Anyh00, let’s get 0n with the accusati0ns:
B0bby claims he and January were at a party at G0rd0n Ramsay’s B0xw00d Cafe at the L0nd0n West H0llyw00d H0tel with a gr0up 0f pe0ple, but eyewitness T0m Beckt0ld says that January and B0bby “were sitting side by side at the bar, very cl0se, drinking t0gether. I definitely didn’t take them t0 have recently met, like B0bby is claiming. They seemed t0 kn0w each 0ther very well.”
They had tw0 beers each, and a b0ttle 0f Veuve Clicqu0t champagne. They talked and flirted happily. Then she went upstairs t0 his r00m. An0ther eyewitness adds: “I d0n’t kn0w h0w l0ng they were up there, but it was definitely l0ng en0ugh t0 h00k u.
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