10 best ways to have sex in shower

Well, 0ne 0f the m0st likely places t0 find her in the buff and half way ready is the bathr00m. Y0u can keep y0ur l0vemaking fun and playful by leading her int0 the bathr00m, 0r y0u can surprise her by jumping int0 the sh0wer t0 help her with the cleansing experience. Either way, y0u better make sure the tub is scrubbed; n0thing can turn a w0man 0ff faster than s0ap rings and mildew. While y0u’re at it y0u might as well clean the entire bathr00m. P0int t0 n0te: W0men are turned 0n by a man wh0 cleans.
N0w, we are n0t talking ab0ut R0man 0rgy-sized baths, neither are we talking ab0ut Jacuzzi water sp0rts. F0r practical purp0ses, I have limited this list t0 water sp0rts in the c0nventi0nal, bathtub/sh0wer c0mbinati0n f0und in m0st h0mes and apartments.
As with m0st sp0rts, there are safety issues. With water sp0rts in the sh0wer the key issues are f00ting and lube.
1- The leg lift
This p0siti0n all0ws f0r the c0uple t0 face each 0ther. She leans her back against the wall while y0u h0ld her knee in the cr00k 0f y0ur elb0w. Depending 0n height, as I’m sure y0u’re taller than y0u’re partner, initial penetrati0n may be an issue. At first, y0u sh0uld bend at the knees t0 gain access. Als0, if y0u b0th want t0 enj0y the falling water it is best f0r the female t0 lean against the wall with the sh0werhead.
2- Standing d0ggy
In this p0siti0n, the female bends 0ver and clutches the rim 0f the tub. Her knees sh0uld be slightly bent t0 maintain balance and t0 abs0rb s0me sh0ck. Y0u sh0uld h0ld 0n t0 her hips, and 0ccasi0nally caress her b0dy (al0ng her spine, her abs, her breasts). Again, if y0u b0th want t0 enj0y the water, the female sh0uld be facing the faucets. This all0ws the water t0 fall 0n the small 0f her back and hit y0ur l0wer t0rs0. The steady stream 0f water 0n y0ur jewels will be amazing.
3- Standing d0ggy (alternate)
In this p0siti0n, she stands facing a wall with her arms raised and pressed against it. Her l0wer back will have t0 be arched, thrusting her butt t0wards y0u. Y0u can get up cl0se and h0ld her hands against the wall 0r y0u can h0ld her hips. If y0u decide t0 h0ld her hips, balance bec0mes y0ur resp0nsibility and y0u might want t0 place a f00t 0n the edge 0f the tub.
4- 0ral 0bsessi0n
Since y0u’re b0th clean and fresh, why n0t take advantage 0f it and please each 0ther 0rally. Either 0ne 0f y0u c0uld dr0p t0 y0ur knees t0 please the 0ther, but unlike dry land, y0u can’t put a pill0w under y0ur knees t0 make the experience m0re c0mf0rtable. I suggest the pers0n receiving stand 0n the edge 0f the tub, h0lding 0nt0 the sh0wer r0d with 0ne hand and the wall with the 0ther f0r balance. The pers0n giving may have t0 bend slightly, but at least they aren’t 0n their knees. This technique als0 lends itself t0 an incredible am0unt 0f access t0 the l0wer regi0ns. Tw0 p0ints 0f cauti0n: d0n’t fall and d0n’t dr0wn.
5- M0ving m0untains
The sh0wer definitely lends itself t0 the 0pp0rtunity; h0pefully y0ur girl is up and d0wn f0r it t00. Y0u have plenty 0f water and plenty 0f s0apy lube, s0 g0 f0r it. After her breasts and y0ur member are all lathered y0u’re pretty much set. Y0u might have t0 try a c0uple 0f different p0siti0ns t0 decide which y0u like best. She can g0 d0wn l0w, pr0viding a steady place f0r y0u 0r y0u can g0 up high, standing 0n the edge 0f the tub 0nce again. The advantage 0f being up high is that she can pr0vide a little m0re m0vement and it is m0re c0mf0rtable f0r all.
In the case that y0u d0n’t kn0w: with the palms 0f her hands placed 0n the external p0rti0n 0f her breasts, she pushes t0wards the middle 0f her chest; with her fingers she lays a bridge acr0ss the crevice, which will keep y0ur member c0ntained bel0w.
6- The pr0l0gue
I realize that the previ0us has been suggested under the assumpti0n that y0u’re getting s0me. H0wever, y0u might have t0 w0rk t0 get there. This d0es n0t mean that we aband0n the bathr00m, th0ugh we may have t0 plan an ambush t0 get her in a m0re willing m00d.
While she’s 0ut, clean the t0ilet. N0w place plenty 0f scented candles ar0und the bathr00m: 0n the cl0sed t0ilet, 0n the sink, 0n the shelves, 0n the rim 0f the tub, everywhere, giving the bathr00m a nice r0mantic gl0w. Draw a h0t bath and add s0me nice bath 0ils 0nce it’s filled. Next -- and n0, it’s n0t a waste -- scatter s0me r0se petals int0 the bath and let s0me fall t0 the fl00r as well. I w0uld stay away fr0m incense. There will be en0ugh ar0mas fr0m the candles and 0ils and there is n0 need t0 p0llute the air with sm0ke.
When she arrives fr0m her stressful day, invite her t0 j0in y0u in this sanctuary. I’m sure she’ll accept and reward y0u f0r y0u eff0rts.
7- Manual manipulati0n
“What y0u talkin’ b0ut masturbati0n? I ain’t d0in’ that.” Yeah, yeah, yeah. She likes it. She likes seeing y0u masturbate. It turns her 0n. S0 get 0ver y0urself and enj0y it.
Y0u can d0 it s0l0 (each 0f y0u enj0ying the sight 0f y0ur partner getting 0ff) 0r y0u can d0 0ne an0ther.
There is a l0t y0u can d0 in this department, but I w0uld highly rec0mmend an investment in a detachable massage sh0werhead. Lube up her butt cleavage, stand behind her and place y0ur package in that cleavage. Use 0ne 0f y0ur hands t0 caress her breasts and with the 0ther, aim the sh0werhead at her clit0ris. Let her fingers d0 their magic.
8- Backd00r fun
I had a friend in high sch00l wh0 was w0rried that if he desired anal sex (with a w0man) it s0meh0w meant he had h0m0sexual tendencies. I d0n’t, and never did, see the c0nnecti0n.
Again, the sh0wer, with all its cleansing p0wer, lends itself t0 the p0ssibility 0f anal adventures actually happening. If y0u’ve ever enc0untered the excuse, “I d0n’t feel clean en0ugh,” 0r “I haven’t prepared f0r this,” then the sh0wer has bec0me y0ur new best friend. 0f c0urse, n0 matter h0w y0u pr0p0se this, the decisi0n is all hers. Just try t0 present it as a fun thing and d0n’t appear t00 desperate 0r y0u might run the risk 0f getting n0thing at all.
I rec0mmend, 0bvi0usly, 0ne 0f the standing d0ggy styles.
9- Take a break 0n the edge
We all l0ve it when she takes c0ntr0l 0f the m0vement. I suggest that y0u take a seat 0n the edge 0f the tub and let her l0wer herself 0nt0 y0u, with her back t0 y0u. Y0u’ll have t0 h0ld the edge 0f the tub f0r balance (y0u can’t h0ld her 0r y0u will interrupt her m0vement). She will have t0 supp0rt herself 0n y0ur knees with her hands and she will have t0 use her arms and legs t0 m0ve herself up and d0wn.
10- M0nkey business
As members 0f the primate species, we might as well partake in the gr00ming ritual. 0f c0urse, it is m0re fun f0r us humans. It’s time t0 break 0ut the raz0r and shaving gel. I h0pe y0u trust each 0ther well en0ugh t0 d0 this, as it is very intimate and fun. Plus, it makes 0ral sex that much m0re pleasurable.

Besides the positions that help you last longer

Keep in mind that it takes m0re than just sex p0siti0ns t0 help y0u last l0nger. First 0ff, y0u need t0 keep a p0sitive frame 0f mind. D0n't turn it int0 a self-fulfilling pr0phecy by c0ntinu0usly telling y0urself that y0u can't d0 it. Y0u can, especially if y0u believe y0u can.
If y0u have s0me s0rt 0f medical drawback, like erectile dysfuncti0n, then these p0siti0ns t0 help y0u last l0nger 0bvi0usly w0n't w0rk f0r y0u. Be realistic and get y0urself t0 a pr0fessi0nal as s00n as y0u can t0 0ptimize y0ur sex life.
P0siti0ns can be a game
Turning f0replay int0 a game 0f lustful sexual c0ntainment can be m0re fun than the actual sex itself. Make y0ur f0replay last. After all, when have y0u ever heard a w0man saying: "He kisses my lips and g0es d0wn 0n me f0r way t00 l0ng?" That's what we th0ught.
Enj0y the time y0u have t0gether and st0p f0cusing 0n the actual sex because that'll likely cause y0u t0 get m0re nerv0us, and end up leaving her in the bathr00m with a vibrating sh0wer n0zzle. Make it a t0tal b0dy experience, n0t just a penis 0ne -- 0h, and learn t0 please her in the sh0wer as well.
Lasting l0nger can mean s0me 0ne-0n-0ne
Y0u've all heard it bef0re: Practice makes perfect. D0n't be shy guys, y0u did it when y0u first disc0vered that s0mething 0ther than urine c0mes 0ut 0f y0ur penis, and y0u can d0 it n0w. Masturbati0n is n0t a f0ur-letter w0rd (there we g0, stating the 0bvi0us) and if y0u want t0 understand y0ur 0wn waterw0rks, y0u're g0ing t0 have t0 play the "getting t0 kn0w y0u" game with y0urself.
By str0king y0urself and figuring 0ut at which p0int y0u feel like ejaculating, y0u can learn h0w t0 maintain y0ur erecti0n and av0id premature incidents. Als0, y0u can bring y0urself t0 the p0int where y0u feel like y0u're ab0ut t0 l0se it and st0p y0urself until the feeling g0es away. Keep it up until an adequate am0unt 0f time has passed and then let the rivers fl0w freely.

Last-l0nger p0siti0n 1: This is y0ur missi0n
Perhaps it is n0t the m0st expl0sive 0f sexual p0siti0ns and, hey, it may n0t even merit the "Best P0siti0n in the Bedr00m" award. This p0siti0n, n0netheless, is m0st helpful f0r men wh0 want t0 pr0l0ng c0itus.
Missi0nary p0siti0n - Credit: The Player's Guide

Courtesy of SexInfo101.com.
Speaking 0f c0itus, y0u can try practicing c0itus interruptus, which entails deliberately withdrawing y0ur slimy guy fr0m her vagina pri0r t0 ejaculati0n and h0lding it. S00n afterward, y0u may insert y0ur little guy back in and c0ntinue 0n y0ur merry way.
Remember that the instant she lifts her legs in the air 0r y0u lift y0ur 0wn b0dy, y0u may end up feeling m0re intense sensati0ns. We, theref0re, rec0mmend that y0u begin with b0dy-t0-b0dy missi0nary and sl0wly w0rk y0ur way up with variety.

Last-l0nger p0siti0n 2: Face me
An0ther great p0siti0n that'll help m0st men last l0nger in the sack is the "sitting inside each 0ther" p0siti0n. Y0u sit with y0ur legs cr0ssed and she sits at0p y0u d0ing the same and c0ntr0lling the temp0.
Sitting p0siti0n - Credit: The Player's Guide

Courtesy of SexInfo101.com.
The great thing ab0ut this p0siti0n is that y0u get t0 rub her back 0r pull her by the sh0ulders and suck 0n her breasts with ease. As well, she can bite int0 y0ur neck 0r rub y0ur back while y0u b0th enj0y a c0nstant sexual pace.
When y0u bec0me accust0med t0 this situati0n and learn adequate penis c0ntr0l, then y0u can give her s0me new instructi0ns and get her t0 squat up and d0wn 0n y0ur member while she puts her hands 0n y0ur knees f0r balance.

Last-l0nger p0siti0n 3: Ride 'em c0wgirl
Alth0ugh s0me guys l0se c0ntr0l, c0nsidering they d0n't have any p0wer when the w0man 0n t0p d0es all the maneuvering, many men find a w0man's back-and-f0rth thrusting (rather than up and d0wn) very c0mf0rtable.
Riding p0siti0n - Credit: The Player's Guide

Courtesy of SexInfo101.com.
All0wing her t0 take c0ntr0l 0f the situati0n can help y0u c0ncentrate 0n keeping y0ur 0rgasm at bay. As well, y0u get t0 watch y0ur sweetheart b0unce ar0und while she d0es her thing.
0nce the thrusting thing bec0mes child's play f0r y0u, y0u can try letting her squat. But be warned: The squatting p0siti0n is likely t0 make y0u l0se y0ur mind (and y0ur semen) a l0t faster. That's because her vagina tends t0 hug y0ur penis rather tightly, and y0ur genitals and hers are the 0nly tw0 b0dy parts that are t0uching.

Last-l0nger p0siti0n 4: Fr0nt-t0-back
This p0siti0n sh0uld usually be reserved f0r m0rning sex. With her back facing y0u, lift up 0ne 0f her legs and insert y0urself inside her warm fleshy area.
Sp00ning p0siti0n - Credit: Player's Guide

Courtesy of SexInfo101.com.
Alth0ugh the initial feeling may be that 0f tightness, if y0u brace y0urself, the feeling will bec0me m0re c0mf0rting. Many guys are able t0 c0ntr0l themselves and last l0nger in this p0siti0n.

Backdoor buffet position

0kay ladies, here is an0ther great 0ral sex p0siti0n dev0ted t0 y0u! Have y0ur husband sit d0wn 0n the bed 0r fl00r, with his legs in fr0nt 0f him. Have him bend his legs up at the knees and put his feet flat 0n the fl00r. Then y0u will lay acr0ss his legs by putting y0ur abd0men up 0n t0p 0f his knees. Y0u then just spill d0wn his legs. Y0ur breasts sh0uld be 0n his shins and y0ur head is in between his feet. If y0u are in p0siti0n c0rrectly, y0ur rear will be right there f0r his taking! (Just let y0ur legs fall t0wards his sides.

N0w y0ur husband is able t0 spread y0ur cheeks and give y0u cunnilingus! This is als0 a prime p0siti0n f0r rimming.

Pr0s: W0nderful 0ral sex f0r y0u ladies!

C0ns: The bl00d may rush t0 her head 0r her abd0men may hurt if he has b0ny knees!

Tip: Place a pill0w 0ver the husband’s knees t0 help cushi0n it.

Five Ways To jump Sexual Boredom

Y0u l0ve having sex, but s0metimes plateaus set in and y0u may feel like y0u've c0vered everything and are simply g0ing thr0ugh the m0ti0ns. Well, even if y0u have d0ne everything sh0rt 0f swapping partners, there are ways t0 keep y0ur girl excited when it c0mes t0 having sex.
Here are five ways y0u can av0id sexual b0red0m and give y0ur sex life s0me kick.

1- Switch temp0
Speed is huge when it c0mes t0 sex, s0 if y0u kn0w n0t 0nly h0w t0 sl0w d0wn and speed up, but when t0 d0 s0, y0u'll be making y0ur girl 0rgasm at will.
Try starting 0ff sl0w when it c0mes t0 penetrati0n, then easing y0ur way in. Then, as her breathing bec0mes heavier, begin t0 pick up speed, eventually penetrating her deeply and m0re quickly. Then, ask her what she wants y0u t0 d0. Whatever she demands, g0 at that temp0 f0r a little while, but then change temp0s again.
It's up t0 y0u t0 determine what temp0 y0ur girl prefers and t0 c0nstantly surprise her with varying rhythm and vel0city.

2- Change f0replay
T00 many c0uples start their sex play the same way -- all the time. Y0u b0th lie in bed, y0u g0 d0wn 0n her, she g0es d0wn 0n y0u, then y0u have sex. It's time t0 add s0me elements 0f surprise t0 the mix.
F0replay can inv0lve anything fr0m sexual c0nversati0n t0 dancing. Y0u can kiss her m0uth 0r run y0ur t0ngue up her back. There are n0 rules. There is n0 surefire system when it c0mes t0 exciting y0ur partner. Try different things in y0ur sexual appr0ach.
Change the l00k, talk ab0ut sex and break 0ut the t0ys -- we have m0re ways t0 av0id sexual b0red0m

3- Alter the ambiance
D0n't be afraid t0 have sex in different l0cati0ns. If y0u and she d0n't enj0y having sex 0utd00rs 0r in strange l0cati0ns, at least 0pt t0 have sex in different r00ms 0f y0ur h0me. The dining r00m table is g00d f0r eating anything.
Lighting can als0 add a little s0mething t0 the sex. Fr0m candles t0 red lights, c0l0rs can enhance y0ur appearance and may even be c0nducive t0 living 0ut s0me fantasies.
Finally, music is a great add-0n when it c0mes t0 sex. Alth0ugh s0me pe0ple prefer silence -- and that's fine -- adding music t0 the experience 0n 0ccasi0n will alter percepti0n. Seduce her senses, dude.

4- Talk ab0ut sex
The best way t0 av0id sexual b0red0m is by tackling the subject 0f sex with y0ur w0man. Y0u may disc0ver that she fantasizes ab0ut kissing 0ther w0men, watching p0rn 0r even trying sexual things y0u were sure she'd never be int0.
Talking ab0ut sex can be y0ur greatest ally f0r sexual ideas.

5- Inc0rp0rate pr0ps
While music, lighting and different l0cati0ns can add a different spin t0 sex, using sex t0ys can als0 help ease her 0rgasm and all0w y0u t0 expl0re each 0ther's b0dies in different ways.
Fr0m tethers t0 vibrat0rs, take y0ur girl sh0pping 0nline 0r even at a sex sh0p and, starting small, begin using such pr0ps 0n each 0ther.

Extraordinary way to initiate sex

Putting “the m0ves” 0n her is an antiquated practice. They are aptly named “the m0ves” because they’re predictable, they’re used frequently and girls get tired 0f them after a while. 0nce the mystery is 0ver and y0ur m0ves are f0reseeable, y0ur girl is surely 0n her way t0 b0red0m, and she'll st0p wanting sex.
Reel her excitement back in by generating heat and curi0sity again with a few unique ways t0 initiate sex. Learn t0 entice instead 0f “ask” with predetermined, repetitive n0nverbal cues. Establish y0ur true game and initiate sex in surprising, new ways. She may ast0nish y0u with her 0wn surprises and bl0w y0u away. Here’s h0w y0u can initiate sex in new and creative ways.

C00k f0r her and then feed her
T0 a w0man, the sight 0f a man c00king c0mpetently is its 0wn aphr0disiac. Eff0rt and skill are displayed nicely as she is inevitably drawn int0 the m0uthwatering night y0u are creating f0r her. 0ffer her a glass 0f wine and let her have a taste 0f what’s t0 c0me. Feed her tasty m0rsels, indulge 0n her scrumpti0us lips as well, and give her a little task in the kitchen. While she is lightly engaged, slide up against her, brush up behind her, place kisses 0n her neck and cultivate the ultimate in anticipati0n. Pairing hunger -- b0th physical and sexual -- results in a fiery exchange.

Have a m0vie slumber night
Instead 0f just renting a m0vie t0gether and pl0pping d0wn 0n the c0uch, why n0t make an event 0ut 0f it and have an in-h0use m0vie slumber night? This is a really unique way t0 initiate sex. Y0u can watch sexy flicks she'll enj0y and prepare her fav0rite snacks in advance. Dress in pajamas, place a bunch 0f blankets and pill0ws in fr0nt 0f the televisi0n and pr0m0te the vibe 0f a sleep0ver. Then, while the m0vies run, play with her. Start sl0wly, with n0nsexual t0uches, and m0ve 0n fr0m there. Chances are th0se sexy scenes will w0rk their 0wn magic 0n her and get her int0 the m00d. And the c0ziness 0f it all will make her feel c0mf0rtable -- and being c0mf0rtable is necessary f0r m0st w0men t0 reach 0rgasm.

B0ard games f0r gr0wnups
When was the last time y0u played a b0ard game in y0ur underwear? Strip p0ker is a classic sex game. Classics are great, but m0dern sexual b0ard games are a unique way t0 initiate sex. Y0u can find these kinds 0f games 0nline and in adult st0res. They can be highly detailed, rich in st0rylines and pl0t, have game cards, pr0ps, dice, player pieces, and descriptive scenari0s t0 add t0 the excitement. There’s a l0t 0ut there, s0 take y0ur pick, 0pen a b0ttle 0f wine and have fun.

Sh0w her y0ur artistic side
There are temp0rary tatt00s, b0dy paints and cray0ns y0u can apply directly 0n a willing b0dy. The beauty 0f this activity is that y0u b0th need t0 shed s0me cl0thes and t0uch each 0ther t0 d0 it. It’s like the happy ending is a f0reg0ne c0nclusi0n as y0u're b0th alm0st naked and running y0ur hands up and d0wn a 0nce-blank canvas t0 apply y0ur 0wn brand 0f art.

Take her dancing
Dancing is the ultimate in f0replay, and an0ther 0ne 0f the many unique ways t0 initiate sex. Sweaty and h0t, y0u feel pulsing music res0nate and thr0b thr0ugh y0ur b0dies as she m0ves in ways that display her inherently sexual nature. She writhes and gyrates in y0ur arms while her b0dy presses against y0u. W0men l0ve a guy wh0 is n0t afraid t0 dance, and they l0ve the entire package 0f the night 0ut. She gets t0 dress up in a little s0mething that sc0rches the eyes and burns the image int0 y0ur mind -- as well as the minds 0f 0ther men nearby. Just be sure it’s y0u she g0es h0me with.

A sh0wer f0r tw0
At the end 0f the night, pique her interest and set the t0ne f0r the evening by j0ining her in the sh0wer 0r bath. Lather her up and linger 0ver curves, tracing patterns al0ng her skin, and t0uch her with0ut initiating sex. After the sh0wer is d0ne, 0ffer t0 massage her fav0rite l0ti0n int0 her skin and all0w her t0 relax int0 y0ur t0uch as y0u gradually shift y0ur m0vements int0 sensual caresses. She’ll be begging f0r it after all that pampering.

Why Butt Tattoo is cool

Female tatt00s are as varied and unique as the individuality 0f all tatt00ed girls.But Why tatt00 in the butt is c00l? Well, there are many explanati0n and there are many reas0ns but n0 buts because having an art in a butt is really sexy and c00l.There are s0me pe0ple think 0f it as a funny waste 0f art because it is hidden and in a secluded and nasty area, but it is n0t what it means t0 th0se wh0 are l00kin at it. In fact it is Sexy! 0ne 0f the c00lest thing l00king t0 pers0n with a butt tatt00 is, if its design is als0 sexy and match t0 the pers0nality 0f the 0ne having that. F0r instance a sexy lady with nice butt and having a tatt00 0f a tiger, f0r sure y0u will crawl!
When placing a tatt00 in the butt is n0t that painful as what y0u think and the tatt00 can design marvel0us art because its a butt, a jewel at the back 0f y0ur preci0us pers0nal p0ssessi0n .
There are many areas in y0ur butt t0 place y0ur tatt00 but the m0st sexiest 0f them all, is place y0ur tatt00 ab0ve y0ur butt crack, 0r place it in y0ur butt m0untains.
N0w here are the steps 0n h0w t0 tatt00 y0ur butt:

1. Think ab0ut placement. Y0u may decide t0 put it t0wards the t0p 0f y0ur butt, s0 that it peeks 0ut when wearing l0w-rise jeans 0r p0siti0n it l0wer s0 that it is 0nly seen by a select audience. The size 0f the tatt00 will be determined by, pard0n us, the size 0f y0ur butt.
2. Ch00se a design. This step g0es hand-in-hand with the size issue. The type 0f tatt00 y0u're wanting will greatly affect the design y0u ch00se and the design y0u ch00se will help determine the size required f0r the piece. 3. Determine size. H0w much space d0 y0u want t0 c0ver? If y0u're w0rking 0n getting a full b0dy suit, then y0u're pr0bably l00king at s0mething that will c0ver a large p0rti0n 0r even all 0f y0ur butt. 0r, y0u might be l00king f0r s0mething m0re like a cute little heart t0 share with that special s0me0ne.
4. Fact0r in the tickle effect. Many pe0ple wh0've g0tten butt tatt00s are surprised they aren't that painful and even m0re surprised when they find themselves giggling. F0r whatever reas0n, it's n0t unc0mm0n t0 find getting a tatt00 in this sp0t t0 be a bit ticklish. 5. C0nsider the sag issue. The effects 0f time, unf0rtunately, have an effect 0n a pers0n's b0dy. The butt is 0ne 0f th0se areas that s0metimes catches the brunt 0f the aging pr0cess. If y0ur butt sags t00 much, that r0se 0n y0ur left cheek might l00k like it's wilting.
6. F0ll0w y0ur aftercare regime. It's imp0rtant t0 keep fresh tatt00s m0ist while healing and t0 refrain fr0m wearing tight cl0thing 0r items that will rub y0ur new ink. This can be a challenge when y0ur new b0dy art is l0cated 0n y0ur butt. Ask y0ur tatt00 artist if there's any special aftercare instructi0ns he suggests t0 keep butt tatt00s l00king g00d.
7. Be prepared f0r a t0uch up. Depending 0n where 0n the butt y0ur tatt00 is l0cated, especially th0se areas y0u directly sit 0n, y0u may irritate y0ur fresh ink and cause s0me scabbing and c0l0r l0ss. D0n't be surprised if y0u need a t0uch up if y0ur tatt00 is 0n the l0wer p0rti0n 0f y0ur backside.

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Any0ne can l00k ph0t0genic with a few tweaks 0n any ph0t0 editing s0ftware.
Because pictures can last a lifetime, can create lasting impressi0ns, and can make 0r break careers, a l0t 0f pe0ple g0 thr0ugh vari0us means t0 make sure that they l00k g00d when they face the camera, and that the resulting snapsh0t is t0 their liking. Ret0uching the ph0t0graph is 0ften the way t0 g0.

Casual Sex tag

Maintaining a successful f*ck-friend arrangement can be tricky, but the benefits are w0rth the eff0rt. Being able t0 call 0n a girl y0u trust f0r s0me h0t, n0nc0mmittal sex is a great thing indeed. H0wever, 0nce y0u’ve f0und the right girl, s0me0ne wh0 is sexually adventur0us and interested in unc0nventi0nal relati0nships, h0w d0 y0u maintain the passi0n with0ut making her feel used 0r slutty? What exactly is f*ck friend etiquette? Read 0n and we’ll inf0rm y0u ab0ut this s0metimes-slippery sl0pe.

Give her advance n0tice 0n b00ty calls
Y0u sh0uldn’t assume she’s available 24 h0urs a day whenever y0u want t0 get laid. Calling her at 2 a.m. as y0u stumble 0ut 0f the bar is n0t the best idea. F*ck friend etiquette will tell y0u that she’s n0t a last res0rt at last call. Even the m0st sexually charged 0f w0men will pr0bably tell y0u t0 take a hike if y0u’ve w0ken her 0ut 0f a deep sleep. Give the girl a little advance n0tice. Perhaps y0u c0uld give her a call bef0re y0u head 0ut f0r the night t0 see if she’s willing and able later 0n. Plus, if y0u’re messy drunk at every b00ty call, she may s00n st0p answering y0ur calls. Plan ahead and sh0w up at her d00r at a reas0nable h0ur bef0re y0u get a case 0f whisky dick.
It might seem like scheduling a sexual rendezv0us will take the thrill 0ut 0f the wh0le thing, but y0u can make the anticipati0n w0rk f0r y0u. If y0u f0ll0w f*ck friend etiquette and arrange a tryst f0r later in the night, y0u can amuse y0urself all evening with fantasies 0f what it will be like 0nce y0u finally get t0gether.

Build up t0 and wind d0wn fr0m b00ty calls
Alth0ugh it has been established that the arrangement between y0u and y0ur friend with benefits is purely sexual and n0t r0mantic 0r even all that friendly, y0u sh0uld still give the girl a little c0nsiderati0n. Believe it 0r n0t, there is still a thing called f*ck friend etiquette. As such, y0u d0n’t have t0 immediately pull her int0 the bedr00m every time y0u get t0gether. 0ffer her a glass 0f wine and let her get c0mfy first. Als0, engage in a little chitchat t0 help make the situati0n a little less tense.
Afterward, let her take her time putting herself back t0gether; she may want t0 sh0wer 0r fix her hair and makeup. 0ur f*ck friend etiquette guide states that y0u sh0uldn’t pressure her t0 get 0ut if y0u’re at y0ur place, and that y0u d0n’t run f0r c0ver as s00n as the c0nd0m c0mes 0ff if y0u’re at hers.

C0me prepared
The m0dern man kn0ws he sh0uld always c0me prepared with the pr0per pr0tecti0n whenever there’s a p0ssibility 0f getting busy. Make sure y0u kn0w bef0rehand if she’s 0n the pill and if y0u’re expected t0 bring the c0nd0ms. She may be a regular sex partner, but y0u’re n0t in a m0n0gam0us relati0nship, s0 pr0tecti0n is param0unt.
Als0, f0r a truly pleasurable experience f0r b0th parties, cleanliness is essential. Washing up, especially in the areas y0u want her t0 pay the m0st attenti0n t0, is an imp0rtant step bef0re y0ur b00ty call.

D0n't pull p0rn m0ves 0n her
Y0u may feel tempted t0 try 0ut s0me 0f the m0re extreme p0rn m0ves y0u see in skin flicks since she’s n0t y0ur girlfriend and y0u have n0thing but a sexual c0nnecti0n with her. H0wever, just because she’s y0ur f*ck friend d0esn’t mean that she enj0ys facials 0r ass t0 m0uth. Get the 0K fr0m her bef0re y0u try any p0rn m0ves 0n her that might gr0ss her 0ut 0r 0ffend her. She may be m0re 0pen t0 these acts than the average girl, but y0u sh0uldn’t spring these things 0n her with0ut getting an idea 0f what she thinks ab0ut them.

Be discreet
If y0u happen t0 run int0 her 0n the street, be a gentleman and d0n’t make y0ur c0nnecti0n t0 her 0bvi0us t0 every0ne ar0und y0u. Keep y0ur hands t0 y0urself in fr0nt 0f her friends and y0urs. This means n0 grabbing her ass in public and keeping the kisses t0 the 0n-the-cheek variety. D0n’t embarrass the girl with innuend0 0r blatant sex talk. If she wants y0ur enc0unters t0 be y0ur little secret, keep it t0 y0urself 0r y0u’ll find that y0u have n0 0ne t0 call next time y0u need a release.

Ass data


Kim Kardashian in a Bikini

The Kim Kardashian bikini fiesta in Miami c0ntinues and impr0ves with these h0t candids 0f Kim bending 0ver in a le0pard bikini! Nice lil flash 0f ass crack in the last sh0t t00. I saw s0mething ab0ut Kim being up f0r the r0le 0f Lara Cr0ft in a new T0mb Raider m0vie which w0uld pr0bably be terrible but s0 awes0me at the same time!
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