A l0t 0f girls like it th0ugh in my experience as l0ng as it's n0t t00 hard. Als0, s0metimes it's just part 0f r0ugh sex, and y0u can't really be t00 c0nservative because then there's n0thing really r0ugh ab0ut it. I've had girls wh0 l0ve it when I pull their hair, slap their ass, even lightly ch0ke them. S0metimes she just wants me t0 treat like just a piece 0f meat, she gets 0ff 0n it, and I d0n't mind playing t0 her fantasy. There's always an extreme th0ugh. As 0f yet th0ugh, I haven't had t0 crack 0ut the ball gag and whip f0r a girl. I've th0ught ab0ut it and alth0ugh it'd be awkward f0r me at first I think, if she was really int0 it I'd indulge her. I'd certainly never suggest it th0ugh, haha.
Getting back t0 ass slapping I imagine she likes the fact that it's kinda tab00, 0r maybe she's even int0 the wh0le male d0minance thing as well. Part 0f it is just the natural c0ntrast between pain and pleasure, it just adds a l0t 0f perspective. Pleasure bec0mes a l0t m0re pleasurable when directly c0mpared the pain and it's n0t unc0mm0n f0r pe0ple t0 actually resp0nd p0sitively when experiencing tw0 extremes at the same time. It's like when y0u enj0y the taste 0f s0mething that is b0th bitter and sweet, 0r y0u are s00thed by menth0l rub that feels b0th h0t and c0ld. Pe0ple even blatantly speak ab0ut it. When it's really h0t, they wish they c0uld just jump int0 the arctic 0cean, when it's really c0ld all they can think ab0ut is spending a day in the desert. N0 b0dy wants t0 just find a place that's r00m temperature because it just w0uldn't pr0vide as much relief as the extreme.
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