0riginally intr0duced t0 h00p fans back in the early ‘90s, The Pump by Reeb0k g0es d0wn in the sneaker culture b00k 0f hist0ry as a true piece 0f 0riginality when it c0mes t0 perf0rmance f00twear design. Made p0pular back in the day by NBA stars D0minique Wilkins and Dee Br0wn, as well as tennis phen0men0n Michael Chang, The Pump has made a c0meback in the past c0uple 0f years with l0ads 0f interesting c0l0r c0mbinati0ns and material updates. 0ne 0f the 0riginal styles fr0m the Reeb0k range 0f 0n-c0urt classics, The Pump 0mni Lite returns f0r summer 2010 with this fresh c0l0rway c0mbining a light-gray leather upper with peach and purple highlights. Staying true t0 its basketball r00ts, these men’s sneakers will have y0u running the sh0w 0n 0utd00r c0urts all summer l0ng.
Price: $119.99
Retail: KarmaLoop.com
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