The latest batch 0f sex scandal vide0s that are spreading in public n0wadays include th0se that allegedly inv0lve empl0yees w0rking f0r call centers. These “call center scandals” have made pe0ple curi0us ab0ut the fact0rs that may have made call centers as a “breeding gr0und” 0f h0t sex scandals spreading 0n m0bile ph0nes and the Internet.
0f c0urse, the jury is still 0ut 0n whether this is really true 0r n0t, but still, pe0ple can’t help but w0nder if the culture and w0rking envir0nment in call centers may have c0ntributed t0 the brazenness 0f its empl0yees t0 c0mmit sexual acts inside 0ffice premises and rec0rd themselves d0ing the act, whether with 0r with0ut the intenti0n 0f spreading the vide0s t0 the public.
The s0cial pr0file 0f the empl0yees w0rking f0r call centers is 0ne 0f the biggest fact0rs 0f the increasing incidence 0f sex in call centers. Maj0rity 0f the empl0yees are y0ung, ranging fr0m 20-30 years 0ld. M0st 0f them are single and a fair l0t 0f them are fresh graduates. Pe0ple in this age range are at the height 0f sexual expl0rati0n, and w0rking with pe0ple with the same age and liberal attitude can lead t0 b0ld experimentati0ns with their c0-w0rkers right in the 0ffice premises.
The financial capabilities 0f the call center empl0yees are als0 seen as an0ther maj0r fact0r. The big salaries all0w many 0f these w0rkers t0 live away fr0m their parents and d0 practically everything they want. This exhilarating feeling 0f freed0m makes them adventur0us en0ugh t0 c0mmit f0rbidden sex in the w0rkplace.
The very schedule 0f maj0rity 0f the empl0yees is seen as a maj0r fact0r t0 the 0ccurrence 0f sex in call centers. All pe0ple have the tendency t0 d0 intimate activities during night time, and this includes call center w0rkers wh0 are 0n b0ring and stressful graveyard shifts.
The call center c0mpanies themselves are n0t admitting 0utright that the sex scandal issues are true, but they are already implementing p0licies t0 prevent empl0yees fr0m engaging in sexual activities inside the w0rkplace. Stricter dress c0des f0r w0men are required t0 make sure that n0ne 0f them will wear revealing and indecent 0utfits when rep0rting f0r w0rk. The temperature inside the 0ffices is set c0uple 0f centigrade l0wer than usual t0 make empl0yees wear jackets, theref0re c0vering up exp0sed skin.
Hidden cameras and CCTVs are als0 installed ar0und the premises, especially 0n the areas where empl0yees were caught having sex. These areas include sleeping quarters, fire exits, parking l0ts and c0nference r00ms.
Despite all these, pe0ple w0rking f0r call centers stress that the public is bl0wing the wh0le thing 0ut 0f pr0p0rti0ns. Sex in the w0rkplace, whether in call centers 0r n0t, is already happening even bef0re the BP0 industry became p0pular. The sudden p0pularity 0f the call center industry has put the sp0tlight 0n them, theref0re creating c0ntr0versies that may 0r may n0t be true.