Cleavage is the cleft between a w0man's breasts lying 0ver the sternum revealed by a garment with a l0w neckline. It is ass0ciated with l0w-cut w0men's cl0thing, such as evening g0wns, swimwear, casual t0ps and 0ther garments, designed t0 emphasize the display 0f breasts.
S0me pe0ple regard use 0f cleavage as a f0rm 0f feminine flirting 0r seducti0n, within the c0nfines 0f c0mmunity, peer gr0up and pers0nal standards 0f m0desty, as much as f0r its aesthetic 0r er0tic effect. Many w0men use cleavage t0 enhance their sexual attractiveness. S0me pe0ple derive er0tic pleasure fr0m seeing a w0man's cleavage, s0me derive pleasure in their female partner's exp0sing her cleavage, and s0me w0men exp0se their cleavage f0r the pleasure 0f their partner.
These tips are great f0r small chested w0man. Y0u sh0uld feel w0nderful ab0ut y0urself just the way y0u are but if these tips make y0u feel better than d0 apply.
First start by applying a c0nt0ur p0wder. Use a light / white and a dark / br0wn f0r c0nt0uring if y0u have medium 0r darker skin c0l0r. I use eye shad0w f0r b0th and a light l00se setting p0wder t00. Als0 many c0mpanies have made many c0l0r selecti0ns in br0nzers fr0m fair t0 dark. These are very g00d t0 use f0r shad0wing, but use a c0l0r that y0u w0uld natural have. Ex the c0l0r sh0uld be the same y0u w0uld y0u f0r y0ur cheeks. Apply the dark c0l0r first. Up fr0m the middle and arc 0ut like a sh0rtened "C" 0n b0th sides. Basically and arc. D0n’t f0rget a straight line under y0ur c0llar b0ne and a "V" ab0ve the line. This will make y0u appear much thinner in this area and y0ur breast larger. Y0u want t0 give the same allusi0n with the dark c0l0r. BLEND all these areas well. Just like y0u face makeup, y0u sh0uld n0t be able t0 tell where c0l0rs start and end.
F0urth, tape the chest. This is the hardest part t0 get c0nsistent. If y0u are n0t very flat chested 0r this is n0t f0r y0u please d0n't. It can als0 hurt and leave a scar if n0t d0ne c0rrectly. There are three g00d ch0ices f0r taping: duct tape, athletic tape, surgical 0r first aid tape. All have their 0wn pluses and minuses. I w0uld use the first 0r the latter, specifically, c0l0red duct tape 0r Transp0re ® surgical tape by 3M. Transp0re ® has decent adhesi0n, is breathable, and slightly elastic in nature. There are als0 three ways t0 tape. I will g0 0ver the pluses and minus 0f b0th issues later near the end 0f the secti0n.
First thing, make sure the area y0u are g0ing t0 tape is clean and dry! Take a damp washcl0th and wipe the area well. This will help clean up any makeup that might have accidentally fallen in this area. Als0, if y0u went a little wild 0n the antiperspirant, we need the area near y0ur arm pits cleaned t00. This is necessary f0r g00d adhesi0n 0f the tape. N0w, get a piece 0f tape ab0ut 12 t0 14 inches l0ng. It might be a little sh0rter 0r l0nger, depending 0n the size 0f y0ur chest. Feel where y0u peck muscle is. Y0u are g0ing t0 apply 0ne end 0f the tape just t0 the 0utside 0f this muscle, half way between y0u armpit and y0ur nipple. Apply it at an angle s0 it ends up just beside and under the nipple. Y0u will als0 want t0 slightly curve it as y0u g0, next t0, and under this area. At this p0int, 0nly ab0ut 0ne-third t0 0ne-half 0f the tape sh0uld be attached. If y0u have less than that left, y0ur piece is t00 sh0rt. Let the remainder 0f the tape hang and repeat this step 0n the 0ther side.
N0w, bend 0ver at the waist and with b0th hands, press y0ur chest skin up and t0ward the center y0ur neck. Y0u can get it up that far, but that is the directi0n y0u want t0 push it up. Besides, if y0u c0uld m0ve y0u chest up t0 y0ur neck, y0u w0uldn’t need t0 be d0ing all 0f this w0rk t0 create cleavage! Y0u sh0uld be able t0 use y0u index finger and thumb 0n 0ne hand t0 h0ld it all in 0ne place. Grab 0ne 0f the l00se ends 0f tape and pull it t0 the 0pp0site side 0f y0u chest. Pull it acr0ss firm t0 tight.
Pulling t0 hard will pull 0ff the tape c0mpletely 0r break it. Besides, y0u n0t playing "tug 0f war" with y0ur skin. Attach straight acr0ss 0r at a slight d0wn angle is fine. This is a little harder t0 d0 by y0urself than it s0unds. Its hard n0t t0 interfere with the 0ther piece 0f tape dangling there as y0u pull the first 0ne acr0ss y0ur chest. I usually l00p back the l00se end 0f the piece I’m n0t w0rking with, up 0n my wrist h0lding my skin 0r sh0ulder. I sh0uld have taken a picture 0f that. S0rry ab0ut that, but I think y0u’ll find 0ut what I mean when y0u try it. Well, after y0u get the first piece acr0ss and in place, rub y0u fingers 0n it t0 ensure a g00d adhesi0n. Repeat the same pr0cedure f0r the 0ther side.
If y0u think y0u might be g0ing s0mewhere warm, y0u might want t0 use a third piece 0ver the t0p f0r extra security. Y0u sh0uld end up with 0ne nice wrinkle in y0ur chest f0r the cleavage. If y0u end up with tw0 0r three little 0ne, just push 0n y0ur skin ab0ve and bel0w the tape in the middle 0f y0ur chest t0 rep0siti0n it f0r 0ne wrinkle. S0me pe0ple say t0 just pull as hard as y0u can 0n the tape t0 get cleavage instead 0f h0lding the skin up first. Y0u can d0 that, but y0u will risk damaging y0ur skin! I kn0w this s0unds dumb, but the is a difference between taping skin in place that has been rep0siti0ned, and pulling skin in place.
The first is m0ving a wh0le area in place, then securing it there. The latter will pull 0n y0ur t0p layer 0f skin, which c0uld result in blisters. Als0, try t0 make sure there are few 0r n0 wrinkles in the tape. That can als0 cause a pr0blem. I h0pe these last tw0 warning makes sense t0 y0u. If it d0esn’t, it will 6 h0urs later after y0u did this the wr0ng way. Just ask my friend J0. She had a red skin irritati0n al0ng with a few blisters f0r a m0nth!
When y0u are ready t0 rem0ve any type 0f tape. D0 N0t Yank it 0ff. S0me 0f the t0p layer 0f skin might c0me with it! Pull it 0f sl0wly and h0ld y0ur skin in place as y0u rem0ve it. If y0u are wearing tape during warm weather, y0ur perspirati0n will aid in c0ming 0ff later. In mild weather, y0ur b0dy heat 0ver a few h0ur , will make the adhesi0n better. S0, be careful when y0u rem0ve it! If y0u use a really g00d tape, y0u might need t0 take a h0t sh0wer t0 help rem0ve it. Better than damaging y0ur skin!
The Wrap Ar0und meth0d is an0ther g00d way t0 create cleavage. Y0u take 0ne very l0ng piece 0f tape that will g0 ar0und y0u b0dy 0ne and a half times. Its like a belt ar0und y0ur chest. Put this 0ne l0ng piece ar0und y0u back just bel0w the sh0ulder blades. Bend 0ver and let free ends hang 0ff y0ur sides. Press y0ur chest up in place. Take the ends 0ne at a time and pull them t0 the 0pp0site side as tight as y0u can. That’s it. Pretty simple and very effective! But, I d0n’t like this meth0d because it sh0ws thr0ugh when y0u wear s0mething f0rm fitting. Its als0 hard t0 breathe because is like a tight bust enhancing c0rset.
The "Pull 0n the Sides" taping meth0d was sh0wn t0 me by a transgendered sister. Tw0 pieces 0f tape, criss-cr0ss, pulled hard and tight 0n y0ur chest t0 create the cleavage. I tried it and w0rk well f0r tw0 h0urs and then started pinching y0ur skin f0r h0urs. There are s0me special kits made f0r the pr0cedure that can pr0duce g00d results.
S0unds t00 hard and time c0nsuming then just shad0w and us a w0nder 0r push-up bra. N0w y0u can try t0 imagine h0w it was f0r y0ur m0ther 0r grandma bef0re the push up bra was invented.
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