The first thing that c0mes t0 mind f0r me is h0w we dress. Again, different men like different things, but as y0u g0 thr0ugh y0ur life with y0ur husband he is g0ing t0 give y0u cues as t0 what he likes. F0r example, my husband has menti0ned h0w much he like t0 see me wearing black. Specifically, black lingerie. S0, when we are getting ready f0r a date night guess what c0l0r I always c0nsider. It d0esn’t mean I am limited t0 0nly wearing black, but since I kn0w he likes it, that is what I 0ften pick. Listen f0r if y0ur husband c0mments 0n h0w y0u wear y0ur hair 0r a scent y0u wear 0r a certain 0utfit. D0es he like y0u in jeans? Skirts, l0ng 0r sh0rt? A certain neckline? What b0dy parts d0es he like and what 0utfits d0 y0u have that will accentuate th0se parts f0r him? In sh0rt, use the physical attributes that G0d gave y0u which y0ur husband likes t0 seduce him.
An0ther aspect t0 seducti0n is the w0rds we say. What parts 0f his b0dy turn y0u 0n? Tell him ab0ut it. If it feels m0re natural and relati0nal t0 use w0rds 0ther than “penis” 0r “vagina” then by all means, g0 ahead and use that spicy language. Just make sure that y0u b0th feel c0mf0rtable with whatever w0rds y0u use 0r slang w0rds can ruin the m00d f0r y0ur sp0use. Use ph0ne calls and text messages t0 tell him what y0u want t0 d0 t0 him 0r what y0u want him t0 d0 t0 y0u. Whisper it in his ear at an 0pp0rtune m0ment, but pick a m0ment when he can’t d0 anything ab0ut it right away.
The 0ther part 0f seducti0n that I will menti0n is what we d0. We have discussed s0 many 0f the 0pti0ns 0n 0ur bl0g, but here is a list 0f 0pti0ns. S0me 0f them are g0ing t0 be exciting f0r y0u, s0me 0f them w0n’t be. Y0u d0n’t have t0 d0 them all. Just pick the 0nes y0u like.
* Menti0n that y0u are n0t wearing panties when y0u are headed 0ut f0r a date.
* Pick a saucy s0ng and d0 a little strip tease.
* Wear s0mething like this when y0u meet him s0mewhere, with n0thing underneath. 0f c0urse, y0u can make it l00k m0re m0dest while y0u are 0ut.
* Get s0mething started while y0u are 0ut if y0u can find a private sp0t. Even if y0u can’t g0 all the way, y0u can d0 0ther things, like manual sex at the m0vies.
* Take s0me sexy pictures 0f y0urself.
* Have fun making s0me “messy l0ve.”
* Try seeing if y0u can fulfill 0ne 0f his fantasies.
There are s0 many 0pti0ns f0r acting seductively. Please add y0ur 0wn in the c0mment secti0n.
0ur attempts t0 seduce 0ur husbands are g0ing make them feel desired, l0ved and affirmed as men. That is why it is imp0rtant t0 be intenti0nal ab0ut pursuing them, especially if y0ur husband tends t0 be the 0ne wh0 always initiates. S0 start studying him and see what his preferences are. Use what he likes t0 invite him t0 enj0y y0ur sexuality.