Having sex in the rain, especially during a thunder st0rm is 0ne 0f the m0st r0mantic ways t0 have sex ever. D0n’t w0rry ab0ut getting wet, because y0ur g0ing t0 get s0aked. Just enj0y the single greatest m0ment 0f y0ur life!!! Be sure t0 have a t0wel 0r s0mething t0 put 0n the gr0und,The s0unds in the backgr0und is s0 s00thing. Thr0w in s0me thunder and lightning and it is amazing. All0w the flashes 0f lightning t0 light up the entire r00m as y0u are with y0ur partner. It can be intense.its wet slippy and y0u are c0mpletly 0blivi0us t0 all that untill its all 0ver and y0u are c0verd in mud w0ndering h0w y0u are g0ing t0 explain t0 y0u wife where all the mud came fr0m 0n y0ur cl0thes
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