While she's cleaning up, m0ve up behind her, m0ve her hair t0 the side and kiss her neck. If she resp0nds in an appr0ving manner (with an 00h 0r an aah), wrap y0ur arms ar0und her waist at first, and then sl0wly m0ve y0ur hands up t0 caress her breasts. If she begins m0aning in rhythm 0r playfully asks what y0u're up t0, keep g0ing.
Let y0ur hands wander d0wn s0uth and start rubbing between her thighs. If she's wearing a skirt, y0ur access t0 her pleasure patch is a much simpler j0urney. If she's wearing pants, y0u'll have t0 rem0ve them and bring them d0wn t0 her ankles and get at least 0ne pant leg 0ff.
If y0u're the ec0n0mical type, cl0se the water tap first and then have y0ur w0man lean 0ver the sink while y0u prepare t0 get y0urself inside. If y0u're the b0ld type, h0wever, get 0n y0ur knees, spread her thighs and have a little snack bef0re y0u sav0r the entree.
H0ld her, kiss her and hug her while y0u make l0ve t0 her, and If the ab0ve scenari0 can't happen f0r y0u (say, y0u 0wn a dishwasher), it's time f0r y0u t0 pick y0ur w0man up 0ff the bed and place her in the kitchen where y0u will c0nsume her sexual energy until she just can't take anym0re. Here are s0me places y0u might want t0 c0nsider heading:
0n the st0ve
If y0u're a very tall guy, y0u can seat y0ur w0man 0n the st0ve and penetrate her fr0m there, but c0nsidering s0me guys aren't s0 tall, y0u're better 0ff making her face the st0ve and having her place her hands 0n either c0rner. Bending her 0ver slightly, make y0ur way inside and while y0u wrap 0ne arm ar0und her waist, use the fingers 0n y0ur 0ther hand t0 rub her clit0ris fr0m the fr0nt.
0n the table
With her sitting 0n the edge 0f the table, leaning back 0n her hands, lift and h0ld 0n t0 her knees, and use them as leverage t0 push in and pull 0ut. Be careful; this p0siti0n may make her ejaculate all 0ver y0u. Wh0 am I kidding? Enj0y!
Kitchen fl00r
If y0u've ever seen 9½ Weeks , y0u kn0w that sitting 0n the kitchen fl00r with the fridge 0pen, feeding y0ur blindf0lded girlfriend, can be quite the er0tic experience. And alth0ugh feeding her need n0t be the 0rder 0f the day, d0ing it 0n the fl00r can be quite fun. If y0u're heading f0r d0ggy, 0r any p0siti0ns f0r that matter, make sure that there's s0me s0rt 0f padding 0n the fl00r (pill0ws, blanket, etc.).
0n the c0unter
N0w it's y0ur turn t0 sit 0n the c0unter and use y0ur hands t0 lean back while she pleases y0ur member. That right, 0ral sex has never l00ked 0r felt s0 g00d. Lean back, relax and let y0ur w0man d0 all the dirty w0rk.
Shiver in the freezer
This p0siti0n w0rks best in summer, but since y0u're ind00rs, I guess it can fly any time 0f the year. 0pen up the freezer (assuming it's at the t0p 0f y0ur refrigerat0r) and have y0ur w0man place her hands 0n the fr0nt 0f it while y0u caress her entire b0dy. Chances are her nipples will harden (yum) and the c0ld will heighten her senses.
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