S0 why n0t make the m0st 0f that healthy lust? We checked in with t0p experts t0 get the best b00ty tricks y0u may n0t have tried yet. W0rk y0ur way d0wn the list in successi0n 0r mix and match m0ves cust0m-made f0r his package. Either way, let the games begin.
1. Have a naughty-m0vie marath0n. Rent a bunch 0f flicks with fam0usly steamy sex scenes. H0w c0uld y0u n0t get inspired?
2. Intensify his 0rgasm by placing tw0 fingers an inch behind his balls and feeling f0r a dent (the perineum, a big pleasure trigger). F0r the last 30 sec0nds bef0re he c0mes, massage the sp0t in a circular m0ti0n.
3. Tie tw0 0r three kn0ts in a nyl0n st0cking, and gently wrap it (d0n’t tie it) ar0und the base 0f his penis s0 it’s snug but still has s0me give. The c0mpressi0n makes him even m0re sensitive, and the kn0ts stimulate y0ur clit0ris as y0u m0ve in girl-0n-t0p.
4. Put a small mirr0r 0ut t0 the side, parallel t0 his b0dy, while y0u’re g0ing d0wn 0n him — he’ll have an eye-p0pping view.
5. T0 make his 0rgasm expl0sive, gently squeeze the base 0f his penis f0r five sec0nds bef0re he c0mes, then release.
6. Cl0se y0ur eyes and masturbate in fr0nt 0f him. It’s a turn-0n because he’ll feel like the 0nly viewer 0f a private p0rn sh0w.
7. Text y0ur man racy 0ne-w0rd messages that, when strung t0gether, hint at what y0u want him t0 d0 t0 y0u that night.
8. Make a playlist 0f sultry s0ngs, and set it t0 shuffle during sex. Change up y0ur pace and m00d t0 match each new tune.
9. Buy a small, bullet-shaped vibrat0r that has a rem0te 0perati0n. H0ld it 0ver y0ur clit0ris, and hand him the c0ntr0ls.
10. While y0ur man is hard, use 0ne hand t0 push his penis up t0ward his st0mach. Lick the underside 0f his shaft by keeping y0ur t0ngue flat and m0ving y0ur head fr0m side t0 side t0 c0ver m0re surface area.
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