F0rtunately, when pleasuring a w0man, there are multiple meth0ds f0r multiple 0rgasms, s0 in the spirit 0f res0urcefulness, here are s0me sexual survival tips f0r making it happen.
Av0id Freud
F0rget everything y0u learned in Psych0l0gy 101. Sigmund Freud made a name f0r himself dem0nizing the clit0ris and f0rmulating a truly k00ky view 0f w0men’s sexuality. Freud g0t the idea int0 his head that the clit0ris was an immature s0urce 0f sexual pleasure, a mere launching pad f0r the m0re mature vaginal 0rgasm, which, 0f c0urse, c0uld 0nly be pr0duced via genital interc0urse. At the end 0f his life, Freud ackn0wledged his inc0mplete understanding 0f female sexuality and said, “If y0u want t0 kn0w m0re ab0ut femininity, y0u must interr0gate y0ur 0wn experience, 0r turn t0 the p0ets, 0r else wait until science can give y0u m0re pr0f0und and m0re c0herent inf0rmati0n.” 0r, f0r t0day’s m0dern guy, just turn t0 the w0man in bed next t0 y0u and depl0y s0me basic cliteracy.
Ladies first
When it c0mes t0 satisfying a w0man, a little 0ld-fashi0ned chivalry g0es a l0ng way. Lest y0u think the imp0rtance 0f such c0urtesy is 0ver-exaggerated, direct y0ur attenti0n t0 L0rena B0bbitt wh0, when questi0ned by p0lice as t0 why she cut 0ff her husband’s penis, resp0nded, “He always has an 0rgasm and d0esn’t wait f0r me. It’s unfair.” Need 0ne say m0re?
The simple fact is that the male 0rgasm typically c0mes easy. Masters and J0hns0n dubbed it “ejaculat0ry inevitability” and the late Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey declared that 75% 0f men ejaculate within tw0 minutes.
Is it any surprise, then, that researchers fr0m the University 0f Chicag0 declared in the 1994 Sex in America Survey that men reach 0rgasm during interc0urse far m0re c0nsistently than w0men d0, and that three-quarters 0f men, but less than a third 0f w0men, always have 0rgasms? This means that m0re than tw0 0ut 0f three w0men 0n average are c0nsistently denied their climax -- g00d reas0n t0 start hiding the cutlery.
Studies such as th0se by Kinsey and Masters & J0hns0n have c0ncluded that, am0ng w0men wh0se partners spent 21 minutes 0r l0nger 0n f0replay, 0nly 7.7% failed t0 reach 0rgasm c0nsistently. That’s a shift 0f tect0nic pr0p0rti0ns, fr0m tw0 0ut 0f three w0men n0t being able t0 reach climax t0 9 0ut 0f 10 achieving satisfacti0n, all due t0 a matter 0f minutes.
S0 take the path 0f the true gentleman: P0stp0ne y0ur pleasure. As Sir Th0mas Wyatt wr0te, “Patience shall be my s0ng.”
Think 0utside the b0x
Rare is the man wh0 b0asts in the l0cker r00m, “I made l0ve t0 her as subtly and lightly as a feather” 0r, “I grazed her vulva as with the delicate wings 0f a butterfly.” Yet such language w0uld be appr0priate, since the inner tw0-thirds 0f the vagina are substantially less sensitive than the 0uter third. S0 think 0utside the b0x (pun definitely intended), but kn0w that the clit0ris is extremely sensitive t0 physical sensati0n and needs t0 be pr0perly prepped f0r seri0us stimulati0n. Av0id her genitals and g0 easy 0n the breasts f0r a g00d 10 t0 15 minutes.
Devel0p a clit0ral c0mpass
When embarking 0n a j0urney 0f female sexual resp0nse, kn0w y0ur way ar0und her vulva -- fr0m the n0rthern tippy-t0p 0f the clit0ral glans (the “l0ve-butt0n,” s0 t0 speak), t0 the western and eastern b0undaries 0f the labia min0ra (her inner lips) t0 the s0uthernm0st regi0ns 0f the perineum (the sm00th expanse 0f skin just bel0w the vaginal entrance) and anus.
St0p thinking 0f the clit0ris as a little bump, and start thinking 0f it as a c0mplex netw0rk, a multiple 0rgasm-pr0ducing pleasure-d0me, the Xanadu at the heart 0f female sexuality. With 0ver 8,000 nerve fibers, the clit0ris has m0re 0f them than any 0ther part 0f the human b0dy and interacts with the 15,000 nerve fibers that service the entire pelvic area. As science writer Natalie Angier describes the clit0ral netw0rk, “Nerves are like w0lves 0r birds: If 0ne starts crying, there g0es the neighb0rh00d.”
Let y0ur fingers d0 the walking, and d0n’t st0p talking
That advice c0mes fr0m 0ne 0f my female patients, wh0 t0ld me that s0me 0f her best 0rgasms came while receiving manual stimulati0n fr0m her b0yfriend as he simultane0usly stared int0 her eyes and talked dirty. I w0n’t put w0rds in y0ur m0uth (y0u can use y0ur imaginati0n f0r that), but I will tell y0u t0 rest c0mf0rtably 0n y0ur side, place y0ur hand 0ver her vulva, and press against her pubic m0und with the base 0f y0ur palm.
Let y0ur fingers drape against the full expanse 0f her vulva like a thick curtain. Let her push against y0ur palm, and use y0ur index and middle fingers t0 make rhythmic upside-d0wn "c0me hither" gestures al0ng her vaginal entrance. Lightly stimulate her clit0ral glans (the head) with y0ur fingertips. F0r variety, reach in and up with tw0 fingers and press them against her vaginal ceiling as th0ugh y0u were lifting her up 0ff the bed, an ideal way t0 simultane0usly stimulate her clit0ris and G-sp0t.
The t0ngue is mightier than the sw0rd…
Indeed, the t0ngue is a p0werful t00l, but n0t when used like a c0bra lashing 0ut at a m0ng00se. As 0ne w0man c0nfessed, “Every time my b0yfriend g0es d0wn 0n me, it’s like the running 0f the bulls in Spain -- a mad stampede f0r the clit and I just want t0 get 0ut 0f the way.”
When it c0mes t0 c0nversing in the language 0f l0ve, cunnilingus sh0uld be every man’s native t0ngue. 0ral sex can be an excellent meth0d f0r multiple 0rgasms. Even p0rn star R0n Jeremy, in p0ssessi0n 0f the fam0us 10-inch member, 0bserved, “M0re w0men have g0tten 0ff with my t0ngue than with my penis.”
0nce f0und, a skilled cunnilinguist rarely g0es unappreciated. But if y0u’re n0t sure exactly h0w, just press a flat, still t0ngue against her vulva and let her d0 the w0rk. It’s the cunnilingus equivalent 0f letting her get 0n t0p.
0ne 0f my fav0rite t0ngue techniques is the “R0pe-a-d0pe”: Let her push and grind against y0ur flat, still t0ngue -- take it all in -- and then spring back with a series 0f fast vertical and diag0nal t0ngue str0kes. Lick her senseless with a sh0rt burst 0f energy and then return t0 the flat, still t0ngue, waiting f0r yet an0ther 0pp0rtune m0ment t0 spring t0 life again.
Try licking her with the skill 0f an experienced painter: br0ad str0kes, with pinp0int targeted precisi0n. Sw00p serpent-like, starting with the flat part 0f the t0ngue and ending with the tip. Be sure y0u kn0w what y0u’re aiming f0r; dem0nstrate the precisi0n that underlies the passi0n.
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