My supervis0r and I were having a discussi0n at w0rk t0night ab0ut h0w his wife refuses t0 "all0w" him t0 watch p0rn.She says it's the same as him cheating and its disgusting. S0 he was asking my views. Granted, as m0st 0f y0u have seen by n0w, I'm n0t the average female when it c0mes t0 th0se things and I'm extremely perverted and sexual and vulgar and all 0f th0se w0nderful disgusting things. But I d0n't see a pr0blem with it. I'm a big fan 0f flicks myself.S0 the questi0n is this, Ladies: d0 y0u/w0uld y0u have a pr0blem with y0ur guy/girl watching a p0rn. Whether with 0r with0ut y0u. D0 y0u c0nsider that cheating?
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