Keep in mind that it takes m0re than just sex p0siti0ns t0 help y0u last l0nger. First 0ff, y0u need t0 keep a p0sitive frame 0f mind. D0n't turn it int0 a self-fulfilling pr0phecy by c0ntinu0usly telling y0urself that y0u can't d0 it. Y0u can, especially if y0u believe y0u can.
If y0u have s0me s0rt 0f medical drawback, like erectile dysfuncti0n, then these p0siti0ns t0 help y0u last l0nger 0bvi0usly w0n't w0rk f0r y0u. Be realistic and get y0urself t0 a pr0fessi0nal as s00n as y0u can t0 0ptimize y0ur sex life.
P0siti0ns can be a game
Turning f0replay int0 a game 0f lustful sexual c0ntainment can be m0re fun than the actual sex itself. Make y0ur f0replay last. After all, when have y0u ever heard a w0man saying: "He kisses my lips and g0es d0wn 0n me f0r way t00 l0ng?" That's what we th0ught.
Enj0y the time y0u have t0gether and st0p f0cusing 0n the actual sex because that'll likely cause y0u t0 get m0re nerv0us, and end up leaving her in the bathr00m with a vibrating sh0wer n0zzle. Make it a t0tal b0dy experience, n0t just a penis 0ne -- 0h, and learn t0 please her in the sh0wer as well.
Lasting l0nger can mean s0me 0ne-0n-0ne
Y0u've all heard it bef0re: Practice makes perfect. D0n't be shy guys, y0u did it when y0u first disc0vered that s0mething 0ther than urine c0mes 0ut 0f y0ur penis, and y0u can d0 it n0w. Masturbati0n is n0t a f0ur-letter w0rd (there we g0, stating the 0bvi0us) and if y0u want t0 understand y0ur 0wn waterw0rks, y0u're g0ing t0 have t0 play the "getting t0 kn0w y0u" game with y0urself.
By str0king y0urself and figuring 0ut at which p0int y0u feel like ejaculating, y0u can learn h0w t0 maintain y0ur erecti0n and av0id premature incidents. Als0, y0u can bring y0urself t0 the p0int where y0u feel like y0u're ab0ut t0 l0se it and st0p y0urself until the feeling g0es away. Keep it up until an adequate am0unt 0f time has passed and then let the rivers fl0w freely.
Last-l0nger p0siti0n 1: This is y0ur missi0n
Perhaps it is n0t the m0st expl0sive 0f sexual p0siti0ns and, hey, it may n0t even merit the "Best P0siti0n in the Bedr00m" award. This p0siti0n, n0netheless, is m0st helpful f0r men wh0 want t0 pr0l0ng c0itus.
Missi0nary p0siti0n - Credit: The Player's Guide
Courtesy of
Speaking 0f c0itus, y0u can try practicing c0itus interruptus, which entails deliberately withdrawing y0ur slimy guy fr0m her vagina pri0r t0 ejaculati0n and h0lding it. S00n afterward, y0u may insert y0ur little guy back in and c0ntinue 0n y0ur merry way.
Remember that the instant she lifts her legs in the air 0r y0u lift y0ur 0wn b0dy, y0u may end up feeling m0re intense sensati0ns. We, theref0re, rec0mmend that y0u begin with b0dy-t0-b0dy missi0nary and sl0wly w0rk y0ur way up with variety.
Last-l0nger p0siti0n 2: Face me
An0ther great p0siti0n that'll help m0st men last l0nger in the sack is the "sitting inside each 0ther" p0siti0n. Y0u sit with y0ur legs cr0ssed and she sits at0p y0u d0ing the same and c0ntr0lling the temp0.
Sitting p0siti0n - Credit: The Player's Guide
Courtesy of
The great thing ab0ut this p0siti0n is that y0u get t0 rub her back 0r pull her by the sh0ulders and suck 0n her breasts with ease. As well, she can bite int0 y0ur neck 0r rub y0ur back while y0u b0th enj0y a c0nstant sexual pace.
When y0u bec0me accust0med t0 this situati0n and learn adequate penis c0ntr0l, then y0u can give her s0me new instructi0ns and get her t0 squat up and d0wn 0n y0ur member while she puts her hands 0n y0ur knees f0r balance.
Last-l0nger p0siti0n 3: Ride 'em c0wgirl
Alth0ugh s0me guys l0se c0ntr0l, c0nsidering they d0n't have any p0wer when the w0man 0n t0p d0es all the maneuvering, many men find a w0man's back-and-f0rth thrusting (rather than up and d0wn) very c0mf0rtable.
Riding p0siti0n - Credit: The Player's Guide
Courtesy of
All0wing her t0 take c0ntr0l 0f the situati0n can help y0u c0ncentrate 0n keeping y0ur 0rgasm at bay. As well, y0u get t0 watch y0ur sweetheart b0unce ar0und while she d0es her thing.
0nce the thrusting thing bec0mes child's play f0r y0u, y0u can try letting her squat. But be warned: The squatting p0siti0n is likely t0 make y0u l0se y0ur mind (and y0ur semen) a l0t faster. That's because her vagina tends t0 hug y0ur penis rather tightly, and y0ur genitals and hers are the 0nly tw0 b0dy parts that are t0uching.
Last-l0nger p0siti0n 4: Fr0nt-t0-back
This p0siti0n sh0uld usually be reserved f0r m0rning sex. With her back facing y0u, lift up 0ne 0f her legs and insert y0urself inside her warm fleshy area.
Sp00ning p0siti0n - Credit: Player's Guide
Courtesy of
Alth0ugh the initial feeling may be that 0f tightness, if y0u brace y0urself, the feeling will bec0me m0re c0mf0rting. Many guys are able t0 c0ntr0l themselves and last l0nger in this p0siti0n.