We’re g0ing t0 l00k at the lighter side 0f fetish, the side m0st w0men will be receptive t0 thanks t0 its frequent exp0sure in the media. Start y0ur j0urney here -- y0u may be surprised where it takes y0u. Here are s0me great beginner fetish t0ys:
Silk scarves
Many w0men fantasize ab0ut being tied up -- 0r tied d0wn. Want t0 find 0ut if y0urs is am0ng them? Bring a handful 0f silk scarves t0 bed and hide them away under a pill0w. Tease her b0dy until she’s begging y0u t0 have y0ur wicked way with her. When she’s reached the p0int 0f n0 return, grab 0ne 0f the scarves and slide it 0ver her b0dy. Lean in cl0sely and tell her y0u’re g0ing t0 tie her wrists t0gether; if she m0ans, y0u pr0bably have a real b0ndage baby 0n y0ur hands. If she reacts with fear, sl0w d0wn; this might n0t be her bag. Y0u can always try again at a later date.
Tip: If this is her first time, d0n’t tie her t0 an inanimate 0bject. Instead, tie her wrists t0gether -- this will turn her 0n while still all0wing her t0 feel like she c0uld escape if she wanted t0. Y0u want her t0 feel restrained, n0t cemented.
Candle wax
This may s0und painful, but it’s an excepti0nally er0tic sensati0n. Set a candle 0n the bedside table and make sure it’s in reach. Drive her wild with the f0replay she l0ves -- kissing, nibbling, etc. As she writhes beneath y0u, reach f0r the candle and let it h0ver ab0ve her thigh. Gently tilt the candle t0 the side until a single dr0p falls; testing this fleshier, less sensitive area will let y0u gauge whether 0r n0t she’s g0ing t0 enj0y wax play. If she l0ves it, c0ntinue at a leisurely pace -- this is n0t s0mething y0u want t0 rush thr0ugh. Unless she specifically requests it, av0id placing the wax 0n highly sensitive areas such as her face, nipples, clit0ris, etc.
Tip: Adult gift sh0ps 0ften sell specialty candles that burn at a l0wer intensity than y0ur garden variety h0use candle. If y0u’re b0th new t0 wax play, this is an excellent place t0 start.
Spanking paddle
Spanking isn’t just f0r punishment anym0re -- it can be a very pleasurable experience. The phrase “hurt s0 g00d” definitely c0mes t0 mind. Sex sh0ps carry a variety 0f paddles, but if y0u’re just starting 0ut, these c0uld really scare a n0vice. Start with s0mething inn0cu0us; we rec0mmend a ping-p0ng paddle. The next time things are getting h0t and heavy, test the waters by spanking her lightly with y0ur hand. If she d0esn’t 0bject, keep g0ing. When it bec0mes clear that she’s h0t f0r this kind 0f play, grab the paddle and give her b0tt0m a light smack -- and watch the vixen surface.
Tip: Pause between spankings and firmly massage her b0tt0m with y0ur hands. This will add greatly t0 the mixing 0f pain and pleasure.
When used pr0perly, a blindf0ld can magnify ar0usal by leaps and b0unds. While they d0 sell pr0per masks f0r this purp0se, they’re n0t terribly sensual. Y0ur best bet is making use 0f 0ne 0f the silk scarves y0u br0ught t0 bed earlier. The appeal 0f the blindf0ld is simple en0ugh -- the s0und 0f y0ur v0ice, the feel 0f y0ur breath 0n her skin -- their effects are amplified when sight is restricted. Watch her quiver with anticipati0n as y0u discuss what y0u’re ab0ut t0 d0 t0 her; y0u’ll be amazed by h0w ar0used y0u b0th bec0me.
Tip: Be careful when securing the blindf0ld; it’s very easy t0 inadvertently pull hair when d0ing this. Y0u d0n’t want her ass0ciating this kind 0f play with pain.
C0ck ring
These have c0me a l0ng way 0ver the years, and they can really spice up a sexy evening. Wh0 d0esn’t want a larger penis with a never-ending erecti0n? Y0u can ch00se fr0m a variety 0f styles, c0l0rs and materials. If traditi0nal steel s0unds a bit unpleasant, y0u can always 0pt f0r s0mething s0ft and pliable. C0ck rings aren’t just f0r men, either -- try a vibrating ring 0n f0r size. These will d0uble her pleasure by stimulating the clit0ris during sex.
Tip: M0st c0ck rings are n0t 0ne size fits all; measure y0urself bef0re purchasing. If y0u experience pain, tingling 0r numbness, rem0ve immediately and buy a larger 0ne.