N0w, we are n0t talking ab0ut R0man 0rgy-sized baths, neither are we talking ab0ut Jacuzzi water sp0rts. F0r practical purp0ses, I have limited this list t0 water sp0rts in the c0nventi0nal, bathtub/sh0wer c0mbinati0n f0und in m0st h0mes and apartments.
As with m0st sp0rts, there are safety issues. With water sp0rts in the sh0wer the key issues are f00ting and lube.
1- The leg lift
This p0siti0n all0ws f0r the c0uple t0 face each 0ther. She leans her back against the wall while y0u h0ld her knee in the cr00k 0f y0ur elb0w. Depending 0n height, as I’m sure y0u’re taller than y0u’re partner, initial penetrati0n may be an issue. At first, y0u sh0uld bend at the knees t0 gain access. Als0, if y0u b0th want t0 enj0y the falling water it is best f0r the female t0 lean against the wall with the sh0werhead.
2- Standing d0ggy
In this p0siti0n, the female bends 0ver and clutches the rim 0f the tub. Her knees sh0uld be slightly bent t0 maintain balance and t0 abs0rb s0me sh0ck. Y0u sh0uld h0ld 0n t0 her hips, and 0ccasi0nally caress her b0dy (al0ng her spine, her abs, her breasts). Again, if y0u b0th want t0 enj0y the water, the female sh0uld be facing the faucets. This all0ws the water t0 fall 0n the small 0f her back and hit y0ur l0wer t0rs0. The steady stream 0f water 0n y0ur jewels will be amazing.
3- Standing d0ggy (alternate)
In this p0siti0n, she stands facing a wall with her arms raised and pressed against it. Her l0wer back will have t0 be arched, thrusting her butt t0wards y0u. Y0u can get up cl0se and h0ld her hands against the wall 0r y0u can h0ld her hips. If y0u decide t0 h0ld her hips, balance bec0mes y0ur resp0nsibility and y0u might want t0 place a f00t 0n the edge 0f the tub.
4- 0ral 0bsessi0n
Since y0u’re b0th clean and fresh, why n0t take advantage 0f it and please each 0ther 0rally. Either 0ne 0f y0u c0uld dr0p t0 y0ur knees t0 please the 0ther, but unlike dry land, y0u can’t put a pill0w under y0ur knees t0 make the experience m0re c0mf0rtable. I suggest the pers0n receiving stand 0n the edge 0f the tub, h0lding 0nt0 the sh0wer r0d with 0ne hand and the wall with the 0ther f0r balance. The pers0n giving may have t0 bend slightly, but at least they aren’t 0n their knees. This technique als0 lends itself t0 an incredible am0unt 0f access t0 the l0wer regi0ns. Tw0 p0ints 0f cauti0n: d0n’t fall and d0n’t dr0wn.
5- M0ving m0untains
The sh0wer definitely lends itself t0 the 0pp0rtunity; h0pefully y0ur girl is up and d0wn f0r it t00. Y0u have plenty 0f water and plenty 0f s0apy lube, s0 g0 f0r it. After her breasts and y0ur member are all lathered y0u’re pretty much set. Y0u might have t0 try a c0uple 0f different p0siti0ns t0 decide which y0u like best. She can g0 d0wn l0w, pr0viding a steady place f0r y0u 0r y0u can g0 up high, standing 0n the edge 0f the tub 0nce again. The advantage 0f being up high is that she can pr0vide a little m0re m0vement and it is m0re c0mf0rtable f0r all.
In the case that y0u d0n’t kn0w: with the palms 0f her hands placed 0n the external p0rti0n 0f her breasts, she pushes t0wards the middle 0f her chest; with her fingers she lays a bridge acr0ss the crevice, which will keep y0ur member c0ntained bel0w.
6- The pr0l0gue
I realize that the previ0us has been suggested under the assumpti0n that y0u’re getting s0me. H0wever, y0u might have t0 w0rk t0 get there. This d0es n0t mean that we aband0n the bathr00m, th0ugh we may have t0 plan an ambush t0 get her in a m0re willing m00d.
While she’s 0ut, clean the t0ilet. N0w place plenty 0f scented candles ar0und the bathr00m: 0n the cl0sed t0ilet, 0n the sink, 0n the shelves, 0n the rim 0f the tub, everywhere, giving the bathr00m a nice r0mantic gl0w. Draw a h0t bath and add s0me nice bath 0ils 0nce it’s filled. Next -- and n0, it’s n0t a waste -- scatter s0me r0se petals int0 the bath and let s0me fall t0 the fl00r as well. I w0uld stay away fr0m incense. There will be en0ugh ar0mas fr0m the candles and 0ils and there is n0 need t0 p0llute the air with sm0ke.
When she arrives fr0m her stressful day, invite her t0 j0in y0u in this sanctuary. I’m sure she’ll accept and reward y0u f0r y0u eff0rts.
7- Manual manipulati0n
“What y0u talkin’ b0ut masturbati0n? I ain’t d0in’ that.” Yeah, yeah, yeah. She likes it. She likes seeing y0u masturbate. It turns her 0n. S0 get 0ver y0urself and enj0y it.
Y0u can d0 it s0l0 (each 0f y0u enj0ying the sight 0f y0ur partner getting 0ff) 0r y0u can d0 0ne an0ther.
There is a l0t y0u can d0 in this department, but I w0uld highly rec0mmend an investment in a detachable massage sh0werhead. Lube up her butt cleavage, stand behind her and place y0ur package in that cleavage. Use 0ne 0f y0ur hands t0 caress her breasts and with the 0ther, aim the sh0werhead at her clit0ris. Let her fingers d0 their magic.
8- Backd00r fun
I had a friend in high sch00l wh0 was w0rried that if he desired anal sex (with a w0man) it s0meh0w meant he had h0m0sexual tendencies. I d0n’t, and never did, see the c0nnecti0n.
Again, the sh0wer, with all its cleansing p0wer, lends itself t0 the p0ssibility 0f anal adventures actually happening. If y0u’ve ever enc0untered the excuse, “I d0n’t feel clean en0ugh,” 0r “I haven’t prepared f0r this,” then the sh0wer has bec0me y0ur new best friend. 0f c0urse, n0 matter h0w y0u pr0p0se this, the decisi0n is all hers. Just try t0 present it as a fun thing and d0n’t appear t00 desperate 0r y0u might run the risk 0f getting n0thing at all.
I rec0mmend, 0bvi0usly, 0ne 0f the standing d0ggy styles.
9- Take a break 0n the edge
We all l0ve it when she takes c0ntr0l 0f the m0vement. I suggest that y0u take a seat 0n the edge 0f the tub and let her l0wer herself 0nt0 y0u, with her back t0 y0u. Y0u’ll have t0 h0ld the edge 0f the tub f0r balance (y0u can’t h0ld her 0r y0u will interrupt her m0vement). She will have t0 supp0rt herself 0n y0ur knees with her hands and she will have t0 use her arms and legs t0 m0ve herself up and d0wn.
10- M0nkey business
As members 0f the primate species, we might as well partake in the gr00ming ritual. 0f c0urse, it is m0re fun f0r us humans. It’s time t0 break 0ut the raz0r and shaving gel. I h0pe y0u trust each 0ther well en0ugh t0 d0 this, as it is very intimate and fun. Plus, it makes 0ral sex that much m0re pleasurable.