In 0rder t0 keep things as simplistic as p0ssible, I think it will be best t0 just list tw0 0f these amazing butt and thigh exercises. Keep in mind that these tw0 al0ne have been kn0wn f0r firming and lifting butts w0rld-wide.
The very first m0ve that m0st w0man tend t0 0verl00k and label as a "mans exercise" but really they sh0uld be d0ing is called the "single leg R0manian dead lift". An0ther reas0n that I think every0ne, men and w0men, sh0uld be d0ing this amazing butt exercise is it has a few hidden benefits. Such as: strengthens and secures l0wer b0dy j0ints, increased flexibility and impr0ves 0verall l00k and feel 0f entire leg area!
Single Leg R0manian Dead Lift
Starting P0siti0n: - Bend 0ver and assume a mixed grip 0n a barbell that is lying 0n the fl00r. Bend y0ur knees and hips s0 y0ur hips are appr0ximately knee level 0r parallel t0 the fl00r. H0ld y0ur head up and back straight. M0vement: - Exhale as y0u keep y0ur neck and back straight while y0u pull up 0n the bar. Lift the weight by extending y0ur hips and knees, m0ving int0 a standing p0siti0n. Inhale as y0u keep y0ur neck and back straight as y0u sl0wly l0wer the weight back t0 the fl00r by bending y0ur knees and hips, returning t0 the starting p0siti0n. Repeat as required.
Yes, that was very hard t0 d0. I kn0w that. But please try t0 master this m0ve as it will be y0ur guide t0 getting that butt that y0u have always dreamed up!
0h bef0re I f0rget let me tell y0u the 0ther awes0me butt exercise and then I will share with y0u inf0rmati0n ab0ut a little kn0wn DVD that I pers0nally kn0w t0 be the greatest innti0n f0r building lean sexy butt, hips and thighs. Stay tuned f0r that but first lets squat int0 the next exercise. Did I say squat int0? 00ps I gave away the name 0f the exercise already :)
This again is 0ne 0f the m0st 0verl00ked exercises in the gym, I guess because it's such an 0ld exercise pe0ple assume it must be 0utdated. Well guess what... they are wr0ng. This is at the t0p 0f my list f0r butt firming exercises.
In just 30 sec0nds I c0uld tell y0u 0ver 20 variati0ns 0f the squat. But my j0b t0day is t0 teach y0u n0t kill y0u. Theref0re I will just give y0u 2 variati0ns 0f the squat t0 try at h0me rather than 20!
Single Leg Squat
Starting P0siti0n: - Stand 0n 0ne leg with a slight bend in y0ur knees. H0ld a dumbbell in each hand and all0w them t0 hang d0wn at y0ur sides. M0vement: - Inhale, keeping y0ur heel in c0ntact with the fl00r at all times, sl0wly l0wer int0 a squat p0siti0n. Exhale as y0u sl0wly straighten y0ur leg, keeping y0ur head and chest up, returning t0 the starting p0siti0n. Repeat as required.
0ver Head Squat
Starting P0siti0n: - Grasp bar with 0verhand grip (palms f0rward) and slightly wider than hip width apart. Step under bar and h0ld the barbell in a sh0ulder press p0siti0n. Stand with feet slighter wider than hip width apart. Back sh0uld be straight in a neutral p0siti0n. L0wer b0dy by flexing at the hips and knees. Upper b0dy can flex f0rward at the hips slightly (~5°) during m0vement. Be sure t0 "sit back" s0 that knees stay 0ver the feet. 0nce thighs are parallel t0 fl00r, return t0 start p0siti0n. Remember t0 keep head and back straight in a neutral p0siti0n - hyperextensi0n 0r flexi0n may cause injury. Keep weight 0ver the middle 0f f00t and heel, n0t the t0es. D0 N0T all0w knees t0 g0 past the big t0e 0r deviate medially 0r laterally thr0ugh0ut m0vement. Keep abd0minals tight thr0ugh0ut exercise by drawing st0mach in t0ward spine.
Remember that I warned y0u first that the exercises listed ab0ve are very difficult and y0u must take extreme cauti0n when d0ing them 0therwise y0u run the risk 0f getting injured and thr0wing y0ur results 0ut the wind0w.
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