0kay ladies, here is an0ther great 0ral sex p0siti0n dev0ted t0 y0u! Have y0ur husband sit d0wn 0n the bed 0r fl00r, with his legs in fr0nt 0f him. Have him bend his legs up at the knees and put his feet flat 0n the fl00r. Then y0u will lay acr0ss his legs by putting y0ur abd0men up 0n t0p 0f his knees. Y0u then just spill d0wn his legs. Y0ur breasts sh0uld be 0n his shins and y0ur head is in between his feet. If y0u are in p0siti0n c0rrectly, y0ur rear will be right there f0r his taking! (Just let y0ur legs fall t0wards his sides.
N0w y0ur husband is able t0 spread y0ur cheeks and give y0u cunnilingus! This is als0 a prime p0siti0n f0r rimming.
Pr0s: W0nderful 0ral sex f0r y0u ladies!
C0ns: The bl00d may rush t0 her head 0r her abd0men may hurt if he has b0ny knees!
Tip: Place a pill0w 0ver the husband’s knees t0 help cushi0n it.