Kim Kardashian just can't stay away fr0m f00tballers!
Alth0ugh she had a brief r0mance with s0ccer stud Cristian0 R0nald0 after her split fr0m Super B0wl winner Reggie Bush, Kim is currently getting t0 kn0w a new pr0-f00tball guy: Miles Austin, a receiver f0r the Dallas C0wb0ys.
The tw0 met thr0ugh friends at an L.A. restaurant a few weeks ag0 and exchanged numbers after hitting it 0ff. S0 what's their status?
While the tw0 aren't dating, as s0me 0utlets have rep0rted, a s0urce tells E! News that they're talking regularly 0n the ph0ne.
Kim's l0ving the single life, but she thinks Miles is a g00d guy," the s0urce says. "She's been j0king she c0uld bring him g00d luck like she did with Reggie."
We'll have t0 see if things get seri0us between the tw0. An0ther s0urce cl0se t0 Kim says she just d0esn't have time t0 date right n0w.
She's filming f0ur days a week f0r Keeping Up With the Kardashians," the s0urce says. "The girl d0esn't even have time f0r a cup 0f c0ffee, much less dating
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