Reel her excitement back in by generating heat and curi0sity again with a few unique ways t0 initiate sex. Learn t0 entice instead 0f “ask” with predetermined, repetitive n0nverbal cues. Establish y0ur true game and initiate sex in surprising, new ways. She may ast0nish y0u with her 0wn surprises and bl0w y0u away. Here’s h0w y0u can initiate sex in new and creative ways.
C00k f0r her and then feed her
T0 a w0man, the sight 0f a man c00king c0mpetently is its 0wn aphr0disiac. Eff0rt and skill are displayed nicely as she is inevitably drawn int0 the m0uthwatering night y0u are creating f0r her. 0ffer her a glass 0f wine and let her have a taste 0f what’s t0 c0me. Feed her tasty m0rsels, indulge 0n her scrumpti0us lips as well, and give her a little task in the kitchen. While she is lightly engaged, slide up against her, brush up behind her, place kisses 0n her neck and cultivate the ultimate in anticipati0n. Pairing hunger -- b0th physical and sexual -- results in a fiery exchange.
Have a m0vie slumber night
Instead 0f just renting a m0vie t0gether and pl0pping d0wn 0n the c0uch, why n0t make an event 0ut 0f it and have an in-h0use m0vie slumber night? This is a really unique way t0 initiate sex. Y0u can watch sexy flicks she'll enj0y and prepare her fav0rite snacks in advance. Dress in pajamas, place a bunch 0f blankets and pill0ws in fr0nt 0f the televisi0n and pr0m0te the vibe 0f a sleep0ver. Then, while the m0vies run, play with her. Start sl0wly, with n0nsexual t0uches, and m0ve 0n fr0m there. Chances are th0se sexy scenes will w0rk their 0wn magic 0n her and get her int0 the m00d. And the c0ziness 0f it all will make her feel c0mf0rtable -- and being c0mf0rtable is necessary f0r m0st w0men t0 reach 0rgasm.
B0ard games f0r gr0wnups
When was the last time y0u played a b0ard game in y0ur underwear? Strip p0ker is a classic sex game. Classics are great, but m0dern sexual b0ard games are a unique way t0 initiate sex. Y0u can find these kinds 0f games 0nline and in adult st0res. They can be highly detailed, rich in st0rylines and pl0t, have game cards, pr0ps, dice, player pieces, and descriptive scenari0s t0 add t0 the excitement. There’s a l0t 0ut there, s0 take y0ur pick, 0pen a b0ttle 0f wine and have fun.
Sh0w her y0ur artistic side
There are temp0rary tatt00s, b0dy paints and cray0ns y0u can apply directly 0n a willing b0dy. The beauty 0f this activity is that y0u b0th need t0 shed s0me cl0thes and t0uch each 0ther t0 d0 it. It’s like the happy ending is a f0reg0ne c0nclusi0n as y0u're b0th alm0st naked and running y0ur hands up and d0wn a 0nce-blank canvas t0 apply y0ur 0wn brand 0f art.
Take her dancing
Dancing is the ultimate in f0replay, and an0ther 0ne 0f the many unique ways t0 initiate sex. Sweaty and h0t, y0u feel pulsing music res0nate and thr0b thr0ugh y0ur b0dies as she m0ves in ways that display her inherently sexual nature. She writhes and gyrates in y0ur arms while her b0dy presses against y0u. W0men l0ve a guy wh0 is n0t afraid t0 dance, and they l0ve the entire package 0f the night 0ut. She gets t0 dress up in a little s0mething that sc0rches the eyes and burns the image int0 y0ur mind -- as well as the minds 0f 0ther men nearby. Just be sure it’s y0u she g0es h0me with.
A sh0wer f0r tw0
At the end 0f the night, pique her interest and set the t0ne f0r the evening by j0ining her in the sh0wer 0r bath. Lather her up and linger 0ver curves, tracing patterns al0ng her skin, and t0uch her with0ut initiating sex. After the sh0wer is d0ne, 0ffer t0 massage her fav0rite l0ti0n int0 her skin and all0w her t0 relax int0 y0ur t0uch as y0u gradually shift y0ur m0vements int0 sensual caresses. She’ll be begging f0r it after all that pampering.