January J0nes has made her first real f0ray int0 tabl0id exp0sure recently, d0ing the cab ride 0f shame just a day 0r tw0 bef0re swiping three cars and leaving the scene 0f what may have been a drunk driving incident after being at a party. Then it came t0 light that the first pers0n she called when she g0t int0 the accident was celebrity chef B0bby Flay, wh0, when asked why she called him, was all, “Uh, I dunn0. I just met the br0ad” (paraphrasing). Flay is married t0 actress Stephanie March (inset), wh0 is less attractive and less successful than J0nes, as m0st w0men are.
Anyh00, let’s get 0n with the accusati0ns:
B0bby claims he and January were at a party at G0rd0n Ramsay’s B0xw00d Cafe at the L0nd0n West H0llyw00d H0tel with a gr0up 0f pe0ple, but eyewitness T0m Beckt0ld says that January and B0bby “were sitting side by side at the bar, very cl0se, drinking t0gether. I definitely didn’t take them t0 have recently met, like B0bby is claiming. They seemed t0 kn0w each 0ther very well.”
They had tw0 beers each, and a b0ttle 0f Veuve Clicqu0t champagne. They talked and flirted happily. Then she went upstairs t0 his r00m. An0ther eyewitness adds: “I d0n’t kn0w h0w l0ng they were up there, but it was definitely l0ng en0ugh t0 h00k u.
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