Mattress mamb0 g0t y0u d0wn? Have n0 fear; 0nce y0u try 0ut 0ur sexual ch0re0graphy, y0u’ll ace y0ur game even if y0u have tw0 left feet, since we’re talking hips -- that special cradle that’ll r0ck y0ur jewels and her w0rld. Herewith, s0me c00l tips f0r y0ur awes0me hips with advice 0n pr0per hip m0vement in bed.
They call it screwing f0r g00d reas0n -- meaning circular m0ves, n0t hammering straight in. 0nce y0u’ve placed y0ur penis as deep inside her vagina as p0ssible, instead 0f thrusting in and 0ut, grind y0ur hips in a spiral fashi0n -- like a screw -- and y0u’ll hit the hidden parts 0f her clit0ris that acc0unt f0r 90% 0f her sensati0ns, with the little pearl being 0nly the tip 0f the iceberg. That said, if y0u want t0 hit that pearl n0netheless, just make sure that y0u push y0ur hips up a bit at the tightest p0int 0f the screwing m0ti0n.
The PC muscle is l0cated acr0ss the cr0tch in b0th men and w0men and c0ntr0ls the nether functi0ns -- it’s what y0u squeeze when trying t0 keep y0urself fr0m g0ing t0 the bathr00m, since it acts as a valve ar0und the genitals. If y0u learn t0 relax it as y0ur hips c0me t0gether and squeeze it as they pull apart, y0u’ll feel y0ur penis and testicles m0ve up int0 y0ur b0dy, giving y0u s0me indirect pr0state (aka male G-sp0t) stimulati0n. Just like at the gym, as y0ur hips keep the pumping rhythm g0ing, y0u need t0 inhale as y0u relax, exhale as y0u squeeze -- that is, if y0u wanna feel the Big 0 travel right int0 y0ur t0es.
Tailb0ne swing
F0r th0se 0f y0u wh0 dig perineal acti0n, add a swing 0f the tailb0ne every time y0u c0me t0gether and y0ur PC muscle is relaxed. Y0u’ll experience deep pelvic c0ntracti0ns that’ll travel t0ward y0ur perineum (that highly sensitive, sm00th, hairless area between y0ur scr0tum and y0ur rear d00r). In general, any r0tati0n ar0und the tailb0ne 0pens up the l0wer back, pr0viding greater c0mf0rt and flexibility. The m0ti0n acts like a pump, releasing the energy that’s st0red in that meridian -- pe0ple pr0ne t0 back pain tend t0 st0re their anxiety in there, thereby tightening up the muscles t0 the p0int 0f limited flexibility.
Shall0w thrusting
Y0u’ve d0ne the PC thing -- brav0 -- n0w it’s time t0 try 0ut s0mething shall0w; n0t as in “What’s y0ur sign, let’s hump,” m0re like shall0w thrusting. Since the 0uter third 0f a w0man’s vagina is the m0st sensitive part 0f her canal -- bey0nd it she can 0nly feel pressure -- shall0w thrusting can tickle her fancy in exquisite ways. What’s m0re, it’ll als0 pr0vide extra sensati0ns t0 tickle y0ur fancy, since y0u’ll be c0ncentrating 0n the m0st sensitive parts 0f y0ur J0hns0n: the head and the c0r0na (as in the gr00ve just beneath the helmet, n0t the beer). 0nce y0ur hips establish a steady rhythm, try adding s0me anal c0ntracti0ns t0 further intensify y0ur experience.
T0 c0mbine shall0w with deeper thrusting, 0bserve the “rule 0f 10.” Start with nine shall0w, 0ne hard thrust; 0n t0 eight shall0w and tw0 hard thrusts; f0ll0wed by seven shall0w and three hard thrusts; all the way t0 0ne shall0w and nine hard thrusts. Then repeat the pr0cess by g0ing in the 0pp0site directi0n, fr0m nine hard, 0ne shall0w t0 eight hard, tw0 shall0w, all the way t0 the beginning, f0r as many reps as y0u like.
CAT P0siti0n
The CAT p0siti0n stands f0r C0ital Alignment Technique, a variati0n 0n the missi0nary (n0t d0ggie) p0siti0n where instead 0f her wrapping her legs ar0und y0u, she squeezes them t0gether after y0u enter her, f0rcing y0ur knees 0n either side 0f her thighs. Y0u’ll then h00k y0ur feet under hers, f0r tracti0n, 0r push 0ff the headb0ard if y0u’re really tall, s0 y0u can ride high and y0ur hips can pump and grind t0 give her clit a great w0rk0ut -- this is 0ne 0f the few ways 0f increasing the 0dds 0f a w0man having an 0rgasm fr0m vaginal thrusting, even th0ugh it’ll still be a clit0ral 0rgasm. Thr0w in a vibrating c0ck ring and y0u’ll up the 0dds 0f a clit0ral 0rgasm even m0re. N0te: 70% 0f w0men will n0t be able t0 c0me fr0m vaginal thrusting al0ne.