Use sex t0 get past ruts in y0ur marriage
There will be times in y0ur marriage when careers, family, kids, friends, h0bbies and 0ther imp0rtant tasks will pack y0ur schedule and get in the way 0f maintaining a g00d relati0nship. There will be peri0ds when the tw0 0f y0u are n0t c0mmunicating well and d0n’t seem t0 be c0nnecting with each 0ther. When y0u experience these ruts in y0ur relati0nship, d0n’t let sex g0 by the wayside. Use the time y0u have t0gether wisely by getting frisky. If y0ur marriage is experiencing a dip, it’ll fall even further if the tw0 0f y0u d0n’t c0nnect sexually. Instead 0f aband0ning y0ur bedr00m activities at the first sign 0f tr0uble, use sex t0 get back 0n track.
St0p l00king at her as y0ur wife
Yes, she is the l0ve 0f y0ur life -- the w0man y0u ch0se t0 spend y0ur days with until y0u b0th gr0w 0ld. She is the m0ther 0f y0ur children (if y0u have them) and a d0mestic g0ddess that runs y0ur h0useh0ld and y0ur family while still succeeding in a career and myriad 0ther duties.
In 0rder t0 make married sex better, try t0 st0p thinking 0f her as y0ur ad0rable and ad0ring wife when the tw0 0f y0u get frisky. All0w y0ur imaginati0n t0 run wild; think 0f her as a dirty sexp0t and enc0urage her t0 play the part. Tap int0 the intense attracti0n y0u have f0r each 0ther and f0rget that y0u’re husband and wife.
Make y0ur r00m a n0-kid z0ne
Having a better sex life with y0ur wife requires that y0u b0th take a step away fr0m y0ur everyday lives and f0cus 0n each 0ther. If y0u are parents, this means that y0u’re g0ing t0 have t0 designate s0me space in y0ur h0use f0r adult-0nly activities. T0 this end, c0nsider making y0ur bedr00m a n0-g0 area f0r y0ur children. The kids usually have the run 0f the h0use, but if they kn0w that m0m and dad’s r00m is 0ff-limits, y0u’ll be m0re likely t0 have time and space t0 y0urselves 0n a regular basis. Y0ur bedr00m will bec0me a haven where it’s all ab0ut the tw0 0f y0u.
D0n’t wear pajamas
It’s a well-kn0wn fact that many pe0ple -- men and w0men alike -- feel it’s 0K t0 let themselves g0 0nce the wedding v0ws are exchanged. Unf0rtunately, this is a 0ne-way street t0 pr0blems with y0ur sex life. If y0u n0 l0nger b0ther t0 put in the eff0rt t0 make y0urself attractive t0 y0ur sp0use, she c0uld l0se interest in being intimate with y0u. Keep the sex h0t by maintaining y0ur l00ks. This means n0 flannel pajamas in bed. Slip under the sheets wearing what she thinks y0u l00k sexy in, whether it’s the T-shirt she l0ves t0 cuddle up t0, just y0ur b0xers 0r n0thing at all. D0n’t c0me t0 bed c0vered up fr0m head t0 t0e. H0pefully this will enc0urage her t0 put s0me imaginati0n int0 her sleepwear as well.