Ph0t0graphing W0men eager t0 emphasize that the p0rtrait 0f a beautiful female can 0nly be d0ne with 0nly 0ne s0urce 0f light. He als0 wants t0 use a black reflect0r t0 help sculpt his subjects. It’s perfect the way I w0rked f0r m0st 0f my ph0t0s.
Creating the right type 0f lighting is the key t0 slim the appearance 0f his face, which is achieved with what is kn0wn as “sh0rt lighting“. sh0rt-distance lighting is created with the matter effectively between the camera and the s0urce 0f light. The height and angle the light hits y0ur face c0mpletes the illuminati0n pattern. With the side 0f the face t0 the camera being in the shade reduces the width 0f the fr0nt face, as can be seen in the image bel0w.
Rem0ving light is 0btained thr0ugh reflect0rs and black with the light s0urce as cl0se as y0u can. Black reflect0rs abs0rb m0st 0f the light that hits them and deepen the shad0ws t0 be reflected in y0ur skin the emphasis in these areas. This w0rks because viewers eyes are naturally drawn t0 the brightest parts 0f y0ur image. It als0 creates a 3-D w0rld in 2-D envir0nment.
T0 help determine the pattern 0f illuminati0n and p0se final, Bj0rn tip is f0r the ph0t0grapher t0 squint y0ur eyes t0 exaggerate the c0ntrast. This will help identify pr0blems such as shad0ws under the eyes. S0, if y0u l00k sideways t0 see y0u – d0 n0t w0rry, it’s all part 0f the pr0cess t0 ensure that a surprise!
Y0ur Eyes
While 0n the subject 0f h0w t0 create beautiful p0rtraits. Did y0u kn0w that the p0siti0ning 0f y0ur eyes is very imp0rtant?
Y0u may n0t have n0ticed bef0re. But when the subject’s face is placed 0n l00king away fr0m the camera, a g00d p0rtrait has its eyes in the same directi0n and n0t l00king back t0wards the camera 0r even m0re.
Think ab0ut it.
If y0ur eyes are l00king at 0ne side it creates a large white area 0n the face. As the viewers eyes are drawn t0 lighter areas 0f images, they will be attracted t0 the whites 0f his eyes. That d0es n0t seem elegant and leaves the viewer fr0m expl0iting the res0urces 0f y0ur beautiful face.
With eyes centrally placed the viewer is drawn in y0ur iris and y0u can literally see their inner beauty. The intricate patterns in y0ur iris is stimulating t0 the viewer, which will cause the rem0val 0f the surr0unding areas, but keep returning t0 y0ur eyes.
The next key is t0 put the diaphragm at 0r ab0ve the l0wer eyelid. F0rce him t0 0pen his eyes wide t0 help make their big eyes. And as y0u kn0w larger eyes makes it l00k better
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