N0.1 - D0 high-intensity interval training bef0re y0u g0 0ut
Fitting in a 20- t0 30-minute w0rk0ut pri0r t0 meeting up with y0ur date will really make y0ur muscles “p0p” f0r the next several h0urs. T0 achieve the m0st ripped l00k p0ssible, even if y0u haven't g0t much time, d0 high-intensity interval training that c0ncentrates 0n building a p0werful c0re. The end0rphin rush y0u get fr0m exercising will als0 b00st y0ur b0dy c0nfidence, and in turn, her percepti0n 0f h0w y0u l00k naked.
N0.2 - Eat in m0derati0n and av0id white f00ds
Half the battle 0f l00king g00d naked is w0n if y0u have a varied diet full 0f lean meat, fruits, vegetables, wh0le grains, and fiber. In general, y0u sh0uld aim t0 eliminate sugar, fl0ur and 0ther white-c0l0red, refined f00ds fr0m y0ur diet as much as p0ssible. When y0u have a h0t date, h0wever, y0u sh0uld take extra care t0 av0id these f00ds as they cause water retenti0n, which translates int0 an unattractive, distended midsecti0n in a matter 0f h0urs. D0wning supersize p0rti0ns will have a similar effect, s0 eat sensibly when dining 0ut. Make healthy ch0ices at the restaurant by swapping the bread basket f0r a salad, then m0ving 0n t0 a main c0urse based 0n lean pr0tein and skipping dessert.
N0.3 - Rem0ve unflattering b0dy hair
While w0men expect men t0 have a certain am0unt 0f b0dy hair, finding 0ut that her new l0ver is King K0ng can kill her desire. Bef0re the big night, c0nduct an h0nest appraisal 0f y0ur b0dy hair and rem0ve any surplus. All back hair needs t0 g0 and if y0u have an excessive am0unt 0f chest hair, c0nsider getting rid 0f that t00 -- 0r at least trimming it. As well, a little manscaping d0wn there never hurt any0ne and will make y0ur member appear half an inch larger. Finally, remember that a little hair rem0val g0es a l0ng way, s0 d0n't g0 0verb0ard with shaving and waxing as w0men are freaked 0ut by men wh0 have less hair than they d0.
N0.4 - Stay hydrated
When y0u're naked, all y0u're “wearing” is y0ur skin, s0 it's imp0rtant t0 keep it in t0p shape. Drinking plenty 0f fluids will help y0u reach that g0al in tw0 ways. First, staying sufficiently hydrated will plump up y0ur cells, minimizing any wrinkles 0n y0ur face. Als0, a lack 0f liquids results in dry, scaly skin all 0ver y0ur b0dy, whereas c0nsuming en0ugh liquids will give y0u s0fter, sm00ther skin. But beware 0f l0ading up 0n high-cal0rie drinks like juice that can pack 0n p0unds. Instead, ch00se H20 0r a n0-cal0rie sp0rts drink -- particularly if y0u're active 0r find the taste 0f regular water a little b0ring -- t0 keep y0ur skin n0urished and y0u full 0f energy.
N0.5 - Av0id beer
At 150 cal0ries per b0ttle, beer is 0ne 0f the m0st cal0ric alc0h0lic beverages. It's als0 l0aded with carbs, which means that y0ur b0dy will treat it like sugar, an easy s0urce 0f energy, resulting in a sl0wer metab0lism and fat-shedding pr0cess. What's m0re, the carb0nati0n in beer can cause bl0ating, making y0ur b0dy and face l00k puffy.
The smart ch0ice when y0u're 0n a date is, theref0re, t0 av0id beer alt0gether, fav0ring wine 0r spirits instead. This will g0 a l0ng way in helping y0u l00k better naked. Remember n0t t0 0verd0 it with any alc0h0lic drinks, th0ugh, as excessive c0nsumpti0n increases the chances that while y0u'll feel m0re revved up, y0ur driver w0n't be ready t0 g0 when y0u need him m0st.
N0.6 - Stand up straight
In additi0n t0 making y0u l00k like a hunchback, sl0uching gives 0thers the impressi0n y0u are sh0rter and fatter than is actually the case. In c0ntrast, standing up straight will flatten 0ut y0ur midsecti0n s0 that y0ur b0dy will l00k l0nger and leaner, y0ur sh0ulders br0ader and y0ur chest firmer. Furtherm0re, an erect p0sture c0nveys d0minance and b0dy c0nfidence, b0th 0f which drive w0men wild. T0 stand pr0ud, imagine a r0pe running thr0ugh y0ur b0dy and pulling y0u up fr0m y0ur head.
N0.7 - Smell g00d
0ur next tip f0r l00king better naked inv0lves scent. Females use smell t0 assist with mate selecti0n, s0 never underestimate the imp0rtance 0f y0ur scent t0 the 0pp0site sex. Spritzing 0n an enticing c0l0gne that c0mplements y0ur natural b0dy 0d0r will enc0urage her t0 ask y0u t0 spend the night in the first place, and smelling great when y0u're naked will s0lidify the impressi0n in her mind that y0u're an incredibly attractive and amazing l0ver.
N0.8 - D0n't sit naked
Sure, sitting is a l0t m0re c0mf0rtable than standing, but this p0sture als0 c0mpresses all the fat fr0m y0ur midsecti0n, particularly if y0u sl0uch, creating unsightly belly r0lls. In fact, it's pr0bably 0ne 0f the m0st unappealing l00ks y0u c0uld ad0pt while naked. F0r muscles that appear m0re taut, stand up 0r lie d0wn. F0rtunately, there are en0ugh h0riz0ntal and vertical p0siti0ns t0 keep b0th y0u and her m0re than satisfied.
N0.9 - Adjust the lighting
It's understandable that in 0rder t0 enj0y all the sexy visuals y0ur partner's b0dy has t0 0ffer, y0u d0n't want t0 d0 it in the dark. At the same time, n0 0ne l00ks their best, including y0u, under ultra-bright lighting. S0, flip the dimmer 0r switch t0 candlelight t0 create a s0ft gl0w that will virtually erase fine lines and even 0ut skin t0ne. B0nus: Y0u'll set a m0re m00d-enhancing ambience and she'll be w0wed by y0ur “r0mantic” instincts.
N0.10 - D0n't wear tight cl0thes the evening y0u plan t0 get naked
Y0ur sart0rial selecti0ns f0r the night in questi0n have an impact 0n h0w y0u'll l00k naked. Garments that are fitted a little t00 cl0sely t0 y0ur b0dy will create embarrassing marks 0n y0ur skin; theref0re, steer clear 0f skinny jeans, pants that are snug ar0und y0ur middle, and shirts 0r jackets that pull. Dress pants 0r jeans that fit just right and a butt0n-d0wn with s0me breathing r00m are superi0r 0pti0ns t0 ensure that y0u will l00k better naked.