Actually, yes she is. Y0ur daughter already has a b0yfriend and he is l0unging 0n y0ur c0uch. He is waiting f0r her t0 finish getting dressed f0r their date and then L0rd kn0ws what will happen. He seems harmless, but l00ks can be deceiving. Remember h0w harmless y0u l00ked at that age? N0w, remember h0w big 0f an ass y0u were at that age? Y0u are naturally g0ing t0 jump int0 pr0tective-panic m0de and dream up all these terrible scenari0s ab0ut the guy and what he is g0ing t0 d0 with, and p0ssibly t0, y0ur inn0cent baby girl.
First y0u have t0 calm d0wn. Next, y0u have t0 appr0ach this situati0n in the c0rrect manner 0r it will cause all kinds 0f turm0il in y0ur relati0nship with y0ur daughter. There are m0re than a few ways t0 gather all the inf0rmati0n y0u need t0 kn0w ab0ut the guy y0ur daughter is dating with0ut h00king the kid up t0 a lie detect0r and asking him a laundry list 0f pers0nal questi0ns. Here are f0ur acceptable appr0aches t0 evaluate y0ur daughter’s date.
Ask y0ur daughter ab0ut him
It seems like such a dumb suggesti0n because it’s s0 damn simple, but many men f0rget that this is the same y0ung w0man that y0u’ve seen skin her knee and cry 0ver an epis0de 0f Gilm0re Girls. It’s y0ur daughter. She will want t0 tell y0u the truth 0r at least s0mething as cl0se t0 it as p0ssible.
Keep in mind there is a huge difference between asking questi0ns and demanding answers. D0n't grill her f0r h0urs at a time ab0ut the guy. Pick the right m0ments when the tw0 0f y0u are al0ne -- maybe a dinner at her fav0rite restaurant 0r during a l0ng car ride. Remember this isn't a c0p m0vie where y0u're playing bad c0p t0 y0ur wife's g00d c0p.
The m0st imp0rtant thing t0 remember is t0 keep 0pen c0mmunicati0n with y0ur daughter when it c0mes t0 dating. If there is m0re trust, 0penness and h0nest discussi0n in the relati0nship and she kn0ws y0u w0n't bl0w y0ur stack 0ver what she tells y0u, it will lead t0 less sneaking ar0und and risky behavi0r. She will make better 0verall decisi0ns ab0ut her relati0nships and the men she dates.
Get him al0ne and size him up
The best way t0 learn ab0ut the guy is t0 get him in a 0ne-0n-0ne situati0n, away fr0m y0ur daughter and any0ne else wh0 might cause him t0 put 0n a "t0ugh guy act.” This d0esn't mean a semi-dark garage with his testicles h00ked up t0 jumper cables. Save that tactic f0r the first time he brings y0ur little girl h0me late.
Invite him t0 d0 s0mething, just the tw0 0f y0u, and ch00se an activity that will spark c0nstant c0nversati0n. Pick s0mething that will interest him; d0n't drag him fishing 0r t0 a c0mic b00k c0nventi0n if the guy has n0 interest. Make it an 0pen invite t0 j0in y0u whenever he is b0red.
If p0ssible, let him d0 m0st 0f the talking (unless he is quieter than an 0ld lady in church). He might be willing t0 0pen up t0 y0u ab0ut his pers0nal life, and it’s a hell 0f a l0t easier and less unc0mf0rtable then saying “s0 tell me ab0ut y0ur family,” because wh0 kn0ws the answers y0u might get in resp0nse. Let him 0pen up t0 y0u first.
Ask her friends ab0ut him
Girls will always be h0nest ab0ut the men their friends are dating -- just n0t t0 their friends’ faces. They will blab t0 every0ne else ab0ut h0w they feel ab0ut the guy. This is a perfect 0pp0rtunity t0 get all the inf0 y0ur daughter might n0t be sharing in y0ur heart-t0-heart discussi0ns. Y0u just have t0 be sneaky ab0ut y0ur appr0ach. Y0u can't just rand0mly call her friends with questi0ns because that's creepy 0n several different levels.
If she’s hanging 0ut at y0ur place with her friends, y0u c0uld j0ke ar0und with them a bit and p0ssibly get them t0 0pen up ab0ut the guy. “S0 wh0 is this Jeremy guy, anyway?” "We like him, but what d0 y0u girls think 0f him?" N0w, they aren't g0ing t0 c0me right 0ut and dish the dirt ab0ut him, especially n0t right in fr0nt 0f y0ur daughter. Pay cl0se attenti0n t0 h0w they say things as well as what they say. L00k f0r imp0rtant inf0 like "all the girls l0ve him" 0r "he used t0 date blah blah" because it means this guy has been ar0und the bl0ck a c0uple times. Try and get them t0 tell st0ries ab0ut the kid. His acti0ns will speak l0uder than their p0sitive w0rds.
Find him 0n Faceb00k
There is n0thing wr0ng with d0ing a little rec0n w0rk 0n the w0nderful w0rld wide web. It's als0 c0mpletely justified. Here’s why: Y0ur daughter w0uldn't tell y0u ab0ut her l0ve life if y0u didn't ask, the b0yfriend w0uldn't tell y0u ab0ut his life if y0u didn't hang 0ut with him and her friends w0uldn't say a peep unless y0u causally br0ught up the b0yfriend's name in c0nversati0n. If y0u did all 0f the p0ints ab0ve y0u're asking f0r inf0rmati0n that might n0t n0rmally be public kn0wledge. Faceb00k is public. There is n0thing 0n his page that he d0esn't want pe0ple t0 see because he put it up there t0 begin with. He is giving the w0rld a peek int0 his life.
There are a few rules t0 this, h0wever. Y0u're n0t all0wed t0 friend request him because that just makes it l00k like y0u are stalking the kid. Y0u can't sign up f0r an acc0unt under a fake name (especially n0t a female’s name) and try t0 bait 0r trick him in any way, and y0u m0st certainly cann0t l0g 0n as y0ur daughter. If his pr0file isn't public, y0u’re crap 0ut 0f luck t00. G0 play Farmville and h0pe she makes the right decisi0n ab0ut this guy.
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