The Dick Slap
Male p0rn stars seem t0 have a c0mpulsive need t0 slap their members against things. 0ne p0ssible explanati0n f0r the p0rn act0r grabbing his shaft and banging it against a w0man’s butt, breasts 0r face is that it helps him stay hard; essentially, acting as his 0wn "fluffer" during the scene. Perhaps it c0uld als0 be a meth0d 0f degrading his partner by slapping her in the face with his p0werful man member. N0 matter the reas0ning behind it, this is a p0rn m0ve y0u sh0uld never use in real life -- at least n0t with0ut due warning and the right partner. If y0u’re having tr0uble staying hard, give y0urself a few str0kes with y0ur hand 0r, better yet, ask her t0 help y0u 0ut with her m0uth.
The Facial
In p0rn m0vies, the m0st imp0rtant scene is the 0ne that c0ntains the “m0ney sh0t.” The m0viemakers kn0w their viewers want t0 see the m0ment 0f 0rgasm, and they usually want t0 see it all 0ver the w0man’s back, butt, chest 0r face. First 0f all, y0u sh0uld never, ever ejaculate anywhere 0n y0ur partner with0ut giving her pri0r warning. Als0, the average girl d0es n0t like ejaculate 0n her face -- back, butt and breasts, fine. H0wever, getting seminal fluid in the eye is n0t a g00d feeling, and it takes f0rever t0 get it 0ut 0f her hair, s0 be c0nsiderate and make sure this is a p0rn m0ve y0u never use in real life.
The Piledriver
The Piledriver is a sexual p0siti0n named after a wrestling m0ve, which sh0uld be y0ur first clue that it a p0siti0n best left t0 p0rn stars. The Piledriver is perf0rmed by the w0man dr0pping herself headfirst 0ff the edge 0f the bed/c0uch, then supp0rting herself 0n the gr0und 0n her neck and sh0ulders, with her feet up in the air. The man then stands 0ver her and, p0inting his penis d0wn, enters her. This p0siti0n cann0t in any way, shape 0r f0rm, be rem0tely c0mf0rtable f0r the w0man and it’s pr0bably n0t the best f0r y0u either. N0t many men have penises that naturally bend that way, and 0ne wr0ng thrust c0uld result in s0me seri0us pain in a very sensitive area.
Deep Thr0at
P0rn act0rs like t0 get their entire penises as far d0wn the thr0ats 0f their c0stars as they p0ssibly can. The trend gained p0pularity with the '60s classic Deep Thr0at. In that stellar piece 0f p0rn hist0ry the main female character disc0vered that her clit0ris was at the back 0f her thr0at, making her a medical an0maly and the m0st enthusiastic fellati0 perf0rmer in the w0rld. Unf0rtunately, n0nficti0nal w0men's clit0rises are where they sh0uld be, s0 deep-thr0ating is n0t high 0n the list 0f things they l0ve t0 d0. If a deep-thr0at bl0w j0b is what y0u’re after, y0u must talk this 0ver with y0ur girl first. Sh0ving y0ur d*ck unexpectedly d0wn her thr0at will result in gagging and p0ssibly a mess t0 clean up if she has a weak gag reflex. P0rn starts 0ften gag their partners 0n purp0se, but it’s safe t0 say that d0ing that t0 m0st real w0men w0uld get y0u cut 0ff fr0m any further pleasuring.
N0-Prep Anal
In p0rn0graphy, anal sex is n0t an unusual 0ccurrence. In fact, it’s hard t0 find a vide0 these days that d0esn’t have at least 0ne anal scene. Anal stimulati0n can be quite pleasurable, but the way p0rn stars d0 it is a p0rn m0ve y0u sh0uld never use in real life. Y0u can’t just spit 0n y0ur c*ck and g0 straight in. P0rn act0rs are able t0 d0 this because p0rn actresses have disturbingly stretched-0ut anal sphincters. It’s als0 pretty likely that lube is applied 0ff-screen between sh0ts. T0 begin anal sex with a real girl, plenty 0f lubricati0n, time and care is needed 0r else y0u’ll end up with 0ne aggravated and s0re sex partner.
Ass T0 M0uth
Ass T0 M0uth is a practice wherein a male p0rn star has anal sex with his partner and then, immediately after, puts his penis in her m0uth. It sh0uld n0t be hard t0 understand why this sh0uldn’t happen in real life. Rimming is 0ne thing, but even with th0r0ugh anal d0uching, there’s still stuff up there that she d0esn’t want in her m0uth.
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