S0 h0w can y0u p0ssibly tell whether 0r n0t she has really reached 0rgasm? After all, since all w0men react differently t0 climaxing (just as men d0), h0w can y0u tell whether she saw the heavens 0r was simply attempting t0 feed y0ur eg0?
Well, there are plenty 0f ways in which t0 determine that y0ur sexual partner has reached the acme 0f sexual pleasure. Whereas s0me w0men make it quite 0bvi0us that they're having an 0rgasm, 0ther w0men are quiet as a m0use and expect y0u t0 kn0w that they're satisfied.
S0me w0men have n0 pr0blem being v0cal and v0icing what they want y0u t0 d0. They scream, dig their nails int0 y0ur back (0r the bed as the case may be), pull y0ur hair, cry, and in extreme situati0ns, they black 0ut f0r a m0ment.
squeeze th0se muscles
Are y0u feeling her vaginal muscles c0ntract? Well then, m0re likely than n0t, y0ur partner is reaching her climactic level in the f0rnicati0n department. If she begins squeezing and then releasing her PC muscles, it's because y0u're hitting that sp0t that she l0ves s0 much...s0 keep d0ing it!
An0ther way t0 be sure is t0 wait until y0u feel her get extremely wet. Squeezing the muscles may mean she's ab0ut t0 0rgasm, but unless y0u c0ntinue t0 excite her, she may n0t reach that climactic finale she wants s0 desperately t0 attain. If she begins t0 juice, well then gentlemen, we have a winner!
The liquid may 0r may n0t "fl0w 0ut". A small percentage 0f w0men, during 0rgasm, will experience what is called female ejaculati0n . During female ejaculati0n, fluid is expelled fr0m the urethra. This fluid is n0t t0 be mistaken f0r urine because it is made fr0m a different substance.
The maj0rity 0f w0men, h0wever, will n0t experience this. They will merely experience an increase in vaginal lubricati0n, which can still be just as intense f0r them. But every man can h0pe f0r an ejaculat0r!
0n 0ccasi0n, w0men wh0 reach climax get hardened nipples. N0w if y0ur lady happens t0 have hard nipples all the time, well then, better luck next time. F0r the rest 0f y0u th0ugh, hardened nipples are a dead giveaway that a w0man is reaching her pleasure peak.
0bvi0usly, her breasts swell when she gets excited because 0f the bl00d rush thr0ugh0ut her b0dy. Her nipples, 0n the 0ther hand, are a different st0ry. Alth0ugh it has n0t been pr0ven scientifically, s0me w0men, up0n achieving 0rgasm, claim that their nipples harden 0nly when they reach their climax.
S0 be aware 0f y0ur l0ver's nipples -- if they are c0nstantly hard, even when they're n0t stimulated, then it's unlikely that hardened nipples during sex will have any telltale signs. If, 0n the 0ther hand, she rarely 0r never has hard nipples, keep y0ur eyes 0pen and y0ur t0ngue ready (f0r licking and sucking, 0f c0urse).
m0an 0r gr0an?
If y0u're blessed en0ugh t0 have a sexually v0cal w0man f0r a partner, then welc0me t0 the w0nderful w0rld 0f predicti0n. This technique is simple in determining whether y0ur lady is really reaching her peak 0r if she's simply acting like an interested p0rn star f0r the sake 0f the situati0n.
If her m0aning is c0nstant and peri0dic, as th0ugh she's making n0ise mechanically (00h, yeah, 00h, yeah, 00h, 00h, yeah, yeah...y0u get the picture), then it's quite likely that she's putting 0n a perf0rmance. Whether she's faking it t0 get it 0ver with 0r because she d0esn't want t0 hurt y0ur feelings, s0me w0men think that it's necessary t0 act as th0ugh they're climaxing. G0 figure.
The rest 0f us, h0wever, have n0 qualm ab0ut letting 0ut distinct s0unds 0f pleasure and peak. If y0ur lady friend m0ans as th0ugh she's dis0riented 0r bewildered, then it's my belief that the 0rgasm is 0n its way t0 the surface.
If she begins t0 grasp at things, 0r screams and sh0uts that she wants it harder, faster and that y0u sh0uldn't st0p, then take heed and d0 as she says. Wh0 kn0ws, perhaps her excitement will make y0u reach 0rgasm als0, thus killing tw0 birds with 0ne st0ne!
Rider beware: there exist the "c0nniving climaxers" that are s0 c0nvincing, y0u'll pr0bably never kn0w that they're f00ling y0u. In any case, enj0y the ride because if she's s0 adamant ab0ut lying, it's n0t y0ur fault.