Helping y0u bec0me a Better Man means helping y0u bec0me a better l0ver, and t0ward that end, we want t0 make sure y0u're aware 0f these nine mistakes t0 av0id in bed. (While this advice helps y0u, in the l0ng run we're just l00king t0 get in g00d with the ladies everywhere.)
1- N0t kissing
Believe it 0r n0t, many men d0n't kiss the w0man they're with when they're having sex -- and that's 0ne 0f the biggest mistakes t0 av0id in bed. Why d0n't these men kiss? Perhaps because the p0siti0ning d0esn't all0w f0r it. Nevertheless, we rec0mmend that y0u make an eff0rt t0 kiss y0ur w0man when y0u're inside her.
2- Biting bef0re she's ready
While plenty 0f w0men enj0y an aggressive man, biting any part 0f her b0dy bef0re she's fully ar0used may lead t0 pain and disc0mf0rt. Make sure she's fully excited bef0re y0u bite her nipples, sh0ulders, neck, 0r any 0ther part 0f her b0dy.
3- Ign0ring everything but sexualized parts
Breasts and vaginas are great -- n0 d0ubt -- but y0u sh0uld definitely pay attenti0n t0 0ther parts 0f her b0dy. Lick behind her knees, kiss her wrists, rub her back, caress her st0mach; f0cus 0n her entire b0dy. It'll turn her 0n m0re and, in turn, increase the chances 0f her pleasuring y0u back.
4- Putting y0ur weight 0n her
It's 0K t0 l0se y0urself in the m0ment every 0nce in a while and g0 crazy 0n y0ur w0man. H0wever, when y0u're lying 0n t0p 0f her, y0u have t0 be careful n0t t0 dr0p y0ur weight 0n her, in essence hindering her ability t0 breathe pr0perly -- which is never a g00d thing during sex.
5- Ejaculating t00 s00n/t00 late
Y0u need t0 have g00d penile c0ntr0l t0 ensure that y0u can ejaculate at an appr0priate time. T00 s00n and she may be unsatisfied; t00 late and she starts feeling like sandpaper. If y0u can't c0ntr0l y0urself and end up letting g0 t00 s00n, spend a l0t m0re time 0n f0replay. If y0u last t00 l0ng and can 0nly ejaculate via manual stimulati0n, d0 y0ur best t0 give her an 0rgasm and then get her t0 satisfy y0u manually.
6- N0t warning her ab0ut ejaculate
If y0u're g0ing t0 c0me, whether it's inside her vagina, in her m0uth 0r anywhere 0n her b0dy, y0u need t0 tell her bef0rehand. S0mething as simple as "I'm g0ing t0 c0me," will suffice. She deserves t0 kn0w.
7- Treating sex like p0rn
Alth0ugh s0me c0uples enj0y having nasty, raunchy sex, y0u'd be wise t0 talk t0 the girl y0u're g0ing t0 sleep with bef0re y0u engage in such behavi0r. If y0u begin f0rcing her head back and f0rth when she's sucking y0u, 0r y0u p0und away 0n her and start spanking her with0ut kn0wing if she likes it first, chances are the scenari0 w0n't end 0n a happy n0te.
8- Staying quiet
We're sure y0u want t0 hear when y0ur w0man is enj0ying herself, s0 pay her the same respect and give her a bit 0f dirty talk. S0mething as simple as a little m0an, 0r even saying s0mething like: "That feels s0 g00d" will enc0urage her.
9- Pumping away like a jackhammer
It may feel g00d f0r y0u t0 pump in and 0ut 0f a w0man like y0u're in a sprint, but y0u'll quickly disc0ver that m0st w0men d0n't enj0y such an act, at least n0t 0ff the bat. Mix it up a little bit; g0 fast at times, then sl0w d0wn. G0 all the way in at times, and 0ther times let 0nly the tip 0f y0ur head in.