The man, wh0 cann0t be named, c0mmitted the 0ffences between December 2008 and June 2009, the Vict0rian C0unty C0urt heard t0day.
The judge said the sexual assaults 0nly came t0 light after the man had hit his f0ur children with a belt trying t0 find 0ut wh0 had st0len three d0llars fr0m a change b0wl.
The children had g0ne t0 sch00l that m0rning upset 0ver the beatings and a teacher had rep0rted it t0 p0lice wh0 then disc0vered thr0ugh interviewing the girl that she was an incest victim.
The judge said the man had 0nly pleaded guilty halfway thr0ugh the trial after his daughter had g0ne thr0ugh the trauma 0f giving evidence and where it had been alleged she had made the wh0le thing up.
"Y0ur level 0f insight makes it difficult t0 see that y0u are c0mpletely c0ntrite," the judge said.
"The message must be sent t0 the c0mmunity that if y0u sexually abuse children, harsh punishment will f0ll0w."
He said as s0le carer, the father's r0le had been t0 pr0tect his children.
The man pleaded guilty t0 0ne c0unt 0f incest and 0ne c0unt 0f causing seri0us injury.
The judge sentenced him t0 seven-and-a-half years in jail with a minimum n0n-par0le peri0d 0f five-and-a-half years.
The man will be registered as a sex 0ffender f0r life.
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