The G-spot: s0me think it’s a myth; 0thers are c0nvinced that it’s n0t 0nly real, but it’s als0 highly effective in triggering mind-bl0wing female 0rgasms. While the scientific c0mmunity may still be divided 0n the G-sp0t’s existence, ask any w0man wh0 has had a G-sp0t 0rgasm, and she’ll tell y0u that it’s definitely there, and she wants y0u t0 stimulate it.
L0cating the G-sp0t can be an epic quest. It can be remarkably easy t0 find in s0me w0men, while in 0thers it’s alm0st imp0ssible. If y0u put y0ur finger insider her vagina with y0ur palm up while she’s 0n her back and then bring y0ur fingers up in a “c0me hither” m0ti0n, y0u sh0uld be s0mewhere cl0se t0 the G-sp0t. Manual stimulati0n 0f the G-sp0t may be the easiest way t0 expl0re its p0ssibilities, but y0u can als0 inc0rp0rate it int0 interc0urse. If y0u ch00se the right p0siti0ns, y0u’ll have a greater chance 0f hitting her G-sp0t.
From behind
Rear-entry p0siti0ns are s0me 0f the m0st reliable when it c0mes t0 stimulating the G-sp0t during interc0urse. Y0u can try it d0ggy style 0r in the sp00ning p0siti0n (b0th 0f y0u lying 0n y0ur sides, facing the same way as y0u enter her fr0m behind) f0r a m0re relaxed 0pti0n. In 0rder t0 have the greatest chance 0f success with a rear-entry p0siti0n, the penis sh0uld rub against the fr0nt wall 0f the vagina. When she’s 0n all f0urs, she sh0uld arch her back slightly and n0t put her head d0wn 0n the bed. Y0u can try lifting her hips a little and thrusting in a d0wnward m0ti0n t0 perfect this G-sp0t p0siti0n.
She’s on top
Many w0men prefer p0siti0ns in which they are 0n t0p. This pr0bably has a l0t t0 d0 with the fact that when she’s 0n t0p, she’s in c0ntr0l. W0man-0n-t0p p0siti0ns, like c0wgirl and its variati0ns, are great f0r hitting the G-sp0t because the w0man can angle her hips just right, all0wing her t0 find the arrangement that feels best t0 her. She can try leaning f0rward 0r back while adjusting the speed and pressure applied t0 the G-sp0t.
The right rotation
R0tated W0man is a tantric sex p0siti0n that is excellent f0r stimulating the G-sp0t. Start by lying flat 0n y0ur back with her straddling y0u, facing away. Then she sh0uld carefully lean d0wn until she can grab y0ur ankles and is lying 0n t0p 0f y0u. 0nce in p0siti0n, she can m0ve up and d0wn 0r circle her hips in a figure-8 pattern. The angle makes her vagina tighten up, s0 the rubbing 0f the penis pr0vides intense G-sp0t pleasure. She may als0 get s0me clit0ral stimulati0n in this p0siti0n, s0 she can have the best 0f b0th w0rlds.
Heels over head
P0siti0ns in which her feet are 0n y0ur chest 0r sh0ulders are als0 great G-sp0t p0siti0ns. In tantra, this p0siti0n is referred t0 as The Fl0wer Press. Start 0ff like y0u w0uld if y0u were using the missi0nary p0siti0n, then 0nce y0u have penetrated her, she sh0uld lift her legs up and back until they are pressed against y0ur chest 0r 0ver y0ur sh0ulders. Y0u can lean against her thighs f0r supp0rt while she grabs y0ur hips and brings y0u cl0ser f0r maximum penetrati0n. This G-sp0t p0siti0n w0rks because 0f the angle 0f the penis as it enters and the depth it can reach.
T0 get int0 the fusi0n p0siti0n, sit up with y0ur legs stretched 0ut in fr0nt 0f y0u and y0ur arms behind y0u f0r supp0rt. Y0ur partner sh0uld straddle y0u in the c0wgirl p0siti0n and then lean back, putting her weight 0n her arms behind her b0dy. She then can r0ck back and f0rth. This G-sp0t p0siti0n is difficult t0 maintain f0r a l0ng time since it will tire her arms quite quickly, but trying it 0ut is w0rth it since the angle and m0ti0n are great f0r hitting the G-sp0t.
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