When placing a tatt00 in the butt is n0t that painful as what y0u think and the tatt00 can design marvel0us art because its a butt, a jewel at the back 0f y0ur preci0us pers0nal p0ssessi0n .
There are many areas in y0ur butt t0 place y0ur tatt00 but the m0st sexiest 0f them all, is place y0ur tatt00 ab0ve y0ur butt crack, 0r place it in y0ur butt m0untains.
N0w here are the steps 0n h0w t0 tatt00 y0ur butt:
1. Think ab0ut placement. Y0u may decide t0 put it t0wards the t0p 0f y0ur butt, s0 that it peeks 0ut when wearing l0w-rise jeans 0r p0siti0n it l0wer s0 that it is 0nly seen by a select audience. The size 0f the tatt00 will be determined by, pard0n us, the size 0f y0ur butt.
2. Ch00se a design. This step g0es hand-in-hand with the size issue. The type 0f tatt00 y0u're wanting will greatly affect the design y0u ch00se and the design y0u ch00se will help determine the size required f0r the piece. 3. Determine size. H0w much space d0 y0u want t0 c0ver? If y0u're w0rking 0n getting a full b0dy suit, then y0u're pr0bably l00king at s0mething that will c0ver a large p0rti0n 0r even all 0f y0ur butt. 0r, y0u might be l00king f0r s0mething m0re like a cute little heart t0 share with that special s0me0ne.
4. Fact0r in the tickle effect. Many pe0ple wh0've g0tten butt tatt00s are surprised they aren't that painful and even m0re surprised when they find themselves giggling. F0r whatever reas0n, it's n0t unc0mm0n t0 find getting a tatt00 in this sp0t t0 be a bit ticklish. 5. C0nsider the sag issue. The effects 0f time, unf0rtunately, have an effect 0n a pers0n's b0dy. The butt is 0ne 0f th0se areas that s0metimes catches the brunt 0f the aging pr0cess. If y0ur butt sags t00 much, that r0se 0n y0ur left cheek might l00k like it's wilting.
6. F0ll0w y0ur aftercare regime. It's imp0rtant t0 keep fresh tatt00s m0ist while healing and t0 refrain fr0m wearing tight cl0thing 0r items that will rub y0ur new ink. This can be a challenge when y0ur new b0dy art is l0cated 0n y0ur butt. Ask y0ur tatt00 artist if there's any special aftercare instructi0ns he suggests t0 keep butt tatt00s l00king g00d.
7. Be prepared f0r a t0uch up. Depending 0n where 0n the butt y0ur tatt00 is l0cated, especially th0se areas y0u directly sit 0n, y0u may irritate y0ur fresh ink and cause s0me scabbing and c0l0r l0ss. D0n't be surprised if y0u need a t0uch up if y0ur tatt00 is 0n the l0wer p0rti0n 0f y0ur backside.
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