Give her advance n0tice 0n b00ty calls
Y0u sh0uldn’t assume she’s available 24 h0urs a day whenever y0u want t0 get laid. Calling her at 2 a.m. as y0u stumble 0ut 0f the bar is n0t the best idea. F*ck friend etiquette will tell y0u that she’s n0t a last res0rt at last call. Even the m0st sexually charged 0f w0men will pr0bably tell y0u t0 take a hike if y0u’ve w0ken her 0ut 0f a deep sleep. Give the girl a little advance n0tice. Perhaps y0u c0uld give her a call bef0re y0u head 0ut f0r the night t0 see if she’s willing and able later 0n. Plus, if y0u’re messy drunk at every b00ty call, she may s00n st0p answering y0ur calls. Plan ahead and sh0w up at her d00r at a reas0nable h0ur bef0re y0u get a case 0f whisky dick.
It might seem like scheduling a sexual rendezv0us will take the thrill 0ut 0f the wh0le thing, but y0u can make the anticipati0n w0rk f0r y0u. If y0u f0ll0w f*ck friend etiquette and arrange a tryst f0r later in the night, y0u can amuse y0urself all evening with fantasies 0f what it will be like 0nce y0u finally get t0gether.
Build up t0 and wind d0wn fr0m b00ty calls
Alth0ugh it has been established that the arrangement between y0u and y0ur friend with benefits is purely sexual and n0t r0mantic 0r even all that friendly, y0u sh0uld still give the girl a little c0nsiderati0n. Believe it 0r n0t, there is still a thing called f*ck friend etiquette. As such, y0u d0n’t have t0 immediately pull her int0 the bedr00m every time y0u get t0gether. 0ffer her a glass 0f wine and let her get c0mfy first. Als0, engage in a little chitchat t0 help make the situati0n a little less tense.
Afterward, let her take her time putting herself back t0gether; she may want t0 sh0wer 0r fix her hair and makeup. 0ur f*ck friend etiquette guide states that y0u sh0uldn’t pressure her t0 get 0ut if y0u’re at y0ur place, and that y0u d0n’t run f0r c0ver as s00n as the c0nd0m c0mes 0ff if y0u’re at hers.
C0me prepared
The m0dern man kn0ws he sh0uld always c0me prepared with the pr0per pr0tecti0n whenever there’s a p0ssibility 0f getting busy. Make sure y0u kn0w bef0rehand if she’s 0n the pill and if y0u’re expected t0 bring the c0nd0ms. She may be a regular sex partner, but y0u’re n0t in a m0n0gam0us relati0nship, s0 pr0tecti0n is param0unt.
Als0, f0r a truly pleasurable experience f0r b0th parties, cleanliness is essential. Washing up, especially in the areas y0u want her t0 pay the m0st attenti0n t0, is an imp0rtant step bef0re y0ur b00ty call.
D0n't pull p0rn m0ves 0n her
Y0u may feel tempted t0 try 0ut s0me 0f the m0re extreme p0rn m0ves y0u see in skin flicks since she’s n0t y0ur girlfriend and y0u have n0thing but a sexual c0nnecti0n with her. H0wever, just because she’s y0ur f*ck friend d0esn’t mean that she enj0ys facials 0r ass t0 m0uth. Get the 0K fr0m her bef0re y0u try any p0rn m0ves 0n her that might gr0ss her 0ut 0r 0ffend her. She may be m0re 0pen t0 these acts than the average girl, but y0u sh0uldn’t spring these things 0n her with0ut getting an idea 0f what she thinks ab0ut them.
Be discreet
If y0u happen t0 run int0 her 0n the street, be a gentleman and d0n’t make y0ur c0nnecti0n t0 her 0bvi0us t0 every0ne ar0und y0u. Keep y0ur hands t0 y0urself in fr0nt 0f her friends and y0urs. This means n0 grabbing her ass in public and keeping the kisses t0 the 0n-the-cheek variety. D0n’t embarrass the girl with innuend0 0r blatant sex talk. If she wants y0ur enc0unters t0 be y0ur little secret, keep it t0 y0urself 0r y0u’ll find that y0u have n0 0ne t0 call next time y0u need a release.
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