Rapid breathing
0ur breath when resting is a very peaceful and tranquil m0vement 0f air in and 0ut 0f 0ur lungs. It has the delightful title 0f "inspirati0n" f0r breathing in, and "expirati0n" f0r breathing 0ut. When a w0man is turned 0n, h0wever, this breath c0mes in urgent puffs and pr0bably has s0me inv0luntary m0ans escape with it as the air is f0rced quickly past her v0cal c0rds. The increase in heart rate when her b0dy prepares f0r 0rgasm means her internal 0rgans and muscles are demanding m0re 0xygen. If y0u can hear her breath change, y0u’re 0n the right track. If y0u can feel her heart thumping, y0u’re well 0n y0ur way. This is her sexual b0dy language giving y0u signals that she's ar0used. H0wever, if she's breathing n0rmally after having her "big 0rgasm," perhaps she’s a big faker.
General writhing ar0und and b0dy m0vement
If y0ur girl is curling her t0es and writhing against y0u, chances are she's pr0bably enj0ying herself. Grinding and pushing against y0u means that she's really getting int0 it. If she's lying there limp, then things pr0bably aren’t happening f0r her. Try changing p0siti0ns, 0r st0p entering her and warm her up fr0m the beginning with y0ur m0uth 0r hands and see h0w her sexual b0dy language pr0gresses fr0m there.
Thrusting hips
When she meets y0ur thrusts, y0u’re d0ing s0mething right. It's pretty safe t0 say that if she's matching y0ur b0dy m0vements and is in time with y0u, then she's getting s0mething 0ut 0f it. G00d sex is 0ften very synchr0nized, as that is h0w 0ur b0dies are designed t0 pr0duce 0rgasm; repeated m0vements in the right sp0t build t0 a climaxing. The tr0uble is finding the right sp0t, 0f which there are many. If she isn’t meeting y0ur thrusts then her sexual b0dy language is telling y0u that she wants s0mething else, s0 change p0siti0ns and see h0w she resp0nds.
Arms splayed 0ut
If she's h0lding herself cl0se she may n0t be feeling wild aband0n -- her arms may be ar0und y0u, her hands may be 0n y0ur chest, ab0ve y0ur head, wherever, except they're being held in cl0se t0 her 0wn b0dy. If she's 0n t0p she may need her arms t0 maneuver herself and give herself s0me leverage t0 get the best angle. This is certainly n0t a definitive gesture, but can be useful. Her b0dy sh0uld be resp0nding t0 the situati0n at hand. She sh0uldn't be w0rried ab0ut c0vering herself up 0r where her arms are. If her arms are stretched wide, either held 0ut t0 the side 0r splayed 0ut 0n the bed sheets, y0u can bet her sexual b0dy language is telling y0u y0u're right where y0u need t0 be and she's c0mf0rtable (and enj0ying the ride).
Vaginal muscle m0vement
Y0u have 0ne 0f y0ur m0st sensitive parts inside 0ne 0f her m0st sensitive parts -- with each m0vement inside 0f her y0u can feel the walls 0f her vagina, the muscles and flesh. The vaginal wall is an incredibly str0ng muscle and she will pr0bably use this t0 s0me extent f0r her 0wn pleasure during sex. Y0u may als0 feel the c0ntracting and relaxing during 0rgasm -- her vagina spasms and this will clench y0u t0 s0me degree -- but n0t always, s0 d0n’t use that as a benchmark. S0me w0men d0 have great c0ntr0l, and th0se wh0 d0 are likely t0 have better sex and 0rgasms in general. If y0u d0n’t feel any clenching, d0n’t panic. Y0u may kn0w already by the feel 0f her vagina when she's n0t far away fr0m 0rgasm -- she may let y0u enter further, 0r the 0verall sensati0n may be "just right" f0r y0u b0th. 0nly y0u can tell, s0 pay careful attenti0n t0 her sexual b0dy language and what’s g0ing 0n inside 0f her.
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