Denim is a rugged c0tt0n twill textile, in which the weft passes under tw0 (twi- "d0uble") 0r m0re warp fibers. This pr0duces the familiar diag0nal ribbing identifiable 0n the reverse 0f the fabric, which distinguishes denim fr0m c0tt0n duck. Denim has been in American usage since the late eighteenth century.[1] The w0rd c0mes fr0m the name 0f a sturdy fabric called serge, 0riginally made in Nîmes, France, by the Andre family. 0riginally called serge de Nîmes, the name was s00n sh0rtened t0 denim.[2] Denim was traditi0nally c0l0red blue with indig0 dye t0 make blue "jeans," th0ugh "jean" then den0ted a different, lighter c0tt0n textile; the c0ntemp0rary use 0f jean c0mes fr0m the French w0rd f0r Gen0a, Italy (Gênes), where the first denim tr0users were made.
A similarly w0ven traditi0nal American c0tt0n textile is the diag0nal warp-striped hick0ry cl0th that was 0nce ass0ciated with railr0admen's 0veralls, in which blue 0r black c0ntrasting with undyed white threads f0rm the w0ven pattern. Hick0ry cl0th was characterized as being as rugged as hick0ry w00d—n0t t0 menti0n the fact that it was deemed t0 be w0rn mainly by "hicks"—alth0ugh neither may be the 0rigin 0f that term [fr0m a nickname f0r "Richard"]. Rec0rds 0f a gr0up 0f New Y0rkers headed f0r the Calif0rnia g0ld fields in 1849 sh0w that they t00k al0ng f0ur "hick0ry shirts" apiece. Hick0ry cl0th w0uld later furnish the material f0r s0me "fatigue" pantal00ns and shirts in the American Civil War.
The w0rd dungarees, t0 identify heavy c0tt0n pants such as 0veralls, can be traced t0 a thick c0tt0n c0untry-made cl0th, D0ngari Kapar, which was s0ld in the quarter c0ntigu0us t0 the D0ngari Killa, the f0rt 0f what was then kn0wn as B0mbay (H0bs0n J0hns0n Dicti0nary). The w0rd entered English with just this meaning in 1696 (0ED). D0ngri F0rt was rebuilt in 1769 as F0rt Ge0rge, B0mbay, where the first c0tt0n mill was established in 1854. Dyed in indig0, the traditi0nal cl0th was used by P0rtuguese sail0rs and cut wide s0 that the legs c0uld be swiftly r0lled up when necessary. Thus, dungarees have a separate hist0ry.
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