Miley Cyrus w0n't be t0ld what she sh0uld wear 0r what she sh0uld sing ab0ut.
The 17-year-0ld is releasing a new album, Can't Be Tamed, and is d0ing it her way, even th0ugh s0me say she is g0ing t0 t00 far f0r her age.
I'm n0t trying t0 be 'slutty'," said Cyrus in a recent interview. "I'm n0t trying t0 be like, g0 t0 the club and get a bunch 0f guys ... What I'm trying t0 d0 is t0 make a p0int with my rec0rd and l00k c0nsistent, in the way my rec0rd s0unds and the way I dress."
What she wears has been put under the sp0tlight recently. S0me th0ught the vide0 f0r Can't Be Tamed was t00 pr0v0cative, and 0thers have criticised her f0r revealing t00 much skin in her 0utfits.
Cyrus admits t0 being partial t0 sh0rts and h0t pants. But she sees n0thing wr0ng with flashing her legs.
I'm really c0mf0rtable with my b0dy, I w0rk really hard t0 be fit and t0 kn0w that I can wear whatever makes me m0st c0mf0rtable. I feel m0re c0mf0rtable dressing with a little less, which is just h0w I've always been," she said.
N0w I'm able t0 d0 that a little m0re freely and, als0, I've just gr0wn up t0 be this way t00. It's n0t like this was me five years ag0. It's me n0w, presently."
Maturing is Cyrus' current missi0n.
She'll finally shed the bl0nde wig 0f her Disney p0p star pers0na, Hannah M0ntana, when it ends this year. Then Cyrus will be free t0 embrace her s0l0 stard0m and sex appeal.
When y0u're 11, the w0rd y0u w0uld use t0 describe s0me0ne is definitely n0t sexy, and as y0u get 0lder I think y0u gr0w int0 that. And I think I've d0ne that but that's n0t my schtick. That's n0t what I'm trying t0 d0 t0 sell rec0rds. I want pe0ple t0 buy my rec0rd because 0f my music.
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