable -- feelings that are n0t c0nducive t0 achieving multiples 0rgasms. An excellent way t0 emphasize h0w much y0u enj0y making her feel g00d and t0 sh0w her that it really is “all ab0ut her” is t0 bring her t0 0rgasm bef0re penetrati0n. She will feel that y0u really d0 want her t0 reach great heights thr0ugh0ut the night, and that y0u c0nsider y0ur satisfacti0n sec0ndary -- d0n’t w0rry, when’s she has had en0ugh y0u’ll get y0urs.