I have n0 idea h0w 0ne bec0mes a "P0RN STAR",but I can share with y0u a fun game 0n h0w t0 determine what y0ur "P0RN STAR" name w0uld be in case y0u ever decide y0u want t0 bec0me a "P0RN STAR" s0me day. (haha)
This is all that y0u have t0 d0 t0 figure 0ut what y0ur "P0RN STAR" name w0uld be.First y0u give the name 0f y0ur fav0rite pet when y0u were gr0wing up and then the name 0f the street that y0u grew up 0n and TAH DAH! y0u have y0ur "P0RN STAR" name. F0r example, mine w0uld be T0masena Fisher.The names alm0st always fit.What can I say, I am amused easily.H0pe y0u find this amusing als0.
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