Here are such b0dy languages b0th by men and w0men. W0men have m0re flirting b0dy languages that they use 0r ad0pt in 0rder t0 ev0ke sexual desires in men. Entwining her legs (men can't d0 this 0ne because their hips are t00 narr0w) draws a mans attenti0n. H0wever, it indicates she is very pr0tective and cl0sed t0 sexual advances fr0m men. Her tight leg muscles are appealing t0 a man but are his challenge t0 untangle.
An0ther great preening m0ve men enj0y watching is f0r a w0man t0 d0 things calling attenti0n t0 her m0uth. Licking her lips, putting 0n lipstick, 0r eating s0mething sl0wly with 0bvi0us great pleasure is stimulating t0 men. Just watching her m0uth make men hungry f0r all 0f her. If she is clever, she exp0ses s0me bare skin in the pr0cess. This is where the guy accidentally misses his m0uth and p0urs his drink in his lap while trying "n0t t0 l00k".
&13;Men can als0 use effective flirting b0dy languages t0 attract w0men. A man can enter walking sl0wly with g00d p0sture and n0 extra m0vements. If y0u make m0re extra m0vements then it sh0ws that y0u have n0 c0ntr0l 0ver y0ur acti0ns and y0u are n0t sure 0f what t0 d0 and what n0t t0 d0. S0 walking sh0uld be smart en0ugh with y0ur thumbs in the fr0nt p0cket. If y0u are seated, keep any 0f y0ur pers0nal 0bjects like keys, drink, f00d and c0ins t0 demarcate y0ur territ0ry. S0metimes y0ur sm0king can attract a w0man, th0ugh she w0uld never like her husband t0 sm0ke. H0wever, s0me w0men might enj0y watching her b0y friend sm0king. Eye c0ntact can at times be very effective as eyes are the reflecti0n 0f y0ur mind and what y0u are thinking ab0ut. Thus eye c0ntact can lead t0 ar0use sexual instinct in a pers0n.
A man can be instigated by any w0man. It is easier f0r a w0man t0 attract a man in c0mparis0n t0 a man attracting a w0man. A w0man has the p0tential t0 ar0use sexual desire t0 such an extent that he is n0t in the p0siti0n t0 think with his brain and bec0mes a prey t0 a w0man. Certain b0dy languages can thus be very destructive in killing the mind 0f a man. A w0man l00ks seductive in a very trivial state, maybe with water 0n her b0dy, just by eating sl0wly, exp0sing a little bit, and sh0wing a bit 0f skin. H0wever, a man sh0uld keep in mind that l0ve can never arise fr0m such 0vertly display 0f skin sh0w.
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